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April 28, 2006

BREAKING NEWS: Rush Limbaugh arrested on prescription fraud charges

It appears the fat bastard made a deal. Not a lot to report yet, but this press release from his lawyer is intriguing: ...a single count charge of doctor shopping filed today by the State Attorney will be dismissed...

National Anthem in Spanish - So What?

This whole National Anthem thing puzzles me. I haven't heard the Spanish language interpretation of our National Anthem called "Nuestro Himno" (Our Anthem) that has some people pulling their hair out, but I have to wonder why anyone cares? Isn't...

GOP Jams Econo

The company that was implicated in the GOP phone jamming scheme of 2002 turns out to have been funded by Mississippi Governor Hailey Barbour. The Republican Governor arranged for a quarter-million dollar loan to the company, GOP Marketplace, in 2000...

Bait and Switch

Lately, Bill Maher has been saying that he doesn't think America has it in her to do big things. He points to Brazil's announcement of complete energy independence this year and bemoans our inability to do the same. Sure,...

A Turd Blossoms in the Spring

Here we go again. As Karl Rove left his three-and-a-half-hour grilling by the Grand Jury, the rumor mill cranked into high gear. Given that this is Rove's fifth appearance in front of the jurors, that his status in official court...

April 27, 2006

Andrew Sullivan on Abortion

God damn, Andrew Sullivan is cool. In this perfectly concise and thoughtful snippet on abortion, Sullivan captures what so many pro-choicers believe, himself included. And he frames it in what used to be a "conservative" argument: ...the word 'conservative'...

When Beauty is a Beast

All Things Beautiful proves again why isolationists continually are painted as xenophobic nutters with this bizarre diatribe about the immigration debate: Well let me tell you what I would say to the illegals in this country, if it were up...

April 26, 2006

Tony Snow is Like a Rolling Stone

Maybe this belongs on our parent site Glorious Noise, but it turns out Tony Snow has a band! Dig this: What do you get when you combine four lawyers, a realtor, a business executive, and a radio and TV...

Snow Day

Well, the President has named Fox commentator Tony Snow as the new Press Secretary and already the knives are out. Salon has a War Room post dogging Bush and Snow for announcing the appointment in the press room and then...

April 25, 2006

No Sympathy for the Devil

There's a lot of hot talk these days regarding the cost of gas. Politicians are getting all worked up and demanding investigations. Even the "Free Market" GOP is making a show and vowing to investigate price gouging. The oil...

Bush Poll Numbers: Dropping Like Federline's Trousers

I think the President should stop by a check cashing store to see about a payday loan for some political capitol since his is all used up. The polls just keep sinking and sinking for W. When Fox News...

April 24, 2006

How Soon We Forget

The Brothers Judd get all self-righteous and claim that if a Democratic president were sitting today and contemplating a preventative strike on Iran (not that those pussies—like FDR, Truman, JFK or LBJ—would ever defend America), they'd have the full and...

The Inconvenient Messiah

There's a really interesting article in the London Spectator that wonders what Christianity would be without Christ? If Jesus Christ had not existed, it would almost certainly not have been necessary for the Church to invent someone like him. What...

BREAKING NEWS: Illinois Assembly Calls for Impeachment

Thanks to a tip from GLONO contributor Sarah Horne, we just got word that the Illinois General Assembly has just introduced a Joint Resolution calling on the United States House of Representatives to initiate impeachment proceedings against the President. According...

Stop Making Sense

We give the President a lot of grief here at POLJUNK. It's our job, and he makes it so easy. But we have to give credit where credit is due and though we may not agree with ALL of the...

Cynthia McKinney is a Fool

It's simple, really. The Republicans have done such a poor job of governing the country that the Dems should be able to clean up without even trying. They just need to keep their noses clean and hammer away at...

Edwards Demands Investigation of the President

Former Democratic VP candidate John Edwards has a petition online demanding that, "Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald be empowered to investigate the President's role in manipulating intelligence on Iraq." This would require the US Attorney Genral to make that appointment. Fat chance,...

April 21, 2006

Analyze This

Ex-Counsel to President Nixon and lifelong enemy of G. Gordon Liddy, John Dean predicts a dark future in Bush's hands. Referring to a Presidential Character Analysis that paints Bush as an "active/negative" president in line with Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Hoover,...

The Right Brothers Take On the Mexicans

There are two new songs available by the Right Brothers, the same geniuses who brought you "Bush Was Right." (Remember that?) The new songs are "The Illegals" (mp3, lyrics) and "What Happened to the Pot" (mp3, lyrics). Well, if I...

Senior CIA Official Says White House Cherry Picked

This Sunday's 60 Minutes will feature an interview with a former CIA official who says directly that the White House cherry picked intelligence and ignored that which did not support their policy to invade Iraq. In a CBS News report,...

Are We in Crisis Mode Yet?

What's a country to do when even its oil industry insider White House can't get Joe Public a break at the gas pump? Maybe we just haven't hit the breaking point yet? What would Jed Clampett do?...

April 20, 2006

Exxon Exec Defends Payout

This guy got $150 million to go away. How much can we raise to send Bush into early retirement? I wonder if we can get a donation from Moneybags here since he can thank BushCo. for his windfall? Former Exxon...

