Opening day at the Creation Museum
For some, today was a glorious, magical day. The Creation Museum - a museum that tells their side of the story - opened to the public today. Over 4,000 visitors showed up to celebrate.
And the O'Reilly Factor covered it, with John Kasich as guest host. Interviews with the CEO of the museum, and some godless liberal. It was the only video I could find...
Good gravy, is raising $25 million for superstitious un-science that freakin easy?
I gotta get into this line of work.
Posted by: barabajagal | May 30, 2007 2:49 PM
Tom DeLay is racing to it. he's launching a "grassroots" organization to reinstate traditional, conservative values in American schools, businesses and homes. It's easy pickin's man.
Posted by: Derek Phillips | May 30, 2007 4:01 PM
I'd better get a resume to him, stat! There's gold in them thar hills!
But then I might have to hang out with him. Eeeeuuuuwwww...
Posted by: barabajagal | May 31, 2007 10:04 AM
I want to open a planetarium next door to this museum. The planetarium will feature displays showing the flat Earth and the paths that the Sun and other celestial bodies traverse every day as they revolve around the Earth.
It would make money hand-over-fist.
Posted by: Jude | May 31, 2007 11:33 AM