10 Things You Didn't Know About Karl Rove
US News and World Report collects 10 Things You Didn't Know About Karl Rove, such as:
1. Karl Christian Rove was born on Christmas Day 1950 in Denver. His family moved a lot until settling in Salt Lake City. Rove's parents divorced when his stepfather, whom he considered his father, came out as gay. Rove would meet his biological father 20 years later.[...]
3. He has attended the University of Utah, the University of Texas-Austin, and George Mason University in Virginia but still has not completed his college degree. He claims that he has a few requirements left and has been provisionally accepted at UT's doctoral program in government.
I think I understand now why Rove gets such a perverted pleasure out of demonizing homos and intellectuals...
Aw, man, do you really have to refer to me and those who bat for my team as "homos" on your website? I mean, you didn't write "geeks" or "nerds" or some other derogatory-term-for-intellectuals, just "intellectuals." You could write "gays and lesbians," or, if you must try to sound cool, "queers." I'm not just busting your hump. You know language is important. PS You still owe me a Sleestacks CD.
Posted by: JP | August 14, 2007 11:21 PM
Homo is just short for homosexual. You must know how lazy Jake is. And you won't find any bigger queerbates than here at POLJUNK.
Posted by: Derek Phillips | August 15, 2007 9:24 AM
Aw man, busted. You know it's all in love. I mean no harm. Language is important and I think homo is a great word. It's fun to say and it doesn't carry any negative connotations (in my mind, anyway).
I actually put considerable thought into that choice. I was going for lighthearted but not meanspirited. "The queers" sounds ugly. "The gays" sounds like something Joe Lieberman or G. Gordon Liddy would say.
I suppose I could've said "gay people" but that's so boring.
It's always tough when talking about other people's prejudices because you want to go into character from their perspective a little bit for comedic effect and dark sarcasm. Like when you talk about rednecks' attitudes toward black folks, it's hard not to use the n-word. You say it in a funny voice, hoping to point out the inherent idiocy in the idea, but it's still awkward. And maybe wrong? I dunno.
I am sorry that I offended you (and anyone else who was offended by me). That certainly was not my intention. I was just trying to be funny and point out what a dick Karl Rove is. Didn't mean to be a dick myself.
Posted by: Jake | August 15, 2007 11:07 AM
Jake, I read it the way you intended it to be read, but that's largely because I've known you for the past 15+ years. For some of the same reasons you point to in your response, I try and use "gay Americans" when I'm writing about political issues that impact gay Americans. In my mind, using that phrase explicitly and implicitly points to the absurdity of the religious right's hatred of gay Americans. They're Americans, after all. Why spend so much time and energy hating them? Aren't there poor people to feed and children to vaccinate? That's what a real Christian would be focusing on, but I digress...
Of course, that phrasing is a little more serious, and doesn't really work when you're trying to make fun of Rove's homophobia. So like I said, I see your point.
Rove: Dick. Jake: Not dick.
Posted by: Mike | August 15, 2007 11:29 AM
And let's not undervalue the humor in offensive words. If we white wash the language on this site then nobody will read it. Read the site and I think you'll understand that we're STRONG supporters of gay rights and so the intent behind our language choices is different than those who are bigots and hate mongers. Just the same, "homo" sounds funny.
Posted by: Derek Phillips | August 15, 2007 11:53 AM
So... three straight, white males agree that I'm okay. Phew!
Posted by: Jake | August 15, 2007 1:00 PM
Well, I'm a bi-sexual woman and I think you're far from ok. But I don't think you're a hater.
Posted by: bryan | August 15, 2007 1:27 PM
Language is important, JP, but not as important as context.
Posted by: barabajagal | August 15, 2007 3:38 PM
i'm just a fag hag, what do i know? but i would've gone with "gays and intellectuals". "Homo" definitely raises an eyebrow.
Posted by: heather | August 15, 2007 9:32 PM
But fag hag is ok?
Maybe it's best we all just agree to disagree. The main issue here really has nothing to do with semantics anyway.
Posted by: bryan | August 15, 2007 10:21 PM
or rather flame dame?
Posted by: heather | August 15, 2007 10:51 PM
Yikes, what did I start? I definately did not mean to imply that Jake is a dick or a hater, or that GloNo is in bed with Karl Rove. Just that the word probably wasn't a great choice and it ruffled my feathers. I appreciate the comments, though, and isn't the point to engender lively discussion? And I still would like my Sleestacks CD. Pretty please.
Posted by: JP | August 16, 2007 4:18 PM
Yikes, what did I start? I definately did not mean to imply that Jake is a dick or a hater, or that GloNo is in bed with Karl Rove. Just that the word probably wasn't a great choice and it ruffled my feathers. I appreciate the comments, though, and isn't the point to engender lively discussion? And I still would like my Sleestacks CD. Pretty please.
Posted by: JP | August 16, 2007 4:18 PM
You did good, JP. You did good :-).
Posted by: Mike | August 16, 2007 5:07 PM
"I appreciate the comments, though, and isn't the point to engender lively discussion?"
Yep, and mission accomplished.
Posted by: Derek Phillips | August 17, 2007 9:15 AM