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October 31, 2007

Warrren Buffett: I should pay a higher tax rate

Warren Buffett, telling it like it is to Tom Brokaw: The taxation system has tilted towards the rich and away from the middle class in the last ten years. It's dramatic, and I don't think it's appreciated. And I think...

Did Al Qaeda cause San Francisco earthquake?

When I heard about the earthquake out in San Francisco this morning, the first thing I thought was "What role did Al Qaeda play in triggering the earthquake?" In their coverage of the SoCal wildfires, our good friends at Fox...

Blackwater Guards Given a Pass

So, not only did we find out that the initial State Department report on the killing of 17 Iraqi civilians at the hands of Blackwater guards was drafted only on the words of the guards themselves, now we find out...

October 30, 2007

Harold Ford Proves He's a Loser

There's a lot in this Harold Ford interview that drives me insane, but I am going to focus on Ford's answer to the very first question and how it is an abject lesson in how NOT to respond to a...

POLJUNK Under Construction

Please excuse the mess as we move POLJUNK to a new server. You may notice some functionality not working and some formatting a bit askew as well. Fear not, we're not under attack. We're simply moving all Glorious Noise properties...

Obama Voices Support for Net Neutrality

I don't know if he's playing to the file sharing community or if he just actually understands the importance of the issue—it's hard to believe any politician gets how crucial this is, but the Senator from Illinois is not just...

October 29, 2007

Bipartisan bill to restrict presidential war powers

A bipartisan group, led by Representative Walter B. Jones (R-NC), has introduced an amendment to the 1973 War Powers Act that aims to reassert the Congress's role in declaring war. Jones on the bill and why it's needed: This bill...

Bush asks for dramatic increase of Mexican drug war funding

As part of his supplemental war funding request - the one where he asks for another $46 billion for the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan - Bush is demanding $1.4 billion for fighting the drug wars in Mexico and Central...

Ron Paul Cuts to the Quick

It's insane for any progressively-minded person to support Ron Paul's campaign since he hails from the libertarian wing of the GOP, but it's pretty clear why he's resonated with a growing segment of the politically aware on both sides of...

Mexican drug cartels love the second amendment

In July, I posted on a piece in the Christian Science Monitor that said about 90% of the guns used by Mexican drug cartels come from the U.S. A commenter questioned that number, and asked where it came from. Not...

October 28, 2007

Neil Young driving his "Linc-Volt" to Detroit

In a New York Times piece on his new record, Chrome Dreams II, Neil introduces his plan to drive his custom hybrid car across the country: The car is a 1959 Lincoln Continental Mark IV, a 19-foot, two-ton behemoth. It...

October 27, 2007

Americans don't hate taxes as much as Republicans

On Thursday, Charlie Rangel (D-NY) introduced a bill that calls for the most significant overhaul to the tax system in decades. In general, the taxes paid by people making more than $200,000 would go up, and would go down or...

The Monitor on a carbon tax

They'd rather see a carbon tax than a cap and trade system: Economists agree that the real cost of burning fossil fuels – damage to the environment and health, not to mention the cost of replacing them as they run...

October 26, 2007

Water shortages in 36 states within 5 years

From a hot off the press AP article: The government projects that at least 36 states will face water shortages within five years because of a combination of rising temperatures, drought, population growth, urban sprawl, waste and excess. "Is it...

Friday video fun: Hansen on 60 Minutes

No, I'm not talking about those lovable blonde brothers and their saccharine pop trio, Hanson. I'm talking about James Hansen, who runs the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, and is one of the foremost experts on global warming in the...

Ann Arbor introduces electric-diesel hybrid buses

My hometown, Ann Arbor, MI, will be putting 15 electric-diesel hybrid buses on the road by the end of October, and plans to add another 5 by March 2008. The long term goal is to replace all 69 Ann Arbor...

October 25, 2007

Brits smoking less weed

From a Guardian piece, "Cannabis use down since legal change": Gordon Brown's plans to tighten the law on cannabis by increasing the penalties for possession suffered a fresh blow yesterday as the latest official figures showed the decision to downgrade...

Fukuyama: Bush administration has bred anti-Americanism

On "Comment is free", the Guardian's new "group blog", Francis Fukuyama has posted A self-defeating hegemony, on the topic of anti-Americanism around the world. Fukuyama once was a beacon among neoconservatives, and urged both Clinton and Bush to invade Iraq...

Hey, buddy, can you spare some water?

You can add "conflicts over water" to the list of resource driven conflicts to expect in the future. And it won't be just country vs. country. At least here in the U.S., it will be state vs. state. According to...