April 19, 2006

Rove's New Role Questioned

John Podesta asks some very good questions over on Think Progress. Now that Karl Rove has given up his policy position (though retaining his title as Deputy Chief of Staff), will he lose his security clearance? "To this day, Rove...

WTF, indeed

Get your own....

Donkey Punch

Now, why can't Democratic candidates be this straight forward and blunt when they're actually RUNNING for office? Al Gore gets all bad ass in an email blast saying that in his long political career he has, "never witnessed national...

Worst President in History?

This month's Rolling Stone features a cover story asking if George W. Bush is the worst president in history. The rock and roll voting bloc didn't have much pull in the '04 presidential election so I don't know how...

Why Do Today What You can Put Off 'Til Tomorrow?

MSNBC's Howard Fineman puts an uncharacteristic harsh on the President's buzz with this scathing article on the recent White House personnel shifts. In what is a parade of zingers, he calls McClellan a "human piñata"; puts the blame of a...

Requiem For Scotty Mac

The White House "shake up" continues with news that Press Secretary Scott McClellan has resigned, but McClellan's fate was sealed three years ago when he categorically denied any White House involvement in the Plame leak. The result was a...

April 18, 2006

Bush & Rummy - A Lame Defense Gets Help

Isn't it a bit sad when the most powerful man in the world gets defensive? Like he still has something to prove? Showing that he's not much more than the underachieving frat guy he's always been, President Bush today made...

A History of US/Iranian Relations Since 9/11

From Fanatical Apathy: IRAN: What was that!? On the left side? U.S.: Nothing. IRAN: It wasn't nothing. You... you invaded Iraq, didn't you? U.S.: Maybe. IRAN: Not maybe. There you are, right over the fence. U.S.: Well, we thought they...

April 17, 2006

Spam-a-lot - Abramoff Emails Detail Shady Dealings

Federal prosecutors released a gang of emails form disgraced Republican lobbyist Action Jack Abramoff and it appears he's as annoying with email requests as the son of the former Nigerian National Bank president who keeps asking if I can launder...

Corruption All Stars - Illinois Governor Guilty

The Culture of Corruption just added a a new All Star. Former Illinois Governor George Ryan was convicted today on all 22 counts of racketeering and fraud. The 72 year old Republican faces up to 20 years in prison...

April 16, 2006

Bush: Great President or Greatest Ever? McCain Actually Answers

I've written about McCain's ventures into right-wing nutter territory; a trip he makes at his own peril. Sure, there are sacrifices and compromises to make in the primary season (or the pre-pre primary season as we're in now), but I...

Stand By Your Man - Bush Supports Rumsfeld

Despite the constant chanting that he gives his generals whatever they need to succeed in Iraq, President Bush refuses to give them what they need most: leadership. But is a Bush endorsement a golden ticket to job security or a...

April 14, 2006

Dude Looks Like A Lady

For someone who accused elderly voters in Florida of being "too stupid" to vote for the right person in the 2000 Presidential Election, Ann Coulter sure has a lot of trouble registering to vote. Not only has she registered...

UPDATE Rummy Must Go – A Roll Call

The list of those calling for Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld grows. We offer to help him keep track.

How Not to Discuss Something You Nothing About

Jack Lewis sure knows how a thing or two about religion, no? Taking a page from the Karl Rove Straw Man playbook, he paints Islam with that same old boring stroke and implies, "blowing up innocent women and children and...

Why Does God Hate Corn?

In the aftermath of last year's hurricane devestation on the eastern seaboard, there was some talk of the storms being God's retribution for the rampant debauchery that lends New Orleans its fame. Of course, there was no explanation for...

April 13, 2006

Going for Broke

It's easy to think Dems have a clear shot at both houses of congress next fall, what with Bush at all time low poll numbers (and sinking), Action Jack Abramoff, an "improving" economy nobody but the top tier feels, and...

Driving the Straight Talk Express Into the Bullshit Brickwall

Poor John McCain. In this world of razor thin margins and polarizing politics, how can he maintain his maverick status, which endears him to independents and conservative Democrats alike, while playing to the lunatic fringe who make or break...

Seymour Hersh talks to Fresh Air

Seymour Hersh talks to Fresh Air about the latest developments between Iran and the United States. You can read his whole article here: The Iran Plans: Would President Bush go to war to stop Tehran from getting the bomb? Do...

Fooled Again – Conservatives in America

In another interesting Slate article, Bruce Reed takes a look at "Who Lost Conservatism." The verdict? A President and Congress who veered too far from the principles of the ideology. "Republicans around the country have good reason to feel betrayed....

Looking for Tankman

The always excellent PBS series Frontline has a feature in which they try to find the anonymous hero of Tianamen Square and how American companies like Google, Yahoo, and Cysco Systems are not only helping to erase him from...

April 12, 2006

Sixteen Words You Can't Take Back, or Maybe You Can, But You Shouldn't

I love Chris Hitchens. He's snide and snotty as all get out. He openly derides and mocks others when he appears on TV shows. And he's British, which makes it easier for him to get away with such behavior. He's...

