I think talk of impeaching the President has mostly been folly. As mentioned earlier today, the American public got their fill of that ugly process in 1998 when the GOP set out to destroy the man they couldn't beat: Bill...
This story is so rich with symbolism that I couldn't possibly do it justice, but here are a couple choice quotes that leave the mind duly boggled: Doris Strom Costner, a distant cousin who said she knew the late senator...
Casual observers may have been annoyed by the amount of attention given to last week's spat involving Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and David Geffen, but those of us who watch politics as a blood sport couldn't help but love this...
A New York man who donated more than $15,000 to House Republican races has been charged with financing terrorism, material support of terrorism, and money laundering. Does this constitute a "working relationship" between the GOP and terrorists, a la Iraq...
Daniel Edwards is the embodiment of the fabled youth vote and the archetype of the Barack Obama supporter. Young, educated, and politically informed, Edwards holds the hope for the New Hope of the Democratic party, but a recent Obama rally...
President Bush's desire for a Gulf of Tonkin moment may have just gotten closer. Like the original 1964 incident that found President Johnson lying to the American people about "unprovoked" attacks on US naval vessels, the US is once again...
Seems the DNC Executive Director Tom McMahon is a POLJUNK reader, or it's just an amazing coincidence that his latest email uses my words in an attempt to sway fence sitting war opponents to fall heavily onto the Democratic side....
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani confirms the rumors that have swirled since 9-11. He is indeed running for president, but can social conservatives, who dominate the Republican primaries, accept as their candidate a man who lived with homosexuals...
Bush plans to cut funding for veterans' health care over the next few years, yes this is while an increasing number of troops are returning home wounded from battle in Iraq and Afghanistan. The President is pushing these cuts to...
What do the following people have in common, and who are they? • Mike Gravel • Duncan Hunter • James Gilmore • Tom Tancredo...
Nothing to add. The picture says it all....
Need further proof that John McCain has sold his soul? He's hired the very people he's assailed for "dirty politics" in years past. According to the New York Times, the "Straight Talker" from Arizona has recently hired: Mark McKinnon, Russell...
I love it. Get yours here....
As a new father myself I am sensitive to Mary Cheney's argument, but it's not about the baby, is it? It's about the values of her father's (and presumably her own) party and what they represent. Dick Cheney is the...