White House admits that they're douche bags

OK, they didn't exactly admit they are douche bags. But they did change their story on editing the CDC testimony on global warming. First, they said they didn't do it. Now, they're saying they did do it, but only because...

October 24, 2007

White House adds to list of censored climate science

This White House has no shame. I'm sure that's not news to any of our POLJUNK readers. Or pretty much any other American. But here's something else to add to your list of censorship of science by the Bush administration....

Turning $300 into $8,000

Remember way back in the early days of the Bush administration when we all got a check for $300? Man, that was awesome. I spent mine on credit card bills and a great night of cheap beer. But that was...

October 23, 2007

Tell Your Rep to Say No to Telecom Immunity

EFF: Tell Your Representative to Say No to Telecom Immunity This past Wednesday, the Administration's allies resorted to procedural gimmicks and fear-mongering to prevent the House from voting on the RESTORE Act, which would significantly repair much of the damage...

Public opinion on global warming

When I heard about the September Washington Post-ABC News poll that found only 1% of Americans see global warming as their number 1 issue for the 2008 elections, I was a bit depressed. I was reminded of it while reading...

October 22, 2007

Republicans on parade: another debate

Can't they take a debate break? Salon gives the blow by blow to tonight's Republican debate: 45 minutes. Romney rides the Hillary hatred. "She hasn't run a corner store. She hasn't run a state. She hasn't run a city. She...

Fighting coal plants in the West

James Hansen runs NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies. One of the key objectives of the institute is to research and attempt to predict global climate change. An authority on climate science, Hansen has become a prominent voice on the...

October 18, 2007

Progressive farm bill unlikely

The farm bill that's going to come out of the Senate Agriculture Committee is not going to be as progressive as Tom Harkin (D-IA), the committee chairman, had hoped it was going to be. He and Senator Charles Grassley -...

The NYT editorial board has a blog

The editorial board at the New York Times has launched a blog called The Board. Which brings the total of NYT sponsored blogs to 856. Or something like that. The NYT editorial board is the best in the country. I'm...

Mitch McConnell is a liar, and his pants are on fire

Mitch McConnell (R-KY), the Republican Minority Leader in the Senate, has stepped in it this time. Remember the S-CHIP bill that passed the Senate and House with substantial majorities? The one that the monkey in the White House vetoed, even...

October 17, 2007

Who Wants Turkey?

Way back when, I took some history classes at a community college in Michigan to shore up my general ed. credits. I had an instructor there named Mr. Schlosser who was so great that I took two more of his...

Larry Craig: Fucking Liar

I don't know if Senator Larry Craig is gay or not. I know he's said he's not gay about 120 times since his arrest for soliciting sex in a men's bathroom in Minneapolis this summer. I also know this dude...

Cheney's Law: Watch it on Frontline tonight

Tonight, PBS stations will be airing a new Frontline documentary called Cheney's Law. It's all about Cheney's efforts over the past 30 years to grant king like powers to the presidency - the kinds of powers that the founders were...

Bush Does Right by Dalai Lama

It's not often we have an occasion here to praise President Bush, but fair is fair and we should acknowledge when the President does make the right decision. This week, President Bush hosted the Dalai Lama in his personal residence...

October 16, 2007

Rudy Goes Fusion!

It's showing up all over the place, so why not post the video clip were Rudy denies (sort of) being a Republican? In 1996, Rudy Giuliani was interviewed by Charlie Rose. In that interview, he tries to explain how he's...

Cheney and Obama Related?!?!?!

From the WTF file, Dick Cheney's wife claims the VP and Barrack Obama are related. When MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell asked Cheney whether she thought America was ready for a woman president, she dropped this bomb: One of the things I...

Institute draft, or get out of Iraq now

12 former U.S. Army captains - all of whom did tours of duty in Iraq - argue in today's Washington Post that unless the country is willing to support a draft, it's time to get out of Iraq. Now: There...

First they dissed MLK, now they're dissing Gore

When Gore was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize last week (along with the IPCC), I knew conservatives wouldn't be dancing in the street and sending fruit baskets to the Vice President. But I'll have to admit, I was a bit...

Make morphine, not war

This past weekend, the New York Times ran an article entitled "Could Afghan Poppies Be Painkillers for the Poor?" Those crazy potheads... what will they think of next? An excerpt: [R]ather than trying to eradicate Afghanistan's poppies, why not instead...

October 15, 2007

Why the right hates Gore and pretends global warming doesn't exist

In today's New York Times, Paul Krugman tackles why the right has gone batty over Gore's Nobel Peace prize: They hate that he keeps being right, despite their best efforts to smear him. Also, some good comments on why the...

