According to the Washington Post, federal health officials' attempts to convince mothers that their babies faced health risks if they did not breast-feed were thwarted by the infant formula industry: Plans to run these blunt ads infuriated the politically powerful...
This is pretty freaky. If true, the US Military is banning access to "political/activist blogs" through its networks. The need to control information on maneuvers and other strategically sensitive information in a war zone is one thing, but this is...
Longtime Republican Senator John Warner is retiring at the end of this term. "So, I say that my work and service to Virginia as a senator — and I repeat, my work and service to Virginia as a senator --...
Here's your Friday video fun. Puppets helping Senator Craig demonstrate his position on not being gay now, in the past, or in the future. He is so not gay! Leave him alone, people!...
OK, actually he didn't apologize. According to the Nuge, it's just rock n' roll, baby! Get out of the kitchen if you can't take the heat. Bitch! "Rock and roll is too much fun. ... Trying to explain the intensity...
A victory for gay Americans living in Iowa (and potentially a good legal precedent for all gay Americans): A county judge struck down Iowa's decade-old gay marriage ban as unconstitutional Thursday and ordered local officials to process marriage licenses for...
On Tuesday, Barack Obama wrote an opinion piece for The Financial Times about the subprime mortgage mess. He characterizes it as a crisis that is just beginning - which is true - and one for which dishonest lenders should be...
Instead of wasting his breath on declarations that he's not gay (the louder he yells, the less likely I am to believe him), Sen. Larry Craig should have just hired a lawyer and had the charges bounced. According to legal...
Yep, that's right. I'm posting again on the disparity between rich and poor in this country, and the ignoble fact that the rich don't pay anything near their fair share of taxes. It all started this past weekend when I...
Boing Boing: Karl Rove's pierced family jewels, pt. 3: Louis Rove, the man identified as the adoptive father of Deputy White House Chief of Staff Karl Rove, apparently lived the latter part of his life as an out gay man...
Yes, Big Alberto has finally turned in his paperwork. "It has been one of my greatest privileges to lead the Department of Justice," Gonzales said at a news conference, announcing his resignation effective Sept. 17. I am actually surprised the...
This is interesting. It's been clear for some time that Barack Obama (D-IL) can appeal to some on the other side of the aisle, and is willing to work with Republicans, too. Yet, he is one of the most liberal...
Apparently, earlier this summer, somebody wrote a blog comment about shooting Rush Limbaugh and Ted Nugent, if it ever became legal. I know what you're thinking. Weird combination, right? Those two don't usually pop up in my head together. Well,...
Democratic foreign policy stalwart Zbigniew Brzezinski put his money on Barack Obama, and his views on foreign policy, in an interview on Bloomberg TV's Political Capital with Al Hunt. According to this Bloomberg article: "Obama is clearly more effective and...
Since I used the form Jake linked to for complaining to BP about their plan to dump additional poisons into Lake Michigan, I'm now part of the "Dick Durbin online community." And I didn't even know it! From an email...
Leonardo DiCaprio's new environmental documentary - the 11th Hour - was released last Friday. I've been hearing about it for sometime, but haven't looked into it at all. Until I got another John Kerry email blast (signed up during the...
Here's your Friday video fun: The so-called Foreign Policy Community has, for decades, presided over the militarization of countries in the Middle East. Each time, it comes back to haunt us (Osama Bin Laden, Iraq, Iran, etc.). But, it's been...
Here's something to celebrate. From a Chicago Tribune article: Responding to a month of unrelenting criticism from politicians and the public, BP pledged it will not invoke provisions of a new permit that allows the largest oil refinery in the...
David Ignatius on Barack Obama: Obama is deftly managing to outflank his Democratic rivals on both the left and right on key foreign policy issues. That may be a piece of political opportunism on his part, but a top Obama...
Rob Riggle's second report in Iraq aired on the Daily Show last night. Brilliant and sad at the same time. Brilliant, because the satire is so spot on. Sad because it's the only reporting that exposes legislators like Lindsay Graham,...
From an AP article: U.S. District Court Judge Saundra Armstrong ruled Tuesday that the Bush administration had violated a 1990 law when it failed to meet deadlines for an updated U.S. climate change research plan and impact assessment. [...] The...
Back in July, we posted on a couple of North Dakota farmers suing the federal government so that they could grow industrial hemp. The North Dakota legislature backs them, and North Dakota State University has filed their support of the...
Rob Riggle's first report from Iraq. Actually, truly in Iraq. Not just a fake background. Going where the fake news has never gone before......
