...no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States. --United States Constitution So, not only does Mitt Romney not understand that the United States Congress MUST not only be...
Damn, Andrew Sullivan puts the smackdown on Rudy regarding the various emerging stories of impropriety: Look: if you're cheating on your wife, you need two security details. Of course, one is going to be hush-hush. And the tax-payer foots the...
It isn't often that I read Tammy Bruce's right-leaning blog, but Salon.com's link to her site on Tuesday caught my attention. Tammy, to her credit, took the Bush Administration, and Condi Rice in particular, to task over the meeting of...
Great Biden ad showing how everyone agrees: Joe's Right. Via The Stone's National Affairs Desk...
A recent survey conducted by the Pew Research Center for People and the Press undoubtedly have people stomping—I mean, "dancing"—at the HQ of John "He's a Rebel" McCain. According to the survey, people—in the U.S., at least—are becoming more bullish...
Only 419 days until the end of the George W. Bush presidency. At least according to the Bush Timer a friend of mine gave me today. 419 days, 10 hours, and 3 minutes. That's not much time to move through...
Headline: Cheney Has Irregular Heartbeat Wait, Cheney has a heart...?...
Salon has an excellent piece running today on the hypocrisy of the GOP, which used to run on a law and order platform, for not holding their own president accountable to US and international law. Have these guys put party...
Breaking from our non-stop Mike Huckabee coverage...Trent Lott announced his resignation from the Senate today, joining a gang of recent Republicans who have jumped ship in recent weeks. Lott's retirement means that Republicans will have to defend 23 seats in...
Another classic from Matt Taibbi: Mike Huckabee, Our Favorite Right-Wing Nut Job. I haven't been actually enthused about getting my fortnightly issue of Rolling Stone magazine in more years than I care to remember. But these days, Matt Taibbi's coverage...
Republican candidate Mike Huckabee was on CNN's Late Edition today. He condemned the Saudi court case that sentenced a gang-rape victim to 200 lashes and 6 months in prison (she was out in public with a man who wasn't a...
Nobody I read seems to be sad to see John Howard go in Australia. In fact, some seem to be near gleeful - at least pleased. That includes Andrew Sullivan, Joe Romm, and Glenn Greenwald. And Kyoto Protocol supporters everywhere....
The beating that John Howard and his Liberal Party took in Australia's elections today reminded me of what Howard had to say when Barack Obama announced he was running for president: If I was running al-Qaeda in Iraq, I would...
Good news for people who care about the future of the planet: John Howard is no longer Prime Minister in Australia. Labor is in, and the Liberal Party is out. Kevin Rudd, the new Prime Minister, promised to take global...
I'm thankful for a lot of things. One of the things I'm thankful for is the Beatles: Happy Thanksgiving....
I wonder if Scott McClellan and his publisher expected the selection from McClellan's new book to create such a stir. You would think so. Here's the bit that's causing alarm. It's in reference to the ex-Press Secretary's denials of White...
On Sunday night, I posted that Neil Young was going to be on CNN's American Morning on Monday. I happened to be home that day, so I kept my eye on CNN from 6 to 9 AM, using the handy...
Stranger things have happened, but there's a very good chance that there will be a ballot initiative in 2008 for legalizing medical marijuana in Michigan. The Michigan Coalition for Compassionate Care gathered 496,000 signatures in support of a legalization measure....
... as long as they return their signing bonuses. Another great example of the Bush administration supporting the troops: The U.S. Military is demanding that thousands of wounded service personnel give back signing bonuses because they are unable to serve...
If you guessed Dennis Hastert, you'd be close, but wrong. The Hammer would like to bitch-slap none other than New York Times columnist and Princeton economics professor Paul Krugman. Probably because Krugman insists on brandishing facts and logic when he...
Last week, Ed Markey (D-MA) introduced the Bottle Recycling Climate Protection Act (H.R. 4238), a bill that would mandate a 5 cent deposit on all beverage bottles and cans. Including water bottles. Markey: Congress can send the nation a global...
