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July 30, 2006

Mel Gibson: Jew-Hating Drunk. That's right, sugar tits!

Mel Gibson blames the "fucking Jews" for his recent drunk driving arrest as well as "all the wars in the world." The Malibu cops tried to cover it up, but oops: the original police report got leaked (pdf). Mel has...

July 28, 2006

Had Enough?

After four years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq; a quickly deteriorating situation between Israel, Lebannon, Syria and Iran; underfunded homeland security; and the cost of it all blowing the doors off all defecit budgets; one might expect our "conservative"...

July 27, 2006

Simmering Rage or Wanton Disillusionment?

David Broder gets into the growing dissatisfaction among traditional Conservatives who feel they've been left behind for the religious right. These are the people who made their bones with Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan, and Lee Atwater, the Karl Rove of...

Howard Dean Goes on a Rampage

The Manchester Mouth, Howard Dean, is on fire this week. Not only did he kick Katherine Harris while she's down by comparing her to Stalin (!?!?), but he's busting chops on the Iraqi PM and calling him an anti-Semite!...

July 25, 2006

Specter Ready to Sue Bush Over Signing Statements

I guess Arlen Specter is getting tired of looking like a chump. The Judiciary Committee Chairman said today that he's prepared to sue the Administration over its use of "signing statements" that the President has used to exempt himself from...

July 24, 2006

Wexler, Colbert, Cocaine and Prostitutes

Stephen Colbert riled the Right with his ballsey send up of President Bush (to his face) at the Washington Press Correspondents dinner a few months ago. Well, this time he's convinced a Democrat facing an uncontested mid-term election to say,...

Bolton to Arab World: Fuck You

Lest anyone wonder why Arabs think the US has a lopsided policy heavily favoring Israel in any and all disputes, look no further than our Ambassador to the UN, John Bolton. In a CNN interview with Wolf Blitzer, Bolton...

July 21, 2006

Friday Video - Our Youth, Our Future

In 1962, the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) gathered in Eastern Michigan to draft their political manifesto. The Port Huron Statement included the phrase, "We are people of this generation, bred in at least modest comfort, housed now in...

July 20, 2006

The Round Mound Rebounds on Republicans

Charles Barkley, who for years has said he'd consider a run for Governor of Alabama as a Republican, has apparently switched teams. The outspoken ex-NBA player has thrown in the towel on Conservatism: "The word conservative means discriminatory practically. It's...

Boyz in the Hood

Where the fuck does Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman live that he thinks Baghdad is "relaxed" and more stable than three years ago? In the New York Times Bodman said, "The situation seems far more stable than when I was here...

July 19, 2006

God's Will

House conservatives have a direct line to God and can channel his innermost thoughts to the rest of us feeble mortals. Want proof? Here's what the Lord had to say about yesterday's gay Marriage Amendment debate: Rep. John Carter (R-TX):...

Ralph Reed Loses

The freakishly youthful ex-leader of the Christian Coalition took a beating last night in his primary race for Lt. Governor of Georgia. Ralph Reed had a an early lead and an enviable fundraising apparatus, not to mention the network...

Bush Losing Ground with Conservatives

A Washington Post article today makes it clear that disgruntled Conservatives are turning up the heat on Bush. Yesterday's darling has become today's old hag with the President unable to satisfy anyone, it seems. Many Conservatives bet against their own...

Lou Dobbs Calls America "Dumb"

Lou Dobbs, who has been particularly critical of Bush's immigration policies, now turns his ire on the President's Middle East failures: An estimated 50,000 Iraqis and more than 2,500 American troops have been killed since the insurgency began in March...

July 18, 2006

A Country of Men or a Country of Laws?

Acting more like King George than President Bush, our Commander in Chief personally blocked the investigation of his warrant-less surveillance program, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales acknowledged today. When asked why investigators from the Justice Department's Office of Professional Responsibility...


