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The Round Mound Rebounds on Republicans

Charles Barkley, who for years has said he'd consider a run for Governor of Alabama as a Republican, has apparently switched teams. The outspoken ex-NBA player has thrown in the towel on Conservatism:

"The word conservative means discriminatory practically. It's a form of political discrimination. What do the Republicans run on? Against gay marriage and for a war that makes no sense. A war that was based on faulty intelligence. That's all they ever talk about. That and immigration. Another discriminatory argument for political gain."

But don't think the man who threw a pushy autograph seeker through a plate glass window is all hearts and puppies for the opposition party.

"The Democrats have done a horrible job," Barkley said. "A really crappy job."

Barkley thinks Democrats need to forget about Bush since he only has two years (only!?!?!) left anyway. Look to the future and put together a plan, says Sir Charles!



I recall seeing an interview with Sir Charles a few years ago in which he basically said that he and his family were now wealthy and that it made sense to endorse the politicians who would serve his and his family's financial interests. Now, what on Earth would make a multi-millionaire dis Resident Bush?

"Barkley thinks Democrats need to forget about Bush since he only has two years (only!?!?!) left anyway. Look to the future and put together a plan, says Sir Charles!" - Words to the Wise from the Round Mound of Rebound!

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