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Dems: Investigate the salmon killer

In a Cheney-related post yesterday, I wondered if anything would come of the WashPo expose on Cheney. Probably around the same time I was writing that, 36 House Democrats - most from the West Coast - called for a hearing on Cheney's involvement in the salmon fish kill the last Post article described.

From a Seattle Times article:

An article in The Washington Post on Wednesday said Cheney played a crucial role in developing a 10-year water plan for the Klamath River that courts later called arbitrary and in violation of the Endangered Species Act. Democrats charged that Cheney's action resulted in the largest adult salmon kill in the history of the West.

"The ramifications of that salmon kill are still being felt today as returns to the Klamath River are so low that commercial, sport and tribal fishing seasons have been curtailed for the past three years," Democrats said in a letter calling for the hearing.

Cheney's response? It was limited to some sort of guttural snarl. He stuffed one of his aides into one of his man-size office safes to make himself feel better.

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