While watching some of the endless cable news coverage of the attacks on Israel and Lebanon last night, I happened to catch the on-the-microphone performance of President Bush at the G8 Summit in St. Petersburg in a tête-à-tête with British...

Ann Coulter Cops to a Felony?

Has Ann Coulter just admitted she committed a felony? It's well known she's said she thinks the New York Times' Bill Keller should face the death penalty for Treason, but has she just copped to sending the Times an envelope...

The Girl Least Likey, yet again

Now God is stepping in. According to the AP, U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris was "resting comfortably" at her home Monday after surgery to remove an ovarian mass, her office said. Seriously, Kath. Take a hint....

July 17, 2006

Newt Gingrich Goes Bonkers, Declares WWIII

It's so sad to see the great ones crumble, isn't it? The architect of the 1994 Republican Revolution where the GOP took back Congress after 42 years in the minority, Newt Gingrich, has clearly lost his mind. In case you...

Are Conservatives Finally Waking Up?

Andrew Sullivan has posted an interesting and I think a very telling email from one of his readers: The Republican party will never respond to the concerns of fiscal and small government conservatives because they don't have to. No matter...

Why He Makes the Big Bucks

"What they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit and it's over," said our President to British PM Tony Blair when both thought the mics were off. Well, no shit. When you look...

July 14, 2006

Democratic Campaign Video Draws Fire

A new video out by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee that includes images of flag draped coffins and a soldier kneeling over a comrade's grave has drawn fire from several Republicans and at least two southern Democrats....

Friday Video: The Girl Least Likely To, Continued

Man, Katherine Harris' campaign is reading like a manual in how to completely alienate yourself and make powerful enemies in national politics. The lady who brought us George W. Bush as president and inspired countless parodies on Saturday Night Live...

July 13, 2006

Armageddon Days Are Here Again

Is this it? Is this the beginning of the end? If I see motherfuckers floating out to the heavens, I am hopping the first plane to Scarlett Johansson's house. Violence between Israel and Lebanon jumped dramatically today with continued airstrikes...

July 12, 2006

Lessons Learned

It was reported this week that the US Taxpayers are funding the salary of a "Director of Lessons Learned" at the White House. It's a silly sounding title, but I don't think it's necessarily a bad idea for thsi President--who...

Can't Happen Here

POLJUNK contributor Jude Lemrow takes a gander at the recent right-wing hullabaloo related to media reports on secret Bush surveillance programs and wonders why these guys hate Freedom so much and why they'd rather be Stalinist muscleheads?...

July 11, 2006

White House Backs On Up on GITMO Detainees

Despite Tony Snow's insistence that this is not a policy reversal from the White House, the White House reversed policy on detainees in Guantanamo and has stated emphatically that theyr are indeed subject to Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions....

Hackett Does About-Face

Like the good soldier he is, the one-time hope of the Democratic Party Paul Hackett has done an about-face on his former party rival and thrown support behind Sherrod Brown. You might remember Hackett as the Iraqi War veteran who...

Bush Set to Veto Stem Cell Research

Taking conservatives for a ride one more time, Karl Rove says the President will "likely veto" a bill expanding federal funding of stem cell research if passed. The legislation, co-sponsored by Rep. Diana DeGette, D-Denver, and Rep. Mike Castle, R-Del...

Liberman Arranges to Run as Independent

The Man Who Can't Take No For an Answer is making arrangements to run as an independent should he lose the Democratic primary to upstart anti-war candidate Ned Lamont. Lieberman has filed papers that would allow him to petition...

July 10, 2006

All the News That's Tasty

Well, I take a week off to get drunk on the beaches of Lake Huron and what happens? After Bush's "baby bounce" last week, the old boy walked into his 60th birthday with violence in Iraq escalating to scary proportions,...

July 6, 2006

Darth Vader Style

First, I'll admit, I hate Dick Cheney. And I have a sneaking suspicion many of you know the countless reasons why. If not, the recent FRONTLINE program "The Dark Side" (blame my backlog of TiVo shows for the delay) tells...
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