The biggest rat to jump the sinking ship of the Republican party is none other than blowhard pillhead Rush Limbaugh. It seems Rushbot is none-too-pleased with McCain pulling ahead in the GOP primaries and blames him and an uninspiring cast...
This ad is hitting the airwaves in Los Angeles, San Francisco, NYC, Philadelphia, and Boston: There's also speculation that Oprah might join Obama on the campaign trail in California before the 5th. If we could throw Gore and Richardson endorsements...
The AP is reporting that John Edwards is dropping out of the presidential race today. It comes as little surprise as he hasn't won a single primary or caucus and was having a tough time distinguishing himself from the higher...
NBC News is reporting that Rudy Giuliani is dropping out of the race and will endorse John McCain on Wednesday. It seems that Rudy's plan to put all his eggs in Florida was as big a stinker as most people...
Major Obama fundraiser, Tony Rezko was busted in Chicago by federal agents Monday after his $2 million bail was revoked. A hearing with a US District Court judge was closed to reporters but Rezko is charged in a 24-count indictment...
Well, he promised to remain relevant and his hacks swore he'd remain "bold" in his vision as he limps out of his last year of the worst Presidency in modern history but George W. Bush delivered a flat, uninspired, and...
The endorsements keep rolling in for both Obama and Hillary as we edge up to Super Tuesday. Hot on the heels of the Kennedy nods (nothing personal, Hill) comes a hat tip from Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, who also gave...
Nice video mash-up of that creepy Tom Cruise Scientology video and Hillary Clinton's "breakdown" a few weeks back. I don't know what it means but they both kinda give me the willies. Again, VIA Andrew Sullivan...
Rod Dreher, a conservative editorial columnist for the Dallas Morning News, gets Obama fever and declares that our man from Illinois is the Democrats' Reagan. Now, that's not more of the Clintons' lame attempt to paint Obama as some sort...
Are the reasons people dislike Hillary Clinton also reasons to vote for her? I will openly admit that I am no big fan of Hillary Clinton, nor do I despise her. I find her to be very clever and calculating...
WAPO has a story about the mounting whisper campaign to put John Edwards in the running for Attorney General in whatever Democratic administration (God willing) is sworn in next January. Given his track record in the primaries, I thin k...
After the disappointment of the New York Times editorial board's endorsement of Hillary Clinton, it was good to read Caroline Kennedy's endorsement of Barack Obama for president. Even better was reading about Ted Kennedy's endorsement of Obama, expected tomorrow. Many...
In Orange County, CA, they've built a "microfiltration system so advanced it can turn waste water into drinking water." With a price tag of $480 million, it's the largest facility of its kind, and will turn sewage to drinking water...
Yesterday, Barack Obama handed a stinging defeat to Hillary Clinton in South Carolina. Not that anyone expected Obama to lose, of course, but the margins were huge. More what I expected to see in New Hampshire and didn't. Obama beat...
For the first time in about 25 years, the national percentage of unionized workers has gone up. From 12.0 percent to 12.1 percent. I think that percentage was more like 35% in the 1950s, so we've got a long way...
You had to see this coming. I just didn't think it was going to happen this soon. Hillary Clinton is demanding that the Michigan and Florida delegates be reinstated. The Clinton campaign just keeps digging themselves in deeper. As Klein...
The primary season is almost built to tear down the parties. We spend months and months taking apart the candidates and debating who is the biggest sell out of ideals most of us don't even support anyway. But it's particularly...
The 2009 budget proposal that the White House will be unveiling in February will not cover a full fiscal year for the Pentagon's war expenses. The new president, whatever the position on Iraq, will have to get the remainder of...
Hillary hate gets its most base expression with this Republican 527: Citizens United Not Timid. Brainchild of Republican operative Roger Stone, they're selling t-shirts for $25 a pop. This is sure to backfire, spectacularly. It has a viral nature, so...
As all Americans suffer the fallout of the sub-prime mortgage disaster in one way or another, our nation's leaders in Washington, D.C. are all atwitter as to what should be done about it. Democrats in Congress will be quick to...
After his explosion at a reporter right before the Nevada caucus, someone noted that the former president seems to go nuts at a reporter's question about his race baiting, or other smearing of Senator Obama, right before the latest primary...
I've been discussing the presidential election with a number of my friends, and I'm consistently surprised by their perception that Republicans and Democrats are exactly alike, only interested in serving the needs of their corporate masters. The Ralph Nader world...