Death By Any Other Name is Not So Bad

Ugh, I hate it when war supporters try to parse out casualty reports and paint them in a brighter color. There's nothing more embarrassing than intellectual chicken hawks try to minimize the violence in Iraq. Get a load of this...

Barack Obama on Global Warming and Oil Dependence

You can watch a video of Illinois Senator Barack Obama's recent speech on Energy Independence and the Safety of Our Planet. You can also read the whole speech transcript. Here's the gist: The issue of climate change is one that...

Immigration - Giving the GOP a Wedgie

Have you wondered why thousands of brown people are marching in your town? Kinda think it has something to do with illegal aliens, but not sure what? Fear not, POLJUNK gives you the 15-second Elevator Speech breakdown of the...

April 11, 2006

Trailer Trash

President Bush has been caught in another lie, or "selective disclosure," if you will. Remember when those trailers were found in Iraq and Bush, desperate for evidence supporting his main rationale for war, declared that "the weapons of mass...

Flirting With Disaster

I don't know about you, but my fantasies usually involve Scarlett Johansen, a bottle of Chivas, and 13 pounds of dark, delicious pudding. Rummy? He's a little kinkier. This old boy seems to get his rocks off with dreams of...

Dirty (tricks) Phone Calls

Salon's War Room has a bit on the 2002 New Hampshire phone jamming case, which has suddenly taken a turn toward RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman. Seems Mehlman received 75 calls between Sept. 30 and Nov. 22 from convicted jammer and...

The Best Way to Court the Hispanic Vote - Derision

Blogs For Bush dismisses recent immigration rallies as an excuse for "illegals and others making off from school to jump and shout and be rude...and, incidentally, get a day off from school." So, did they get a day off from...

These People Are All the Same

Wizbang tries to combat the Dems' use of generalizations in regards to recruiting the immigrant vote with...generalizations. "The Democrats classify people based upon race and then work to corner the racial voting collectives...Immigrants who come from south of the border...

Faith vs. Doubt, Fear vs. Love

Revenger's Tragedy? Andrew Sullivan reprints a letter from a reader comparing the Bush administration to a Shakespearean tragedy. Sullivan disagrees "with much of it. But I disagree with it less than I did a year ago." But there is one...

Bush acknowledges declassifying intelligence

So Bush publicly fesses up to what? Doing what he says he has the authority to do? It's not whether Bush CAN declassify information on a whim, it's whether he should do it selectively in a way that only bolsters...

Boobs: Gubernatorial candidate has them

Libertarian Loretta Nall's breasts are causing quite an uproar in Alabama. Creepy old journos are freaking out! In 55 years of political writing, that was a first for me—a picture in my column of a woman displaying cleavage. I can...

April 10, 2006

I Got No Expectations

Is the sweat beading up on John Fund's head that of worry or the look of a stooge trying to hide his intentions? His recent post on OpinionJournal sounds the alarm that the Democrats Are Coming with predictions of a...

Birth of a Junky

Addiction is dirty business. Politics is dirtier. Today we launch Politics Junky, The National Affairs Desk of Glorious Noise and pay respects to those who got us hooked. May God be with us....

April 9, 2006

Leaker in Chief

Newsweek has an interesting story this week that focuses on the President's role in the Plame leak case. While there's nothing all that revelatory, there is one interesting tidbit that may help to unravel the White House's lame attempt to...

April 8, 2006

Stop Congress from XXXing with Free Speech!

Senators Mark Pryor (D-AR) and Max Baucus (D-MT) have introduced a bill that would force all sites with material deemed "harmful to minors" to move to an ".xxx" domain or face civil penalties. The Cyber Safety for Kids Act will...

Bush Bullies Helen Thomas

This is a couple weeks old but it's still incredible....

April 7, 2006

Bush and GOP Competing for Limbo Championship

It might seem like Groundhog Day when every week we see headlines proclaiming Bush's poll numbers "lowest ever," but one has to ask how low can he really go? MSNBC's latest polls break it down....

How Many Coronas (N.A.) Will This Buy?

Gotta love this: Conservatives have been circulating this gem and I gotta say I love it. I'm going to start printing these babies out and head on down to Cancun for some Girls Gone Wild action!...

YAY! Cheney's not indicted--yet.

Giddy because Cheney hasn't been entirely ratted out yet, the publisher of JustOneMinute must have been easily amused as a child....

Bush Defense #1 - The President Can't "Leak"

Aaaaaaand they're off!!!! Following closely those Republican talking points, GOP cyborg Carol Platt Liebau takes the lead in the old "The President Can't Leak" race. Those eyes!!!!...

Another spying program???

Here we go again. From Salon's War Room: From Gonzales, hints of another spying program Rep. Adam Schiff, a California Democrat, asked Attorney General Alberto Gonzales a simple question during a House hearing yesterday. Can the president wiretap purely domestic...

The Definition of the Word "Is"

Well, we knew it was coming. Despite promises on the campaign trail in 1999 to not only do what is legal, but what is right (an obvious crack on Clinton's penchant for legal parsing of words), BushCo. is resorting to...
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