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October 31, 2006

John Kerry's Balls: Found

He took a lot of shit for letting way too much time go buy in responding to the Swift Boat nonsense of the 2004 election, but today John Kerry has come back swinging at "Republican hacks, who have never worn...

October 27, 2006

Make the Fat Cats PAY

In a personal email to ME from Bill Frist, the retiring Senate Majority Leader implores me to send money to the RNC to ensure Democrats don't take over Congress. To read his words, one would think the commies themselves were...

Limbaugh Unrelenting in Attacks on Fox

If anyone wonders why good, decent people are fleeing the Republican party, you need look no further than the loudest voices of Conservative talking heads. This summer, Ann Coulter shocked us all with vitriolic tirades against 9-11 widows who—God forbid—have...

New Poll Favors Dems by 19 Points

A new AP-AOL News poll shows a 19-point spread favoring Democrats in the mid-term elections that loom less than two weeks away. According to the poll, the middle class is fleeing the Republican party it sees as out of touch...

White House Backpedals on Cheney's Waterboarding Comment

The Snow Man was caught yesterday in the unenviable position of defending Dick Cheney's slip of an endorsement for torture on a national radio show. Asked whether the Vice President thought giving terror suspects a "dunk in the water" was...

October 26, 2006

GOP Ad Puts Franken in Diapers

A recent GOP memo (PDF) attacking (and even blantanlty misquoting) Al Franken is accompanied by this tastefully enhanced photo of Franken as a baby. Now this is good use of Photoshop in political ads, unlike those lazy Bush ads...

October 25, 2006

What Does Today's Gay Marriage Decision Mean for the Midterms?

Today's New Jersey Supreme Court decision recognizing gay marriage rights is likely to be both a win and a lose for gay Americans. A win because the court made what I think is the only reasonable decision on matters dealing...

October 23, 2006

The Clinton v. Spencer Race Gets Ugly--Literally

Sen. Hillary Clinton's Republican challenger, John Spencer, is denying a report that he described the former First Lady and current Senator from New York as "ugly" and implying that she's had cosmetic plastic surgery to improver her looks. "It's a...

Bid Now on the Mark Foley Action Figure

The bidding is up to $255.00, but there's still time to get your own Mark Foley Action Figure. Complete with dropped trou and a bottle of bubbly, this little doll knows how to get action all right! *Denny Hastert...

October 22, 2006

Water World, the Sequel: Paranoid in Paraguay

Since Bush has been president, I have heard a number of people compare Bush to Hitler. If the comparison is made in jest, it is often met with a chuckle. If it is made in seriousness, it is often derided...

October 20, 2006

What if they Threw a Meeting of the Minds and Nobody Came?

You may have noticed all the headlines announcing that the President will be meeting with generals to discuss Iraq and possible changes in strategy. If you're like me you're wondering if this hasn't been going on the whole time. I...

October 18, 2006

Bush Signs Military Commissions Act of 2006

"It is a rare occasion when a President can sign a bill he knows will save American lives. I have that privilege this morning. The Military Commissions Act of 2006 is one of the most important pieces of legislation in...

October 16, 2006

I Like The Christian Life

David Kuo used to head up the President's office of Faith Based Initiatives and has just released a book criticizing members of the Administration as being, um, less than genuine in their cozying up to Christian conservatives. In a 60...

Snow: How Do You Define Winning?

From today's briefing: QUESTION: Just a simple question: Are we winning? SNOW: We're making progress. I don't know. How do you define winning? And this is exactly the problem. It's not how a reporter defines winning but how does the...

October 13, 2006

Clinton Gets to the Point!

Finally, a Democrat spells it out in plain English: If you want to be fiscally conservative, you've got to be for us. If you want to conserve natural resources, you've got to be for us," former President Bill Clinton said....

Beating a Dead (Drowned) Horse

The only thing Republicans like more than beating up on Bill Clinton is beating up on Ted Kennedy. Dig this gem from Connecticut shithead, Rep. Chris Shays: "I know the speaker didn't go over a bridge and leave a young...