Edwards Picks Up State SEIU Endorsements

Despite getting the cold shoulder from the national SEIU, John Edwards has picked up the endorsements from ten state chapters, which represent about half the total membership. The national leadership's decision not to endorse a candidate was seen as a...

Craig Fights On

I am betting the name Larry Craig elicits more boos and hisses among the GOP leadership these days than that of either Clinton. This dude is KILLING them and there's not a thing they can do about it. Of the...

October 13, 2007

Rice Putin

According to a recent Associated Press article, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary Robert Gates were in Russia on Friday to discuss a missile defense system in eastern Europe. The Americans received a less-than-warm welcome since the...

ADL "strongly condemns" Ann Coulter

The Anti-Defamation League came out with a statement on Friday, addressing Ann Coulter's assertion that she and other Christians "just want Jews to be perfected." From the statement: Coulter's remarks are outrageous, offensive and a throwback to the centuries-old teaching...

October 12, 2007

The real legacy of Reaganomics: $9 trillion in debt

While the Republican candidates for president trip all over themselves trying to demonstrate who is more Reaganesque, I think it's worth noting one of the major legacies of the Reagan era: almost $9 trillion dollars in national debt. Before Mr....

"We just want Jews to be perfected, as they say"

The best thing to do with people like Ann Coulter is to ignore them and not give them any credibility by repeating the ignorant blather that they projectile vomit over the airwaves. But sometimes, these comments are just too rich...

Gore wins Nobel (along with the U.N.'s IPCC)

As people have been speculating and expecting, Al Gore was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize today. He shares the award with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a United Nations committee of over 2,000 scientists around the globe that...

October 11, 2007

More on Chris Matthews "criminality" comments

TV Guide, of all places, has a brief interview with Chris Matthews, where he elaborates a bit more on his comments at last week's Hardball 10th anniversary party: TVGUIDE.COM: You caused a stir with some remarks you made at the...

Be part of the taser generation...

If you have yet to be tazed by an officer of the law - or even a fellow citizen, in states that allow "regular" folks to own and use tasers - or haven't yet tazed a fellow American, don't worry....

Jimmy Carter: The U.S. "certainly" tortures

Jimmy Carter was on The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer last night. He did not shirk his responsibility to condemn the use of torture by the Bush administration, nor was he afraid to call President Bush a liar: BLITZER: President...

October 10, 2007

Bruce Fein: The Constitution is our birth certificate

Keith Olbermann continues to doggedly pursue the lawlessness of the Bush administration on his show. Countdown is generally a great show, and I hope i's nightly viewer ship will grow well past a million (currently an average of 750,000). Last...

Romm calls Obama climate plan "first-rate"

Here's just another reason I hope Barack Obama is our next president: Joe Romm, one of the foremost thinkers on global warming, gives a big ol' thumbs up to Obama's energy and climate plan. Some of the things Romm highlights:...

October 9, 2007

Reich: Kill those farm subsidies

Robert Reich, Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton, agrees with us on the need to eliminate farm subsidies: I've got a way to reduce global poverty, decrease the number of workers crossing our borders illegally, save American taxpayers money, and...

More alleged civilian deaths by private security contractors

This time, it's two Armenian Orthodox Christian women in a white Oldsmobile who didn't heed a "warning shot" from a security contractor. A Washington Post article quotes an Iraqi police officer: "A vehicle got close to them and they opened...

Neal Katyal on the secret torture memos

You may not know who Neal Katyal is, but any lawyer worth his or her salt should. A Yale Law graduate who once clerked for Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, he is a professor at Georgetown Law, and last year...

SEIU Disses Edwards

This is cold. The Service Employees International Union, a fast growing service workers union that has long been lovey with Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards, decided against endorsing anyone in the race to the White House—at least for now. Edwards...

Pay for war? With new taxes? How dare you!

Great commentary from Thomas Friedman this past Sunday on the White House response to a Democrat's suggestion that a tax be levied to pay for the Iraq War: Every so often a quote comes out of the Bush administration that...

October 7, 2007

Larry Craig: Still in the Senate, still not gay

If you follow politics at all, you probably know now that Senator Larry Craig (R-ID) has decided to serve out his term, despite his pledge that he would resign by the end of September. Republicans, of course, are apoplectic about...

October 5, 2007

Chris Matthews swings at Bushies and connects

Even Chris Matthews is fed up with the Bush administration. Last night, at a party celebrating 10 years of Hardball, Matthews had some not so nice things to say about the Bush administration. He even went so far as to...

