Many on the Right, particularly Christian fundamentalist types, make it a point to use Barack Obama's full name, Barack Hussein Obama, when they discuss the Democratic presidential hopeful in the hopes that they will reinforce the idea among their fundamentalist...
Hold up! Just when we were ready to count Hillary Clinton out, she bounces back with an infusion of cash. An AP report says the Clinton campaign will report a $35 million take in February, nearly double what she raised...
I love interviews with Georgia Republican Jack Kingston. He's a buffoon and completely unaware of his own ignorance, which makes watching his interviews like watching an exercise in social retardation. Last night on MSNBC's Live with Dan Abrams, Kingston laid...
On the same day that the Clinton camp is asking Super Delegates not to pledge their support too early (presumably to Obama), they've lost a key endorsement in the African American community. Rep. John Lewis has formally switched his support...
Conservatism ain't what it used to be, and now one of the champions of what is now being called "paleo-conservatism" is dead at the age of 82. William F. Buckley Jr. was a firebrand and a little bit creepy but...
Astonishing. Seriously, take a minute and watch this homemade campaign ad for Hillary Clinton. Who says user submitted material isn't as good as the pros' stuff? I guarantee this will get more mileage than that awful "Hillary Just Quit the...
A handy tool from MSNBC. Tech savvy junkies can now track the delegate count from their homepage, google desktop, phone, whatever... Hover over the bars and getb the number of delegates won from each state. Nice use of gadget technology...
A cross-post with our parent site, Glorious Noise. Still Missing Hunter Hard to believe we're slogging through another political season without the Chairman of the Committee to Legalize Fun, but here we are. Just think how much he'd have loved...
Barack Obama delivered two more stinging defeats to Hillary Clinton last night. She responded with an absolutely ungracious attack on his ability to inspire Democrats and other Americans in a speech in Ohio. So the Obama campaign decided to start...
Having lived most of my life in Michigan and Illinois, Lake Michigan has practically been in my back yard my whole life. The Great Lakes have always been an important source of water for people living in the regions surrounding...
I have been having an ongoing discussion regarding Global Warming-related issues with a conservative lot at The discussion was sparked by commentary on the Politics Junky Global Dumbing? article, which was inspired by the Politics Junky Barack Obama on...
From Saturday's Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (largest paper in Wisconsin): [I]n Obama, there is a potential for meaningful change that does not exist with any other candidate....
Over at Robert Reich's Blog, Reich argues that by getting out of Iraq, letting the Bush tax cuts expire, and increasing taxes on the very rich, we can get rid of the budget deficit, pay down some national debt, and...
Ari Emanuel is the real life Hollywood agent who inspired the Ari Gold character on HBO's Entourage. He's also my Representative Rahm Emanuel's brother. He wrote an essay for the Huffington Post titled My Brother the Superdelegate and Why I...
With a sweep of the Potomac Primary, Barack Obama makes it eight straight wins over Hillary Clinton and for the first time holds a lead in delegates in ALL categories, including the mysterious super delegate column. And these weren't squeakers....
The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 - yes there really is one - theoretically precludes it, but how much you wanna bet we'll see an arms race in space soon? I think there's money to be made in laser beams,...
Almost every speech delivered by Republican candidates for the presidency has evoked a yearning to return the party to the glory of the Reagan years. While Reagan has virtually been declared a saint by the Republicans, I wonder how wise...
A reader at Talking Points Memo comes up with an brilliant idea: I actually like the idea of a unitary executive, because it implies that there could be a unitary citizen. I have begun to consider myself a unitary citizen....
From a New York Times article on the March 4th primaries in Texas and Ohio: "She has to win both Ohio and Texas comfortably, or she's out," said one Democratic superdelegate who has endorsed Mrs. Clinton, and who spoke on...
Contrast's Yes We Can video - with almost 3 million views for this copy alone: To this parody version that focuses on McCain: It will be a crushing defeat. I can't see it going any other way. Can you?...
This morning, Wolf Blitzer interviewed former Secretary of State Colin Powell on CNN. Blitzer tried valiantly to extract an endorsement of a presidential candidate. Powell clearly identified himself as a republican, but he added that throughout his adult life he...
If you're in south Texas this weekend you better don thy safety orange gear. Dick Cheney is returning to the scene of the crime, that being the spot where he shot Austin lawyer Harry Whittington in the face in February...
Strengthening Huck's hand to negotiate a prominent position in a McCain administration is this endorsement from James Dobson, the Focus on the Family founder who still holds a lot of sway over a gang of evangelical voters. Dobson recently said...
This shit pisses me off. This piece is inspired in part by PolJunk commenter Nikki and partly by the morons at To give you an idea of what kind of brain power is poised to select, presumably, the Republican...
While the talkingheads can debate who won the Super Tuesday Democratic standoff it seems the people have spoken with their pocketbooks and are firmly behind Barack Obama. Everyone loves a winner and people are less apt to throw good money...
He's winning their votes, but not their hearts. John McCain, fresh from a respectable victory on Super Tuesday, is now forced to beg his own party to rally behind him. He's mostly asking right-wing talkingheads to stop bashing him now...
The first contest of Super Tuesday is in the books and it goes not to McCain nor does it go to Romney. Old Mike Huckabee wraps up West Virgina's delegates: all 18 of 'em. According to the AP: Huckabee bested...
Focus on the Family leader James Dobson is standing firm against John McCain and flatly states that he would "never support McCain under any circumstance." Since it's looking less and less likely that Mitt can pull off an upset, this...
Now here's an interesting tactic: a conservative blog engages in the dreaded liberal practice of "class warfare" to bash John Cougar Mellencamp, who recently asked John McCain to refrain from using Mellencamp's song "This is Our Country" at campaign events....
Andrew Sullivan gets an earful from a Boomer reader who takes exception to Sullivan's recent article in the Atlantic that casts Barack Obama as the cure for the Baby Boomer gangrene that has dominated American politics since at least 1968....
While the Democratic primary race is the most exciting in a generation, the Republican contest may be the final nail in the coffin of neo-conservatism. We've got Rush Limbaugh leading the talkinghead set against McCain in a breathless diatribe against...
Well, Super Tuesday is here and I am just in from voting. Things were brisk in Chicago's 47th Ward but there wasn't the snaking line of rowdy teenagers that I expected. Just the same, EVERYONE in my polling office was...
The battle for the news cycle on the eve of Super Tuesday is so far in Obama's hands. The biggest stories all focus on his elimination of Hillary Clinton's double-digit lead in California. Other big stories include: The Dead...
This could be - and I emphasize could be - huge: The membership has voted to back Obama as the Democratic nominee: Obama's long-standing opposition to the war helped him pick up the backing of, a liberal network...
This is a significant milestone: The first time I watched a clip of Ann Coulter commenting on an issue without my head exploding. Which isn't to say I agreed with her, but it was certainly entertaining without any bile rising...
John Cole calls Limbaugh out. Conservative? Hardly. More like a water carrier for whomever the dolts will follow: It sure would be nice to think that the base of the dwindling GOP is not as batshit insane as the nutters...