Victory at All Costs!

The New York Sun is reporting that the conclusion of James Baker's 10-member bipartisan commission on Iraq is that "victory" in Iraq is unattainable and that the best resolutions of the conflict include "'Stability First' and 'Redeploy and Contain,' both...

October 12, 2006

Fight For Your Right to Party

Right-leaning Tigerhawk nails it with this brief post railing againts partisanship for the sake of partisanship. Calling out the scandal covering antics involving both parties for what it is: "...instead of having a common interest in rooting out the rot,...

Warner out of Presidential Race

Those who saw Governor Mark Warner as Bill Clinton redux—a moderate southern Governor with charm and smarts who could take the South in a presidential bid—just had their dreams dashed. Warner announced today that he would NOT seek his...

Olbermann's Ratings Jump

After five blistering Special Commentaries dismantling the Bush Administration, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann's ratings have jumped an astonishing 69% according to the Denver Post. After Phil Donohue's liberally leaning show was canned in the run-up to the war, people questioned whether...

October 11, 2006

Reid Caught in Land Swap Deal

Harry Reid is now caught up in an ethics snare. Seems the Man from Nevada did a little backroom dealing to triple a land investment—all without reporting it to Congress. The AP reports that Reid, "collected a $1.1 million windfall...

GOP Smear Ad Against Albright

I have no idea whether the NRCC considered this ad or not, but it's an example of both the ugliness of American poltics right now and the power of a focused creative mind bent on disparaging anyone associated with Bill...

Ugly American, Indeed!

A simple post on the Real Ugly American succinctly illustrates how some on the Right continue to demonize all muslims and how easy it is to dismantle their inane arguments. All in one simple exchange between the blogger and a...

The Republican Party and the Culture of Not Me!

North Korea tests nuclear weapons and promises more of the same just three years after President George W. Bush declared that he would not tolerate the Dear Leader joining the club. Bush has the power of the White House...

October 10, 2006

Don't Be Silly

Funny how members of the party of personal responsibility seem to apply that standard to everyone but themselves. Be it out of control national spending and porkl barrel projects, the execution of what they term "the struggle of good versus...

October 6, 2006

Rove Aide Ralston Resigns Amid Abramoff Investigation

Karl Rove's assistant, Susan Ralston, has resigned days after the House Government Reform Committee said she "was lobbied 69 times, the most contacts with any individual named in the report. She also received numerous tickets to concerts and sporting...

October 5, 2006

Mark Foley "Maf54" Pedophant T-Shirt

This is totally awesome. Only $12 for a "Pedophant" T-Shirt. Be informed: read the transcript. Via Boing Boing....

October 4, 2006

NYT's "Johnny" Apple Dead at 71

R.W. Apple covered politics like he covered food and travel: with aplomb and a knack for drama. Probably best known for his description of Nixon's resignation as a "tragedy in three parts," Apple summed up the three-year rise and fall...

You Don't Know Dick

It's not getting much national coverage but the Michigan gubernatorial campaign is an exercise in classic money politics v. an incumbent hog-tied by economic situations beyond her control. The story of the Republican candidate is fascinating to anyone with...

October 2, 2006

Goldwater Democrats

Andrew Sullivan ponders the idea of Goldwater Democrats. We've had Reagan Democrats who fled to the GOP when things got a bit too hairy (literally, for some) in the Democratic party. Why not a similar switch for those who are...

Rice Doesn't Recall CIA Warning of 9/11

So Condi doesn't remember George Tenet and his homey Cofer Black meeting with her in July of 2001 to warn of impending attacks from al-Qaida. At first blush that seems like a risky claim to make since it's just a...

Boyz to Men: Mark Foley and the Congressional Pages

I have to admit that when I first heard about the Foley email thing last week I thought it was a simple political hatchet job. The initial reports detailed emails that to me sounded pretty pedestrian. I couldn't understand...
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