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August 31, 2006

This is a Democracy. Still.

I do my best to watch a few Countdown episodes a week, and the one I caught yesterday was classic. Olbermann broke it down Edward R. Murrow style. He illustrated the fascist approach that Rumsfield and the Bush administration take...

August 30, 2006

Warner Sings the Song of the South

Former Virginia governor and potential Democratic presidential candidate Mark Warner is wading deeper into the 2008 pool by signaling his ability to win the South—unlike, say, a certain former First Lady....

August 29, 2006

Rumsfeld to Most Americans: You're a Bunch of Pussies

Secretary of Defense Don Rumsfeld lashed out at critics of his war policies by essentially calling them pussies and likened them to Nazi appeasers before WWII. "Can we truly afford to believe that somehow, some way, vicious extremists can be...

The American Dream: Part Two

As I mentioned yesterday, there's a very good reason why regular Americans aren't feeling the much ballyhooed economic expansion President Bush's gang keeps pushing—working folks are left out of the party. Some more indicators come from today's Census Bureau report...

Wal-Mart: Always Low Wages, Always...

So, what do you do when your favorite political party desperately scrambles to maintain its image among voters as the party that will protect you against all enemies, terrorists, and bogeymen while its war of choice wallows in the rising...

August 28, 2006

The American Dream: Work More, Earn Less

According to the New York Times, American workers are producing more and earning less, exacerbating the vanishing of our working middle class. The federal government started collecting data in 1947 and not since then have wages and salaries made up...

Quote of the Day

"If we can't win in this environment, we have to question the whole premise of the party." --James Carville on the Democrats' chances this fall. Bloomberg's Al Hunt quotes Carville as saying you'd have to look all the way back...

August 24, 2006

Lieberman's Lead Narrows to Razor Thin Margin

Down from a 12-point lead just a week ago, Lieberman now holds just a two-point advantage over Lamont with the Republican candidate polling at a paltry 3%....

Rep. Jean Schmidt is a Liar

Not only is Republican Rep. Jean Schmidt a shameful opportunist who attacks decorated war veterans on the floor of the House of Representatives, she's also a God damned liar. Her apparent fib has her claiming some impressive numbers on the...

Fighting the Battle of Ideas When You're Unarmed

The president's latest pivot on the "war on terror" illustrates the lack of understanding he has for what is going on. The idea of a war on terror has already been ridiculed to death by people funnier and smarter than...

August 23, 2006

Christian Coalition Splinters

I've been wondering how Ralph Reed's implication in the whole Abramoff mess would mess up the Christian Coalition. During his tenure as head of that organization, its ranks swelled and its influence over the Republican party grew enormously. Like any...

August 22, 2006

Secret GOP Plot to Elect Lieberman Revealed!

In case anyone was confused as to why Republicans (and the RNC) is either explicitly or implicitly supporting Joe Lieberman's Independent run in Connecticut, Right Wing News has the answer: ...as we speak, millions of dollars are pouring into Connecticut,...

August 21, 2006

You Say You Want a (Cedar) Revolution...

While watching the evening news these last few days, I learned that the Bush Administration has allocated something like $50 million in aid to Lebanon to help with the obvious humanitarian crisis that now exists there. No problem there. However,...

Bush: At Least Two and Half More Years in Iraq

In an odd acknowledgement today, President Bush said, " "We're not leaving [Iraq] so long as I'm the president. That would be a huge mistake." The president still has two and a half more years in office. Had enough yet?...

August 18, 2006

Iraq Forced to IMPORT Oil

March 2003: "We're dealing with a country that can really finance its own reconstruction..." That was Paul Wolfowitz on how the cost to American taxpayers to fund the Iraq invasion would be defrayed. Iraq is an oil-rich nation and once...

August 17, 2006

Sink or Swim

"I said something stupid. I apologize for it and would apologize in person to anyone hurt by my comments. To those who are understandably offended, you have my deepest apologies and I want you to know that it was out...

Pol Dancers

The Hill has a rundown of the hottest people in the Capitol and hotdamn if there aren't some hotties working up in there. Just check out #3 Lauren Huly, 23 (pictured) who is Communications Director for Rep. Louie Gohmert...

August 16, 2006

Doctor, Doctor, Give Me the News...

So, the air still has not cleared in the wake of a decision by Reuters to publish an obviously doctored photo by photographer Adnan Hajj of columns of smoke rising from a Beirut suburb following an Israeli air strike....

Democrats Offend Immigration Groups With New Ad

Taking a page from the Karl Rove playbook by trying to hit the Republicans where their perceived strength lies, The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee launched a scathing ad illustrating how the Administration's failures in homeland security and foreign policy have...

August 15, 2006

What is Conservatism?

The debate among conservatives over what their movement stands for anymore continues. Summing it up perfectly (again) is the always excellent Andrew Sullivan: It may be that turning conservatism into a religiously-centered Southern-based, big-government movement makes electoral sense. I doubt...

