IN an attempt to defend the Vice President's famous "Last Throes" statement made one year ago, Tony "The Snowman" Snow just made did the impossible: he made the violence in Iraq seem worse. Asked about Cheney's remark that the insurgency...
Critics Blast Al Gore's Documentary As 'Realistic' NEW YORK - The Al Gore-produced global-warming documentary An Inconvenient Truth is being panned by critics nationwide who claim the 90-plus minute environmental film is "too disturbingly realistic and well-researched to enjoy." "I...
In what is increasingly looking like a fight for ground we then quickly give up, the Pentagon is redeploying 1500 troops from Kuwait back into Mosul to "beef up" security efforts. Some of you might recall that President Bush said...
While looking at the local paper on Memorial Day, reading a page with photos and brief—all-too-brief—bios of people I never knew and will never know, something struck me. Those bios are otherwise known as "obituaries." The listing was of those...
Scottish politician George Galloway isn't new to controversy. He visited Saddam Hussein twice while sanctions were in place, he called the Labour government "Tony Blair's lie machine," did a stint on Britain's Celebrity Big Brother, and was accused of...
Senior defense official says evidence in criminal probe of deaths of about two dozen Iraqi civilians points toward conclusion that U.S. Marines committed unprovoked murders, The Associated Press reports. This is awful and sad news. When soldiers are kept in...
I am now starting to believe the British are smarter, by nature, than Americans. All my favorite people right now are from Britain: Eddie Izzard, Christopher Hitchens, Andrew Sullivan, and Ricky Gervais. This week's Friday Video is a lesson in...
In an commencement address at Hamilton College, Bill Moyer said: I have been thinking seriously about what I might say to you in this Baccalaureate service. Frankly, I'm not sure anyone from my generation should be saying anything to your...
Isn't it funny that congress is only now getting up in arms over the President's power reaches? Only now do they care about the separation of powers and the checks and balances installed to ensure that separation. It wasn't the...
Florida Governor, and little brother to the President, is being courted by the NFL to take over as Commissioner. I want to lend by undying support to this effort. I think Jeb Bush would make a fine Commissioner to...
In a Lou Dobbs Tonight story about "the territory some militant Latino activists refer to as Aztlan," CNN reporter Casey Wian produced a map that details the territory in question. The map, as it turns out, was provided by...
The man who told Dan Quayle, "I knew Jack Kennedy, and you're no Jack Kennedy," has died at the age of 85. Former US Senator and Treasury Secretary, Bentsen was the Democratic candidate for Vice President in 1988 when famously...
Dodd Weighs Support for White House Run. HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) - Sen. Christopher Dodd said Monday that he is gearing up for a possible run for president, announcing plans to travel the country, raise money and hire staff in an...
It should come as now surprise to anyone with half a brain that some Democrats would be caught up in the "culture of corruption" that has washed over DC since the launch of the K Street Project, but this takes...
Remember those Red State/Blue State maps that showed a mass of red throughout the middle of the country like some awful gut wound? From the looks of things, the whole of the United States between New York and California...
Condi Rice loves acid rock. Cream, anyway. That's kind of awesome, you've got to admit. Rice chose her "Ten Best Musical works" for an edition of The Independent, guest-edited by Bono. Half the revenue from the edition will be donated...
Watch out, everybody. You think the Puritans will stop once they reverse Roe v. Wade and outlaw abortion? Nope. The Anti-Fun Police are once again setting their sites on your bedroom. Yeah, sure we all know that the Pro-Lifers think...
There's been some debate about the legality of the NSA's record tracking program. Instead of relying on the opinion of hapless bloggers, why not review the law yourself? POLJUNK has the text of section 222 of the Federal Communications Act...
Orrin Hatch's recent comments that two FISA judges were informed of the President's data collection program seems to be enough cover for some conservatives. Our friends at Confederate Yankee seem to think so anyway. As far as they're concerned,...
Maybe I'm a little worried about those reports that indicate that U.S. school kids don't have the greatest grasp of geography. Which means, of course, that their parents are even more challenged when it comes to where places are on...
Now that Tom DeLay has said he'll leave office in June, it's nice to see he has some hobbies to keep him busy. How does he find time for golf?...
With the recent nomination of the Air Force General in charge of the NSA's domestic spying program and today's revelation that the NSA has been building a database of EVERY SINGLE CALL made in the US since 9/11, is...
