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Wolfowitz aide resigns

Not a good day for Paul Wolfowitz, head of the World Bank. Not only did the World Bank committee investigating Mr. Wolfowitz affirm that there was a conflict of interest in how he handled the transfer, promotion, and pay raise of his girlfriend, but one of his top aides resigned today.

Kevin Kellums, a communications aide that Mr. Wolfowitz brought with him from the Pentagon, resigned from the World Bank today. According to the NYT article:

In another sign of Mr. Wolfowitz's difficulties, his top communications aide, Kevin Kellems, resigned today, saying that "the current environment surrounding the leadership" at the bank made it "very difficult to be effective in helping to advance the mission of the institution."

Mr. Kellum was also a subject of some complaints from World Bank staff, as his salary - about $250,000 - was well above what was typical for someone in a similar position at the Bank.

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