Last Wednesday, Warren Buffett testified in front of the Senate Finance Committee. He's still on his pro-taxes on the rich crusade. This time, he's advising the finance committee to retain the estate tax: The resources of society I don't think...
While perusing the Right side of the blogosphere recently, I encountered the usual smattering of declarations that the Main Stream Media has a leftist agenda. I traded comments with some tool on a conservative website where I tried to explain...
Mike Huckabee has a new ad out in which he not only gets an endorsement from Chuck Norris, but he drops some science on what a bad ass the kung fu master is. "There's not a chin under Chuck Norris'...
The IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - has issued their fourth and final report. It's much more pessimistic than the first three, and those weren't walks in the park, either. Two alarming quotes from scientists on the panel:...
Alright, people. Time to set your Tivo on stun. Neil is going to be on "American Morning" tomorrow morning (Monday, November 19), sometime during their regular 6 to 9 A.M. slot. Probably multiple times in those 3 hours. This press...
The first President Bush suspended military assistance to Pakistan in 1990. The current Bush revved it up again after September 11th. Only after his administration threatened to bomb Pakistan "back to the stone age" if they didn't become a partner...
This Boston Globe piece from September points out that the Democrats are generally meeting their pledge to cut earmarks in half: The $459 billion military budget approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee earlier this month, the largest annual federal spending...
This past Thursday, 72 Republicans introduced a resolution to establish a Joint Select Committee on Earmark Reform. I wonder why they never considered doing that while they were in control of Congress for the past 6 years? The committee would...
As far as conservatives are concerned, progressives hate America. I prefer the term liberal, but progressive is what we are apparently calling ourselves these days, since Republican propaganda has succeeded in associating the term liberal with child molesters and mass...
No ruling on the North Dakota hemp farming case today. The judge is postponing the decision until the end of the month. It doesn't sound good, though. The Judge - Judge Dan Hovland - sounded reluctant to rule: Isn't the...
Rudy Giuliani has a new ad out and the premise is this: New York sucked until I became Mayor and then I beat it into the gleaming jewel that it is today. Rudy Giuliani Campaign Ad A bit different from...
Here's another reason some young people see something they like in Ron Paul's candidacy. From the Boston Globe: And at a time when the Iraq war has made an interventionist foreign policy deeply suspect, he is pushing a hands-off approach...
In the comfortable confines of Air Force One, the President vetoed the health and education appropriations bill the Congress sent him, and signed a defense appropriations bill. The president whined that the health and education bill included $20 billion more...
Ron Paul's record in Congress: His past legislative proposals will provide some clues, and they are not friendly to progressive ideas. Here are some bills that Ron Paul has proposed, not merely voted on, but sponsored. And you can see...
According to this Ann Arbor News article: Veterans make up one in four homeless people in the United States, though they are only 11 percent of the general adult population, according to a report released this past week by the...
Everybody knows that Hillary Clinton's biggest perceived weakness is the perception that she's an inauthentic politician who panders to polls and parses her words to allow for maximum wiggle room. Her Democratic rivals beat her up over it in last...
Originally posted on our parent site's message board, Keith Olbermann takes it to Bush on torture and how this administration has devolved into a pathetic machine for cover-your-ass. We post Olbermann's Special Commentary from time to time and this one...
In his Trickle Down or Bottom Up post, Robert Reich writes that the only way to solve our budget and debt woes is to raise taxes on the rich: The only way is to stop obsessing about balancing the budget...
The Jefferson Jackson Dinner is a big deal in Iowa presidential politics. With thousands of active party supporters there, each candidate gives a speech. it can make or break candidates. According to David Yepsen at the Des Moines Register, Obama...
The Kucinich sponsored bill that calls for impeaching Vice President Cheney was referred to the Judiciary Committee last week, where it will likely die. On Friday, Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) sent a letter to Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), chair of the...
As we've discussed before, two farmers in North Dakota - State Rep. David Monson of Osnabrock, ND and Wayne Hauge of Ray, ND - are trying to get a license from the DEA to grow industrial hemp. The State legislature...