Isn't it one of those oxymorons like "jumbo shrimp"? "Military intelligence." While it isn't the sort of thing that leads one to guffaw*, President Bush's selection of Air Force General Michael V. Hayden to lead the Central Intelligence Agency is...
Today's the day the Secret Service is supposed to hand over the White House visitor logs showing how many times (and with whom) Action Jack Abramoff met with staff. No word as of 2:27 pm, but we'll be watching. UPDATE:...
So, while the do-nothing Republican congress is all bollocked up and seemingly dead in the water, the US Senate somehow found the time to pass a resolution, by unanimous consent, stating that , "statements or songs that symbolize the unity...
I'm a fan of Clinton Secretary of State Madeleine Albright mainly because I think she strikes the right balance between realism and idealism that is so crucial to foreign policy. In this Washington Post essay, Albright hopes to find...
Doing what he does best, Karl Rove is appealing to conservatives through fear to motivate them for the November mid-terms. Not fear of fighting the terrorists over there instead of here, or the idea that precious tax cuts will vanish...
Tell Your Senators to Kick Out the Flags! Senator Stevens has introduced a bill that includes not just the broadcast flag, but the audio flag too. Write to your senators now, and tell them to keep the entertainment industry's tech...
A recent Zogby Interactive poll (April 28-May 1) shows what most people—at least those who aren't gobbling down OxyContin by the hands-full—know, which is that American voters aren't thrilled with what is occurring in the White House. That is, while...
Jesus, these Kennedy's and moving vehicles...It's enough to make you crazy. Now, regardless of whether you're on the same side politically, there's no arguing their importance to American history. But their's is also a story crammed with misfortune, often behind...
The girl who just can't take a hint keeps taking hits. Former top staffers for U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris say she made them reverse a decision not to submit a contractor's $10 million appropriation request last year. The contractor?...
Mr. Cohen, I have a couple of questions for you in regards to your Washington Post article of May 4, 2006 ("So Not Funny"). 1. You claim that Colbert's "deck chairs on the Hindenburg" statement is a "mixed metaphor." How...
I'm not that old, but I remember way back when the Democrats were in control of Congress. For 40 years, exiled fiscal conservatives hemmed and hawed at out of control spending and the "tax and spend" liberals in Washington who...
Now that he's firmly entrenched for the last 1,000 days of his administration and not in need of any more Latino votes, the White House is giving a hearty "Chingate!" to the voting bloc it used to so keenly court....
According to the trustees "responsible" for the U.S. Social Security and Medicare trust funds have reported that in not all that long a time, both will be, well, broke. They don't talk in terms like that, of course. Rather it's...
The Traditional Value Coalition ("Empowering People of Faith through Knowledge") is gravely warning its members to watch out for a new queer propaganda campaign aimed at turning your children into limp-wristed, cocksucking window-dressers. Maybe the "people of faith" at the...
Ohio has become the focus of national politics of late. With election irregularities and bizarre corruption charges involving rare coins, the Buckeye state continues to fascinate and entertain pol watchers across the country. Last night saw some primary races...
The Onion: "I came to this country seeking the job I sought when I first left this country," said Anuncio Reyes, 22, an undocumented worker who recrossed the U.S. border into Mexico last month, three years after leaving Mexico for...
President Bush has long said that he doesn't pay attention to polls, which, in some ways, is laudable, inasmuch as governance should be something slightly more sophisticated than the voting for "Dancing with the Stars." Yet it seems like Bush...
Think Progress is hosting video of Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist falling back on the GOP's boogeyman Bill Clinton as the cause for today's high gas prices. The Republican's pathological hatred of Bill Clinton is endlessly entertaining to me, but...
After months of stonewalling, the Secret Service has agreed to turn over visitor files that will show how many times mega lobbyist Action Jack Abramoff visited the White House and with whom he met. Back in January, Scotty Mac said...
It was a busy week in Iraq. Let's check in on the latest haps and the who's who of Operation Iraqi Freedom....
Mr. Gibson, I just read your piece on Neil Young's new album ("Neil Young and Pink Blame Wrong Leaders",, April 28, 2006). Does Mr. Young's new album say anything about the war on Afghanistan? Your references to Flight 93...
Further solidifying his position as America's premier satirist, Stephen Colbert delivered a pointed and hilarious lampoon of both the Bush administration and the Washington Press Corps. in his White House Correspondents' Association dinner speech this weekend. Salon is hosting a...