I've been taking a bit of break from the relentlessly depressing news cycle recently. Instead, I've been reading the relentlessly depressing prognostications of James Howard Kunstler in his 2005 book The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catastrophes of the Twenty-First...
Rep. Bob Filner (D-CA) is being charged with assault and battery for an incident at Dulles International Airport that appears to stem from a lost baggage claim and a sissy of a security guard. According to Roll Call, Filner walked...
This Modern World - Salon Comics Hopefully it worked as planned... See the start of this sinister plot after the jump....
Remember that Cheney video from 1994 we posted last Sunday? It's been the talk of the town the past few days, and Chris Matthews took the topic up on Hardball this past Friday. This woman Melanie Morgan was on the...
For whatever reason, things get lost in Iraq. Lots of things. Believe it or not, things like lawyers, guns, and money. Most recently, The Government Accountability Office reported that the Department of Defense can't account for about 190,000 guns sent...
Here's your Friday video fun. Daily Show correspondent Jason Jones does a brilliant piece on rich people (including the Kennedy's) fighting against a wind farm that might taint their Nantucket beach front views. I'm a huge fan of the Daily...
If Andrew Sullivan were to start a cult today I might join. Here goes my favortite conservative explaining why we should all, as good Americans, be outraged at Jose Padilla's treatment leading to his conviction this week of watered down...
According to a Detroit Free Press article: A federal court judge dismissed a lawsuit by nine shipping companies and associations that had hoped to overturn a Michigan law requiring oceangoing ships to sanitize their ballast water to prevent the introduction...
Here's another reason why good, effective industry regulation is so important to the public interest. And why corporations like Dow and the politicians they fund will always condemn it and fight it. Dow is based in Midland, Michigan. It...
With all the talk of the left's pathological hatred of President Bush (well deserved, I might add), you don't hear much on how old skool conservatives and GOP party loyalists are starting to feel the hate. That is until now....
US News and World Report collects 10 Things You Didn't Know About Karl Rove, such as: 1. Karl Christian Rove was born on Christmas Day 1950 in Denver. His family moved a lot until settling in Salt Lake City. Rove's...
If this picture doesn't make you sick to your stomach - or at least give you the hebbie jebbies - you are a stronger person than I. Look at that leg! Have you ever seen a human leg twisted...
Hillary Clinton's first TV ad runs in Iowa sucks. It's as dopey and sappy and tired as you might imagine. Nice music bed too....
If you notice the Internet running a bit slower today you can bet it's due to the shitstorm of activity in the blogosphere kicked up by Karl Rove's announcement that he is resigning from the Bush administration effective August 31....
In an American Enterprise Institute interview in 1994, Cheney had this to say about invading Iraq: "Once you got to Iraq and took it over, took down Saddam Hussein's government, then what are you going to put in its place?"...
The New Yorker is running a piece that provides a "rare look inside the C.I.A.'s secret interrogation program." It is uniformly depressing and disturbing, but I encourage you to read it. It's all about an administration that has gone buck...
In an op-ed piece in the Washington Post last week, Robert Samuelson - he of the tremendously bushy mustache - attacks Washington think tanks for not proposing bold solutions to solving the impending baby boomer entitlement crisis. A boomer himself,...
Yesterday I went to a townhall meeting put on by John Dingell (D-MI) at Ann Arbor Pioneer High School. The topic? Global warming. Dingell asserts that he has a plan to reduce carbon emissions 60% to 80% by 2050. Going...
According to the rich themselves, it's apparently quite hard to get by in Silicon Valley when your net worth is less than $10 million. It's a constant struggle: "Here, the top 1 percent chases the top one-tenth of 1 percent,...
Here's your Friday video fun. The other night, Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT) appeared on the O'Reilly Factor to discuss O'Reilly's attacks on DailyKos and the YearlyKos convention. He practically wets himself in his self righteous fury, and ends up telling...
So, how many people who were on the I-35W bridge on Wednesday evening are—or were—thinking that what this country needs is more tax cuts, or for those tax cuts that have already been made to be made permanent? That's a...
The Climate Progress blog pointed me to a Popular Mechanics article on Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) from earlier this year. Here's some of what they have to say: Today, there are more than 230 million cars and trucks in...
I'm usually not home in time to catch "Lou Dobbs Tonight" on CNN, but I had called in sick to work on Monday (July 30) and I found myself watching more television than usual. Watching Dobbs get upset can be...