From an AP article: The six deaths [on Saturday] brings the total number of U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan this year to at least 101, according to a count by the AP. That makes this year the deadliest for Americans...
According to the I.R.S., the top 1% of earners in this country make 21% of all the income in the U.S. Robert Reich gives more detail here: The 25 highest paid hedge fund managers are earning more than the CEOs...
From Talking Points Memo: During last night's Senate confirmation of Michael Mukasey — which passed 53-40 — every presidential candidate currently in the Senate missed the vote. Democrats Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Chris Dodd and Joe Biden, plus Republican John...
This morning the Pentagon announced 5 U.S. troop deaths, bringing the total of military personnel killed in Iraq in 2007 to 852. That's 2 more than 2004, and of course, the year isn't over yet. This is despite the fact...
Speaking of Guy Fawkes... The Ron Paul campaign raised over $3.5 million dollars on November 5th. The campaign, and its grass roots supporters, used the symbolism of Guy Fawkes Day to encourage supporters to donate money to support his insurgent...
Senator Russ Fiengold (D-WI) makes the right call on Mukasey's confirmation. He's going to vote no: This was a difficult decision, as Judge Mukasey has many impressive qualities ... Unfortunately, Judge Mukasey was unwilling to reject the extreme and dangerous...
Three years ago today Jake Brown was mad as hell. Relive the anger and depression of the 2004 election results with the thread that would eventually become POLJUNK. Fuck You, America Fuck half of us, anyway. Voters in 11 States...
The Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) was originally intended to make sure a handful of rich people - 155 families - weren't able to almost avoid paying federal income taxes entirely. That was in 1969. Now, because the AMT isn't indexed...
Executing his 5th veto - his 4th since the Democrats took control of Congress - President Bush vetoed the 2007 Water Resources Development Act. The bill would have funded over $20 billion dollars worth of water projects around the country,...
Any chance of blocking the Mukasey confirmation are dead with this news. In defending her support for Mukasey, Feinstein said "first and foremost, Michael Mukasey is not Alberto Gonzales." The statement from Schumer is a little better: I deeply oppose...
Leahy is the 5th Senator on the Judiciary Committee to say he won't vote to move the Mukasey confirmation to the Senate floor. Leahy said in a statement: No American should need a classified briefing to determine whether waterboarding is...
Reason.tv is also highlighting this gem: A Keith Olbermann interview from 2006 with Dr. Claudia Jensen, who advocates for using cannabis as a treatment for ADD and ADHD instead of Ritalin, which is basically speed. And she has some credibility:...
If anyone questions whether Rudy Giuliani has balls need look no further than his latest radio spot. As an example of how America's health care system is the best in the world and beyond the meddling of some pinko universal...
The "Paulites" who joined us in the comments this week may be on to something. A new Time magazine article posted in Yahoo News gives Ron Paul even more ink and raises some impressive numbers on the 72 year old...
Drew Carey is doing a series of public service messages on Reason.tv. It's called the Drew Carey Project. Episode 2 is all about medical marijuana. Best line? "Smell that smell? That's the smell of freedom." I bet you can guess...
The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees endorsed Hillary Clinton for president this week. AFSCME's endorsement is an even bigger prize since the national SEIU declined to endorse any candidate last month, chapping the ass of John Edwards....
30 Democratic Senators, led by Jim Webb (D-VA), sent a letter to the President: We are writing to express serious concerns with the provocative statements and actions stemming from your administration with respect to possible U.S. military action in Iran....
Courtesy of TPM, a funny montage of clips surrounding Karen Hughes announced departure from the State Department (why was she ever allowed in there in the first place?): In the first season of 30 Rock, there's a bit where Tina...
The recent Washington Post piece on U.S. guns arming Mexican drug gangs reminded me: I never did go back and read that 2nd piece in the Christian Science Monitor series I blogged on before. This quote from the CSM article...
In a short piece on Ron Paul's insurgent campaign, this quote struck me as odd: "I was looking at Obama as somebody I was thinking about supporting," Lindley recalled. Then his friend and roommate Krauss told him to look...