August 14, 2006

Bush to Israel: Mission Accomplished

These were the top two headlines on Yahoo News at 10:45 pm: Rockets hit Lebanon despite cease-fire (AP) Bush says Israel defeated Hezbollah (AP) Heck of a job, Olmert!...

Ted Lamont Offended by Cheney's Remarks

Ned Lamont is proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is indeed a political newbie. The man who just knocked out one of the most powerful Democratic Senators in a tooth and nail primary contest is shocked and...

"Cut and Run" Mehlman

In a shocking turn of events, the RNC Chairman switches sides and joins Democrats in demanding the administration abandon their "Stay the Course" mentality in Iraq and make some changes. Well, not quite. But Mehlman is desperately trying to distance...

August 11, 2006

Lieberman Stoops to Conquer?

The comments about the "war on terror" and the "war in Iraq" that Joe Lieberman has made vis-à-vis the discovery of the bombing plot on airliners is one of the problems with why people have a tendency to think more...

August 8, 2006

Lieberman Loses

In what was bar-none the most watched primary in the nation, three-time US Senator and former Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Lieberman lost to political newbie Ned Lamont. But don't think for a minute you won't have old Joe to...

What's the Matter with Kansas?

It's hard to imagine Kansas as a hotbed of radical liberalism, but that's exactly what it was in the early decades of the 20th century when they elected socialists and ran robber barons out of town. No, when most people...

Running Out of Gas

One year to the day after President Bush signed into law the energy policy that resulted in billions in tax giveaways to oil, natural gas, and coal industries, the results are in. Instead of the promised relief at the pump,...

August 7, 2006

Anita Thompson Interviews Gary Hart

In her Owl Farm Blog, Hunter S. Thompson's widow Anita talks to Gary Hart about the Middle East: GH: But we are losing enormous credibility. Bush just didn't want to be involved. So it's a race. It's a race against...

Only Left-Wing Radicals Oppose the War

I was watching the Sunday morning talk shows yesterday and was flabbergasted by Cokie Roberts' suggestion that Ned Lamont defeating Joe Lieberman in the Connecticut primaries would be "a disaster for the Democratic Party," and comparing this situation to George...

Bob Ney Bows Out

Citing the standard "family obligations" in his decision to give up his re-election bid, Ohio Republican Bob Ney said, "I must think of them first, and I can no longer put them through this ordeal." I'm sure Ney was...

August 4, 2006

Bill Frist to Working Poor: Fuck You

Lest anyone among the ranks of the working poor not know whose side the Republican party is on, look no further than Bill Frist's comments regarding minimum wage hikes. Refusing to address the minimum wage without also slashing inheritance...

Friday Video - A GOP Love Letter to Lieberman

Next Tuesday, Joe Lieberman will face his constituents in the Democratic primary. His opponent, Ned Lamont, is a darling of the liberal netsphere and has a double digit lead on old Joe. Lots of people are shocked--SHOCKED!!--that Lieberman is having...

August 3, 2006

Rummy on the Rocks

After initially saying he was too busy to testify before Congress, Rummy quickly changed his tune when the heat was turned up and is appearing today. Reports from commanders and one outgoing British diplomat all point to a civil war...

August 2, 2006

Why Gay Bars Are Important to the Fight in Lebanon

In an interesting couple of reports from Beirut, conservative talking head Tucker Carlson illustrates the importance of liberalism and cultural diversity in the Middle East and the danger we all face if Israel's offensive goes too far....

Knowingly False, Part II

Following the lead of conservative blogger Powerline, the Moonie Washington Times ran an article falsely claiming that Michigan Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) refused to condemn Hezbollah in a recent discussion on the Mideast crisis. Problem is, both publications are lying....

Knowingly False

Is it possible to get to the bottom of things via Senate Commissions or select panels on intelligence? Sadly, we all know the answer is a big fat 'no'. Here's a nice little piece from the Washington Post about the...

Rush and Osama Agree: Civilians Are Valid Targets

I have an acute dislike of Rush Limbaugh. It's not because he's conservative. No, I used to listen daily to G. Gordon Liddy. I am a fan of Andrew Sullivan and even Tucker Carlson (gasp!). I hate Rush Limbaugh because...

August 1, 2006

The Girl Least Likely To: Florida Republicans Pull Support

As if Howard Dean comparing her to Stalin wasn't bad enough, Katherine Harris now gets a Dear Jane letter from the State Republican Party she used to lord over. In a letter obtained Monday by The Associated Press, Harris is...

Kill Your TV

It's August in a mid-term year, which means the Fun is about to start! If you live in Ohio, Missouri and Pennsylvania, you might as well turn off your TVs now. Senate Democratic campaign organizations have reserved more than $25...
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