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January 31, 2007

Not Again, Joe

I may be one of the only Joe Biden fans out there, but it's true. I love the guy. 1) He looks like George Fucking Washington and that's Presidential gold in my book; 2) he has loads of foreign policy...

Bush: Link exec salaries to performance

By my estimation, George W. Bush owes the United States of America $1,940,000. I am allowing some pay for not yet attacking Iran or North Korea and for providing comic relief these last six years. AP Story...

January 26, 2007

Obama Fires Back

For fans of political dirty tricks, this week's "news item" that Barack Obama had attended a madrassa as a child is a genius move. I mean, this is highlight reel material. To imply, in this post-9/11 age, that an all-but-announced...

Quote of the Day: Because I told them it had to...

"He's tried this two times — it's failed twice," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) says of President Bush's escalation plan. "I asked him at the White House, 'Mr. President, why do you think this time it's going to work?' And...

Bush: Don't Forget, I am the Decider

In case you forgot, President Bush again reminded the world that he is the Decider. Make no mistake, when decisions need to be made, Bush is your man. Sure, it make take several months, especially if an election falls in...

Bush Authorizes Engagement with Iranian "Agents"

In an announcement that could signal military engagement with Iran, President Bush said he had authorized "whatever actions are necessary to counter Iranian agents deemed a threat to American troops or the public at large," which of course can mean...

Color IS the Issue: Green

Since Hillary announced her entry to the 2008 presidential race everyone's been wondering whether she'll be a vacuum for money, sucking up every available dollar and intimidating everyone else back into their shells. I've always believed Barack Obama was immune...

Duncan Hunter Enters Presidential Race

The contrast between presidential candidates from the two major political parties just grows more stark by the day. From the Democrats, you have a wide range of old and new faces with varying degrees of experience and philosophical ideology. From...

January 25, 2007

Saving Face; Losing Lives

"We have not gotten Osama bin Laden, obviously, because he's very careful." So said vice president Dick Cheny to Wolf Blitzer on CNN's "The Situation Room." That's encouraging. If someone is careful, then we've got a problem. Cheny went on...

January 24, 2007

Forget Clausewitz. Newman's the One

One of the most appropriate quotes that can be used to characterize the administration's approach to the war in Iraq was coined by no less an august figure than Alfred E. Newman. Regardless of the situation that Mr. Newman found...

January 19, 2007

Gonzales Declares No Habeas Corpus

When the Attorney General of the Unites States of America lacks a fundamental understanding of our Constitution and the rights acknowledged therein, you have a BIG problem. In testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday, AG Alberto Gonzales declared that...

January 18, 2007

McCain's High Wire Act

John McCain continues to stumble in the high wire balancing act of pre-primary presidential politics. It's gotta be tough though. The guy enjoyed 20+ years of "maverick" status and adulation from Independents and conservative Democrats while representing the centrist Republican...

January 16, 2007

Political Correctness, Meet Patriotic Correctness

Over the years, all of us, whether we're residents of the left, right, or center of the political spectrum, or whether we're transients who don't fit any such label easily and flit about depending on the issue at hand, or...

Obama Watch Focuses on Oprah

Gotta love the fact that Barack Obama's rumored announcement is being treated like so much celebrity gossip. Further proof that he's captured the attention of the common man is that the focus seems to be centering around the guest schedule...

January 15, 2007

They're Lovin' It

"My Fox guys, I love every single one of them."—Condoleeza Rice Apparently the vice president loves them, too. Following his wife's appearance a few weeks ago on "Fox News Sunday," Dick Cheney appeared with Chris Wallace. Presumably, he figured that...

January 10, 2007

One Down, Five to Go

The first of six bills Democrats promised to address in their first 100 days has passed in the House. The vote to implement measures recommended by the 9/11 Commission passed by a vote of 299-128, but some Republicans are already...

January 8, 2007

Our Dear Leader, Sean Hannity

In what can only be described as a sad, sad attempt to one-up Keith Olbermann's Worst Person in the World segment, Fox News dipshit Sean Hannity has launched what he calls "Enemy of the State." No, that is not a...

Passing the $1 Billion Bucks

Among the troop surges and nominal benchmarks imposed on Iraqi leaders President Bush is set to announce this week is reported a jobs program to get disgruntled, unemployed Iraqis off the streets. Yes, it's the same sort of program against...

Ellison Reminds Christians of Poverty Priorities

The man who seems to scare the shit out of Virginia Christian, well, at least ONE Virginia Christian, is reminding us all of a very salient Christian story and the fact that poverty in America, the richest country in the...

Stopping Good Money After Bad

The day Democrats took control of congress, MSNBC's head pol Chris Mathews came out hard and fast on the Dems for too much celebration and not enough work. This was the first day. In an exchange with Democratic strategist (and...
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