Iran's newest pop star...

I don't really watch SNL much anymore, but when I catch it, I like the stuff that Andy Samberg does. Last Saturday night, he did a short on the recent NYC visit by Iran's president. Sad to say, but it's...

Rudy's Jesus Problem

It's been hinted at since the earliest days of the Giuliani campaign: Rudy can't carry social conservatives. The multiple-married, pro-gay, anti-gun ex-Mayor of New York City (NEW YORK CITY!?!?!) simply cannot galvanize the support of the oh-so-important religious right to...

More suggesting Gore might win Nobel

We recently noted that Christopher Hitchens thinks Gore will win the Nobel next week. More folks (did I just say "folks"?) are thinking the same thing: "I think [Gore and Canadian Inuit activist Sheila Watt-Cloutier] are likely winners this year,"...

Bush hates children, but loves torture

[Ed - I wrote this post yesterday, but due to some technical difficulties we had, was unable to post it. Here it is, better late than never...] Whenever you think the Bush administration can't stoop any lower, can't possibly demonstrate...

October 3, 2007

Domenici calling it quits

People have been predicting at least as far back as April that Senator Pete Domenici (R-NM) would retire in 2008. Word on the street now is that he is. He's supposed to announce officially tomorrow. You know what might be...

Wheeee!!! (Look, Mom, I'm a Blackwater Pilot!)

If you haven't heard by now, the Bush Administration has been outsourcing work that used to be performed by uniformed American military personnel to a private outfit called Blackwater. It is important to note that, as a private company, Blackwater's...

Legislator Shows Kids Boobies

Gotta love this. A state legislator in Ohio is giving a lecture on how a bill becomes a law (hasn't anyone heard of School House Rock???) and up pops a nudie picture of some gal showing her tatas. Looks like...

Blackwater Investigation Gets Surreal

Is Joseph Heller now conducting this war? Seriously, this shit is taking on some surreal dynamics. Today, the New York Daily News reports that the investigators "will be protected by bodyguards from the very same firm" that they are investigating....

Witness the Specularium...

Can I speculate for a minute here? I think you'll find this Daily Show clip a tad bit funny... or, your head might explode, raining down flecks of brain matter on your fellow cube mates. You decide:...

Taibbi Launches Campaign Blog

Rolling Stone may be all but irrelevant in the music world but it's political reporting is still pretty hot. In fact, I wish Wenner would just launch a new poltical imprint so I can get all the Taibbi, O'Rourke and...

It's official: Bush hates children

As expected, President Bush has vetoed legislation that would expand healthcare funding and coverage for uninsured children in this country. Since Bush came to office, the number of uninsured Americans has increased from 40 million to 47 million. Now that's...

Countrywide: Doing Satan's work

This summer has been filled with news about the subprime meltdown, the resulting market movements, and the inevitable recession that will result from the disintegration of the housing boom. We're seeing the country's housing stock drop in total value for...

October 2, 2007

Wounded Vet Calls Limbaugh Out

Exposing fathead as the pussy he is, a wounded Iraq war veteran tells Rush Limbaugh, "until you have the guts to call me a phony solider to my face, stop telling lies about my service." The gall of these chickenhawks...

Obama's Brand Promise

Last week I watched with bemusement as Hardball's Chris Matthews and his gang of political "Hardballers" practically came unglued at the prospect of Barack Obama attacking Hillary Clinton in the latest of what seems like a never-ending number of debates....

October 1, 2007

Reid Attacks Limbaugh

You wouldn't know it by some of the votes that have actually taken place in congress lately, but there are some very important issues facing this country that we'd like our elected representatives in congress to address. Among the many...

Thompson Stumbles Out the Gate

When Fred Thompson spent his summer tickling the asses of conservatives begging for a savior for the Republican presidential field, most politicos figured he'd come out of the gate with some impressive campaign dollars that would make up for the...

Obama in Q3: $20 million raised

Well, it's official now: Barack Obama raised $20 million dollars in the third quarter. We're still waiting on numbers from the Clinton camp, but the word on the street is that her numbers will be comparable. Still, it seems like...

California is the model

As I blogged here recently, I've been devouring Joe Romm's book Hell and High Water. If you'll recall, I listed what Romm considers the top things we can do to reduce global warming. First and foremost, he says the rest...

"I hate all Iranians"

That's what Debra Cagan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Coalition Affairs to Defense Secretary Robert Gates, had to say to a group of British Members of Parliament when they were visiting the Pentagon last month. Which is quite comforting. I'm glad...
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