From Real Time with Bill Maher, we have a video promoting the VP's new album, Get Quail or Die Trying. Do not step to this mutha fucka or you'll get a boot in the ass!...
After getting cock blocked by the Supreme Court on military tribunals for those held at GITMO, the President tries a unique approach to laws he doesn't agree with: he's going to ask Congress to change them. Sure, anyone who...
Shame on all of the Democrats who voted for the amendment to the Constitution of the United States authorizing Congress to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States: Baucus (D-MT) Bayh (D-IN) Dayton (D-MN) Feinstein (D-CA)...
Shit is heating up fast in Gaza right now. Israeli troops and tanks are massed along the Gaza border in anticipation of air and land strikes inside the Strip if a kidnapped Israeli guard is not immediately returned. The guard,...
Rush Limbaugh has been busted for illegal possession of drugs again. This time, the 55 year old Oxycotin addict was nabbed with boner pills prescribed to someone else. Limbaugh was detained at a Florida airport where officials found a bottle...
Republican Congressman Lynn Westmoreland sponsored a bill allowing the display of the Ten Commandments in public buildings. Obviously, he feels very, VERY strongly about this. But can he actually name all ten? Not so much... More......
Apparently, President Bush has recently had what is considered by some people to be "the best week" of his second term. Wow! That's really saying something. What's more, according to a recent Zogby International poll, the president's approval numbers "have...
In an increasingly polarized nation, civility is often the first casuality of politics. Last week's bogus Iraq war debate had one Republican reach a new low and by extension, condemn the majority of Americans as enemy sympathizers....
In an odd CNN poll that asks Americans how they'd vote (or not vote) in 2008, Hillary Clinton gets the predictable cold shoulder from nearly half of respondents. According to, "Respondents were asked whether they would 'definitely vote...
New to POLJUNK, Jude Lemrow chimes in on a new movement of Conservatives who are represented by the vitriolic hyperbole of Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity and other blowhards. But are there more of them than us?...
Our friends at Blogs for Bush seem ready to hoist that old Mission Accomplished banner again. While the last week or so has certainly brought some good news for Team Bush, I don't know that anyone who pays attention is...
When Tom DeLay was indicted a while back, the Republicans took their reputations and the rules of the House seriously and forced him out of his position as Majority Leader. It was a shining moment of ethical virtue and showed...
A vision of grace and poise......
Democrats have now gone on record saying they'll indeed exercise more oversight if they win control of Congress this fall. Depending on who you are, you can read that two ways: Checks and Balances will finally be restored to our...
So, a day later and the only confirmation that Karl Rove has been told he's not a target of Fitzgerald's investigation is word from his lawyer of a letter he received from the prosecutor—A letter he won't produce for the...
Before the war, we had some assurances this would be a quick victory with rose pedal parades and dancing Iraqis as a finale. There was General Richard Myers who said this would be a, "a short, short conflict" against an...
Not to become a complete shill for the Countdown with Keith Olbermann, but when he has excellent commentaries two weeks in a row putting the screws to a couple of our favorite douchebags, what can we do? This time, Olbermann...
Because Democrats can't crowd the field enough this year, we have yet another possible candidate for the 2008 Presidential nomination. He's a guy you know and love from the heady days of 2004, let's give a warm welcome to...
The death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is certainly reason for celebration for those who were disgusted and horrified by his relentless bloodlust. This is the man who masterminded some of the most atrocious bombing attacks in Iraq of the...
A painting of Rummy by Iraqi artist Muayad Muhsin is expected to be the main attraction in an exhibition opening in Baghdad on Monday. The painting, which shows Rummy kicked back in a lounger with his army boots on...
Everyone's talking about the 50th district race out in California. It might sound like a bombastic musical number, but the Busby-Bilbray race was the most watched in this mid-term primary season. Anticipation was high for the mostly unknown Democratic candidate...
Urgent: 24 Hours to Save Internet Fair Use The entertainment industry has sneaked language into an obscure copyright bill that could smash Internet fair use. The law implies that licenses from copyright holders are needed for every digital copy made...
Stephen Colbert gave the commencement address at Knox College on Saturday. He wasn't totally "in character" for this speech, but it's still pretty great: First of all, I'm facing a little bit of a conundrum here. My name is Stephen...
Facing an angry base who KNOWS they've been sold out on everything Conservatism used to stand for—fiscal responsibility, military isolationism, border security, limited federal government, etc.—Bush and some Senate Republicans are trotting out the only horse they can still run:...
For a while now, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann has been in a mostly hilarious and harmless feud with Fox's chief blowhard Bill O'Reilly. It's usually Keith showing a clip in which O'Reilly mistates or misrepresents "facts" to support his asinine arguments....
Rolling Stone: Was the 2004 Election Stolen? Sources and Commentary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and ROLLING STONE spent four months investigating the 2004 election in Ohio. To assemble a conservative estimate of the number of voters in the state who...