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Clinton Support Structure Crumbles

On the same day that the Clinton camp is asking Super Delegates not to pledge their support too early (presumably to Obama), they've lost a key endorsement in the African American community.

Rep. John Lewis has formally switched his support to Sen. Barack Obama in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, he told CNN affiliate WSB Wednesday. It's another striking blow for Clinton in what was once a bedrock of support.

In a statement issued earlier today, Lewis said:

"Something is happening in America," Lewis said. "There is a movement, there is a spirit, there is an enthusiasm in the hearts and minds of the American people that I have not seen in a long time, since the candidacy of Robert Kennedy. The people are pressing for a new day in American politics, and I think they see Sen. Barack Obama as a symbol of that change."

"This has been a difficult decision for me," Lewis continued. "I have a deep and abiding love for both Sen. Clinton and President Clinton. Sen. Clinton is a brilliant and capable candidate. Regardless of what happens in November, the Democratic Party will be making history. However, the people of my district have spoken, and I think that as their vessel, I should represent their wishes at the convention. I have attempted to contact Sen. Clinton, and I have not spoken to President Clinton or Sen. Obama to arrive at this conclusion.

On the Super delegate front, a set of talking points emailed to Clinton supporters within organized labor describes the arguments to use on uncommitted super delegates. The Clinton campaign suggests telling the uncommitted delegates that "it would be unfair and unjust to cut off the nominating process now. There might come a time when the process needs to come to a close, but that time is not now." This after weeks of not-so-veiled-threats from Clinton surrogates that they could undermine voters by wrangling super delegates to their cause. Now that Obama's surging, they seem to want to ensure he doesn't whittle away that other pillar of support Clinton enjoys.

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