A video of Barack Obama speaking at Martin Luther King, Jr.'s church this past Sunday is making the rounds on YouTube. With 318,000 + views, it's one of the most popular videos on YouTube right now. John Nichols at the...
Someone finally woke Fred Thompson up long enough for him to quit the race. The man who was just this summer seen as a possible savior of conservative values for the Republican party maintained a spotty campaign schedule, raised little...
I don't know that there's much you can draw from the primaries and caucuses held so far, in terms of how the Democratic nomination is going to play out nationally in the end. But there's at least one thing you...
NBC and others are calling Nevada for Clinton. With 59% of precincts reporting, Clinton has 50% to Obama's 45%. Not good news for the Obama campaign. He has to win South Carolina. He will need that momentum to get on...
A while back, in a discussion about Obama, POLJUNK reader Andrew said: Obama seriously undermined his claim to be a progressive or liberal by voting in favor of the bankruptcy reform bill (maybe he had a drink with Joe Lieberman...
Edwards and Clinton are really slamming Obama for his Reagan comments during an interview with the Reno Gazette-Journal. But they're absolutely distorting the Senator's comments, and they know it. If they at least took the time to watch the brief...
Remember all the hullabaloo around the fence the Department of Homeland Security wants to build along the southern border with Mexico? The rationale was that it would stop terrorists, curb the drug trade, and make those border towns safer for...
Good news for Obama and culinary union workers in Nevada: The lawsuit filed by the Nevada State Education Association that challenged "at-large" caucuses has been dismissed. According to the Judge, James Mahan: State Democrats have a First Amendment right to...
Golly! What to make of Mark Siljander, a Republican former Congressman from Michigan, who was indicted on 42 counts of everything from money laundering to obstructing justice. The indictments stem from his involvement in helping an Islamic(!) charity raise...
You'll have to bear with me. I'm feeling a little queasy. This story came out a few days ago, but I haven't taken that close a look at it until today. I kind of figured it was too outlandish. Doesn't...
One of the most common charges levied against Barack Obama and, sometimes, Hillary Clinton as they seek the Democratic nomination for the presidency is that they lack experience. On the one hand, it is perfectly fair to demand to know...
And he won the Michigan primary. That's all I'm saying. Onward! To South Carolina, Nevada, and Florida! To victory!...
Most conservatives adhere to a "strict constructionist" theory of interpreting the Constitution of the United States, in that they believe there is no room for modern influence over that interpretation. What was written as law by the Founders is applicable...
Alex Koppelman posted an interesting interview over at with conservative pundit Jonah Goldberg. The piece is very much worth reading because it sheds some light on the inner workings of one of the Right's most influential minds. The interview...
This is just getting weird, isn't it? To me, it really seems like the Clinton camp is embracing racially charged language in its attacks on Obama. Why is that? It seems to contradict what Clinton stands for (except maybe when...
Bill Maher, telling it like it is, on Conan O'Brien: Politicians always try to say that you can reconcile faith and science, and you can't ... you can't be a rational person six days of the week and put on...
Bill Richardson - one of the most experienced candidates in the Democratic primary - has announced he's dropping out of the race. No indication if or who he will endorse for the nomination. Edwards said nice things about him, probably...
From a ThinkProgress collection of McCain quotes where he's - gasp! - swearing like a sailor. Or as close as a Senator gets: At a GOP meeting in fall 1999, McCain "erupted" at Sen. Pete Domenici (R-NM) and shouted, "Only...
Of course, there are things I don't like about Hillary Clinton, and they're why I find her win in New Hampshire so disappointing. January 7th, 2008: I don't think it was by accident that Al Qaeda decided to test the...
Even though it was a narrow defeat in New Hampshire last night, it was still depressing for me as an enthusiastic Obama supporter. I feel like Bill Murray's character in Stripes. Early in the film, he's walking home, happy, singing,...
With 47% of precincts reporting, Clinton has a significant edge of 4,336 votes in her advantage. It could still go either way, but not at all what I expected. Like Iowa, I thought the polls were off base in Obama's...
Curb Your Enthusiasm and Seinfeld creator Larry David is out stumping for Obama and told students at Dartmouth College, "If you don't vote for Obama, I'm never doing the show again." Please, people...don't let this happen....
The saddest thing about the writer's strike is that we've lost the Daily Show and the Colbert report in our time of need. They're back on the air though (don't know how they managed that) and Andrew Sullivan was on...
