Obama, Ludacris Talk About Guiding Kids Obama: "MOVE bitch, get out the way. Get out the way, bitch. Get out the way." Luda: "Get BACK muhfucka, you don't know me like that!" At least that's how I wish their conversation...
President George W. Bush, during Q&A following a joint statement with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki: ". . .killers taking innocent life is, in some cases, sectarian. I happen to view it as criminal, as well as sectarian. I...
Big props to Kansas Republican Sam Brownback, who is finally applying his moralistic lunacy to a worthy cause. He's announced that he and his family will divest "hundreds of thousands of dollars" from companies that do business with Sudan. "With...
Ending what I always thought was a non-starter, Bill Frist has announced he will not seek the Republican nomination for president in 2008. Talkingheads seem to think he got the message in the GOP midterm drubbing but I think he...
Andrew Sullivan is in a battle with some other online conservative meatheads over Sullivan's use of the word "christianist" to describe those who politicize faith. He makes an excellent point in his defense of the definition: Yes, this term is...
I guess the honeymoon between the President and newly elected Democratic congressmen is just about over. A couple papers are reporting of a terse exchange between Bush and Virginia senator-elect Jim Webb at a recent White House meet and greet....
Now that the U.S. involvement in Iraq is longer than the involvement in World War II, I am still wondering just what we're up to over there. Losing people, that's for certain. But what is the strategy? What is it...
I don't own a home so maybe I don't know what the hell I'm talking about but I do not understand why people live in these Homeowners Associations. Don't we all live with enough rules in this world? An AP...
Iraq is "moving very fast toward the point of no return." "The shadow of death and destruction is everywhere...We are all responsible, including me, for this situation." No, not the man who launched this tragically misguided effort, George W. Bush....
So much said in so few words. The problem with the Iraq war and how the Republican leadership would address it is summed up in two short headlines on Yahoo News this week: • Kissinger: Iraq military win impossible •...
POLJUNK has been on a limited publishing schedule these last couple of weeks as I have been busy raising my two week old little radical, Donovan, who was born on November 3. So, let's check in on what's been happening...
Some right-wing cultists are all a-twitter over an exchange between Dan Rather and Bill Maher on HBO's Real Time on Friday, November 17, 2006: Host Bill Maher: "I want to bring your attention to something that was on my...
What the fuck is wrong with Ohio? Four days after polls closed and eight districts are still not accounted for. According to the Crescent News, "elections officials are delaying the count of more than 9,000 provisional ballots by one day...
Like rats form a sinking ship, Republicans are leaving their posts and heading out of town....
The Party's over and Jude's ready to clean up. POLJUNK takes a look around the Web to see how everyone's reacting to the Democratic blow-out....
Rush Limbaugh commands the attention of millions of listeners a day. His audience hangs on every word and they look to his faux Excellence in Broadcasting for ideological direction and marching orders when liberals and other enemies, foreign and domestic,...
NBC News is reporting top Republican official has said Donald Rumsfeld will step down. This is major news and we'll be watching for updates and confirmation....
Last night, POLJUNK hosted its first live blogging event where we got hammered and talked shit as the returns came in. Well, we woke up today with a hangover, a new House, a new Senate, and a Democratic majority of...
Join in on the discussion right here. We'll be following the coverage and commenting until we're too drunk to type. Let's get it on!...
VOTE *Brought to you by POLJUNK and the Comittee to RE-Elect the President (CREEP)....
Jesus, the jokes write themselves on this one: Cheney To Go Hunting On Election Day...
You remember Florida, don't you? It was the center of the 2000 election fiasco where Katherine Harris (AKA: the Girl Least Likely) handed then Governor George W. Bush a major victory in the early days of the recount madness by...
The Big Day is here and already reports of dirty tricks are rolling in. John Conyers and John Dingell are demanding that the Justice Department, the Federal Election Commission and the Federal Communications Commission investigate misleading and harassing phone calls...