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March 30, 2007

John McCain Supports Gay Marriage

Hacking John McCain - This is fantastic. McCain's myspace page was deeplinking images from this dude's web server, so the dude replaced the image with a great new message: Dear Supporters, Today I announce that I have reversed my position...

March 28, 2007

If Wishes Were Horses Bush Would Still Be A Cowboy

Headline: Bush demands war bill with no strings Yeah? Tough shit. The Bush administration seems to have difficulties with the BASIC tenets of the US Constitution. It's almost like this whole thing is make believe for President Bush. But...

March 27, 2007

Dressing a Straw Man

I bought a new shirt a few days ago. Oxford pinpoint cotton. Good material. Nicely sewn. When removing the pins and plastic and cardboard, I glanced at the tag that indicates where the shirt was made. Vietnam. And it reminded...

Tony Snow's Cancer Returns

We give the Snowman a lot of shit here at POLJUNK, but it can't be easy defending this administration day in and day out. Just the same, we're sorry to hear his cancer has returned and spread to his liver....

March 23, 2007

Bush Gets His Tonkin Incident?

CNN is reporting that Iranian military has seized 15 British sailors in disputed waters off the coast of Iraq. The reports says that Royal Marines and regular sailors were captured by up to six Iranian naval vessels after the British...

March 22, 2007

The Daily Show on White House Subpoenas

Inhofe Gets a Taste of Shut the Fuck Up

After blustering on and on about what a phoney Al Gore was during the Vice President's testimony in front of the Senate Environmental Committee, resident global warming dunce James Inhofe got a smack down from Committee Chairperson, Barbara Boxer. "Would...

March 20, 2007

Nothing to Hide? White House Offers Unsworn Testimony from Rove

Smart Democrats should be able to make plenty of political hay from the White House's offer to allow ONLY unsworn testimony, not under oath--behind closed doors, and no transcript would be permitted—from Karl Rove and Harriet Miers. Obviously they're not...

A War on What?

"They've made no bones about the fact that once they've been able to establish a firm base in Anbar, or Iraq more broadly, that they intend to try to destabilize the neighbors and eventually attack the United States. They've not...

March 19, 2007

Bush: Give Me Just a Little More Time

As the war that was supposed to take "weeks, not months" rolls into its fifth year, President Bush is pleading with the American public to be patient. With support for the war plummeting and Democrats moving to put limits on...

Gonzales Gets Lukewarm Support from WH

"No, seriously, dude. We want you to stay. But I mean, if you like HAVE to go or something, that's totally cool too." --Tony Snow...

Pelosi Puts "Political Apppointee" Into Perspective

The GOP story line says that the fired US Attorneys are "political" appointees and serve at the pleasure of the President. So who cares if they were fired for not doing their President's political will? Speaker of the House Nancy...

March 16, 2007

Testimony: Bush Never Instituted Promised Investigation of Plame Leak

The Plame leak investigation is heating up with the victim herself testifying before congress this morning and Dr. James Knodell, Director of the Office of Security for the White House, testifying this afternoon. Plame confirmed that her status at the...

No One At the Wheel of the Straight Talk Express

Asked a simple question, McCain seems to get confused about his own position on whether he supports tax payer funding of contraception in Africa where AIDS is devastating an entire generation. Suddenly the straight talk became halting and confused. "We...

Snow Not So Sure Afterall - Backs Off Attorney Purge Statement

"At this juncture, people have hazy memories." --Press Secretary Tony "Snowman" Snow on whether the President himself may have suggested firing all the US Attorneys and not Harriet Miers, as had been explained....

March 15, 2007

McCain Rolls Again

Classic. John McCain, stumbling as a neo-con and Bush lackey, rolls out the old Straight Talk Express for what used to be known as barn storming. Despite trailing Rudy Giuliani by double digits and failing to win ANY social conservative...

March 14, 2007

Gonzales Feels the Heat

Has the countdown on Big Alberto begun? He says he won't resign and that his continued service is in the President's hands. As a member of his cabinet, of course he serves at the President's pleasure, so why make such...

March 13, 2007

Pace Backtracks on Gay Remark, Sort Of

Anyone wondering what might be the fatal flaw in Don't Ask, Don't Tell need look no further than the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. In a surprisingly candid remark regarding the ridiculous Clinton compromise on gays in the military, Peter...

Gonzales Side-Steps "The Buck"

Big Alberto wants to take responsibility, he really does, but it's not HIS fault 8 US Attorneys got sacked for political reasons. No, the buck stops just short of HERE. "My pledge to the American people is to find out...

Salon Headline on Swiftboating Gets Torpedoed

In a bit of editorial faux pas, Salon had to edit a headline to an article on going negative against Rudy Giuliani. Originally titled "Swiftboating Rudy," the article details all the missteps in Rudy's record and personal history with which...

Bring Me The Head of Alberto Gonzales!

The calls for Attorney General Alberto Gonzales's head are growing louder and more confident. The AG's Chief of Staff, Kyle Sampson, has already taken the walk of shame and today, Chuck Schumer cranked it up a notch and assured that...

March 12, 2007

My Favorite Con

Andrew Sullivan nails it again with his response to a reader who paints the Iraq War as a Western film in which the US is sheriff and needed to go into the Mideast "to knock heads," the risk being what...

Hot Air Over Halliburton Move

There's a lot of hullabaloo surrounding Halliburton's reported move to Dubai. While there's plenty to hate about Dick Cheney's old employer, is this really a big deal? There are mixed reports that the move will alter their US tax burden...

March 9, 2007

Former Sec. of Navy Torpedoes Swiftboater Nomination

Former deputy assistant secretary of the Navy, decorated former swift boat skipper, and combat veteran drops some science in an op-ed attacking President Bush's nomination of Sam Fox to be ambassador to Belgium: "And as a military man, it doesn't...

March 8, 2007

Honeymoon's End

And so it begins...the honeymoon is well over for Barack Obama. Headlines today include stories about questionable investments and 17 year old parking fines. We'll now see if Hope can survive under a microscope. The digging has begun, as well...

March 7, 2007

Conservapedia: An Encyclopedia You Can Trust

Apparently, American Christian conservatives are so fed up with living in an environment that doesn't mold itself in strict accordance with their views that they have embarked on a mission to literally redefine every aspect of the world we all...

The Perfect Politcal Storm

Andrew Sullivan sees a gathering storm that could not only sink this administration, but dismantle the modern Conservative movement. Add them up. We witness another horrifying suicide bombing in Iraq, murdering dozens of Shiite pilgrims. There is damning evidence that...

March 6, 2007

'Scooter' Libby guilty on four of five counts

Libby was convicted of obstruction of justice, making a false statement and two counts of perjury and faces a maximum sentence of 25 years in prison and a fine of $1 million. The question now is will he be pardoned?...

Libby jury reaches a verdict

Jurors have reached a verdict in the Scooter Libby trial. Patrick Fitzgerald's office says it will be announced at noon. Stay tuned......

March 1, 2007

What a Waster

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines "waste" as: a. to spend or use carelessly : SQUANDER; b : to allow to be used inefficiently or become dissipated... How better to describe the madness in Iraq? But politics on both side say any utterance...
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