A must read piece by Gary Kamiya in Salon, on Obama and his appeal as our next president: Barack Obama's stunning victory in Iowa was a moment of national alchemy. It represented an outpouring of righteous Democratic anger, and its...
it's pretty clear that Obama is going to stomp Clinton in New Hampshire. They expect record turnout - 500,000+ voters - the weather is good (60 degrees), and 45% of voters are independents. Those are all good signs for Obama....
... I was just rocking out to some Metallica on my new combo taser and mp3 player. That's right, taser fans. Taser International has introduced the Taser MPH, which lets you listen to your favorite tunes while you tase the...
From Political Wire: A new SurveyUSA poll in South Carolina finds Sen. Barack Obama crushing Sen. Hillary Clinton in the state's upcoming primary, 50% to 30%, with John Edwards at 17%. In the last three weeks, Obama is up 11...
Charles Peters, writing in the Washington Post on Friday, January 4th: People who complain that Barack Obama lacks experience must be unaware of his legislative achievements. One reason these accomplishments are unfamiliar is that the media have not devoted enough...
Three major polls show Barack Obama leading Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire just one day before this crucial early primary. What was once considered Clinton's "firewall" is now a clear toss-up and leaning toward Obama. Zogby has Obama up by...
In what is the latest sign of the coming apocalypse, the AP has published a piece on taser parties as a vehicle to sell tasers to frightened suburban women. And the ladies love them. They're light, sleek, and available in...
In a Washington Post op-ed - Why I believe Bush must go - George McGovern argues that Bush and Cheney should be impeached. It's a powerful piece, neatly condensing the arguments for impeachment. A must read: As we enter the...
Bill Bradley - former Democratic Senator, professional basketball player, and presidential candidate - is endorsing Barack Obama for president. According to ABC: "Barack Obama has a unique opportunity to create the broadest possible coalition of people who will be interested...
Last night's debate was Hilary Clinton's only opportunity to counter Obama's momentum before the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday. These New Hampshirites say Obama prevailed in last night's debate: I don't like Frank Luntz, but he's good at these focus...
Minutes ago, in the ABC News Republican debate, Fred Thompson just said that we "won" the war in Afghanistan. We did? Can we bring the thousands of troops there home now? Twit....
With Obama as the frontrunner now, Clinton went on the attack yesterday in New Hampshire. But from my perspective, she's highlighting things as bad, or "attackable" by the right, that I like about Obama: Hillary's aides point to Obama's extremely...
It's not lost on me that my affection of the Iowa caucuses is based on my own zip code. Yes, I'm an Iowa boy and I do appreciate the power that the Hawkeye state receives in this political process. Specifically,...
Salon has a piece with reports from 3 different Democratic precincts that provides some insight into last night's Obama victory in Iowa. If we see similar momentum in New Hampshire - a historical stomping ground for independents - Obama could...
"This [is] the moment when it all began." Obama's victory speech: I'm giddy....
Over 2 million Iraqis have fled the country since the 2003 U.S. invasion. The monkeys in the Bush administration have been fumbling Iraqi pleas for resettlement in the states since almost the same time. According to this AP article, that...
Rolling Stone's Tim Dickinson lists off the five surprises that shouldn't surprise you when the Iowa caucuses wrap up tonight: 1) John Edwards Wins Going Away 2) Hillary Clinton Comes in Third 3) Mitt Romney Springboards Toward Inevitability 4) Ron...
Well, it's finally here. The Iowa caucuses kick off this morning and what may be one of America's strangest political traditions is already leaving casualties. The Politico is reporting that sources close to Fred Thompson say it is likely the...
Those gays... why do they hate America so much? Why do they want to fundamentally alter the American way of life with their crazy alternative lifestyles? That was me channeling Jim Talent, former Senator from Missouri. He got his ass...
Anyone still on the fence regarding Barack Obama should watch this clip. It takes his outstanding Jefferson-Jackson speech and couples it with video footage of the excitement his campaign stops evoke. It's stirring and it's salient. Obama: One Voice...
Yesterday, The New York Times editorial board published a year end editorial - Looking at America - that reflects on the crimes of the Bush administration that came to light in the past year. It's not a pretty picture: There...
Salon is listing what they think are their best pieces from 2007. This Walter Shapiro piece from April - Repeal the Second Amendment - caught my eye: ... [L]iberals should look at the firearms issue from a long-term perspective, instead...