Ann Coulter loves Hillary, hates McCain
This is a significant milestone: The first time I watched a clip of Ann Coulter commenting on an issue without my head exploding. Which isn't to say I agreed with her, but it was certainly entertaining without any bile rising in my throat.
Last night on Hannity and Combs, she described why she hates the idea of a McCain candidacy so much, and plans to vote for Hillary Clinton in a hypothetical McCain vs. Clinton match up. Watch it. It's delicious:
Now, I'm not a McCain fan by any means, and he's abandoned his "straight talk" express for the "whatever it takes" express, but he's relatively tolerable for a Republican. I myself would never vote for him, but a McCain vs. Clinton race is the only scenario where I see a possible Republican win. So I won't turn away Ann's vote, if it comes to that. What's really interesting are the reasons Hannity and Coulter count off for why McCain isn't a "real" conservative:
- McCain doesn't hate non-white immigrants, like most Republicans do;
- McCain doesn't support "free speech," which in Republican speak means that he supports reasonable limits on campaign financing;
- McCain doesn't believe Americans should torture prisoners, and believes we should close Guantanamo;
- McCain doesn't rabidly support tax cuts under any and all circumstances (Republicans view a progressive tax structure as "class warfare");
- McCain doesn't support drilling in ANWAR (which, over its productive lifetime, would provide about enough oil to feed the U.S. oil juggernaut for about a week).
This is why I find it hard to believe that some on the left still see no difference between the two parties. Anyway, you should really watch it. Ann also makes a good case for why Obama should be the Democratic nominee, and not the Clintons (though she does that inadvertently). There's more to say, but I gotta get back to work...
PS - I also thought about calling this post "Ann Coulter wants to have like 10 million of Hillary Clinton's babies" - who doesn't love a good American Beauty reference? - but decided against it. I don't want to get anywhere near the "Hillary is a lesbian" meme. But it's one of my all time favorite movie lines...
If it were up to me, I would strike all references to this person from history. Every time anyone mentions her name, she earns a dollar.
Posted by: Jake | February 1, 2008 1:11 PM
Jake: Do you mean Ann Coulter? :-) I think I just put another dollar in her pocket! She should spend the money on food.
Posted by: Mike | February 1, 2008 1:14 PM
My political schadenfreude is at an all time high. Every day brings delicious new word of "conservative" disarray and disillusion.
That McCain can't cut it as a "conservative," why, how it does amuse me so!
I fear the delightful prospect of AC voting HRC is too thrilling to bear! I can hardly stand it!
That Mitt Romney has become their last bastion of hope--well, it sends schadenfreuding shivers down my spine!
Can the Reagan Revolution be over? Can it be true? Alas, I fear it is merely a time for regrouping, redefinition of imperialistic goals, and playing nice.
Of course, it may take 8 years! But if the Mayans are correct, history will end in 2012--so we've got that going for us.
Which is nice.
Posted by: barabajagal | February 1, 2008 1:46 PM