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Sink or Swim

"I said something stupid. I apologize for it and would apologize in person to anyone hurt by my comments. To those who are understandably offended, you have my deepest apologies and I want you to know that it was out of character for me and those who know me know that to be a fact. This was a thoughtless remark that does not reflect my lifetime commitment to treating everyone fairly and without bias. I apologize to everyone who is offended by this comment."

Now, what would move a man running for congress to issue such an apology? What could he have possibly said to warrant such a heartfelt mea culpa? It might have something to do with black people and their swimming ability, or lack thereof according to Tramm Hudson who is running for Katherine Harris' vacated House seat in Florida's 13th district.

Red State has the (clipped) video and some equally heartfelt posts of support from African American leaders in Hudson's district.

Maybe it's the number 13, but I beginning to think anyone associated with that seat is doomed.



I beginning to think anyone associated with that seat is doomed.

"Doomed" suggests an outside influence. Harris and now Hudson are victims of their own, indescribable stupidity.

Why does the Republican party keep finding morons best suited for a career in fast food sales (Felix Allen, Harris, Hudson, DeLay, Ney, Frist), and then attempt to elevate them to human status?

Why not START with an actual human? Is it that it takes a moron to run for a Republican seat in the South?

They're the ones who keep winning.

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