I half-watched MSNBC this morning as I sipped my coffee. Tim Russert had Tucker Carlson (sans bowtie) and Ryan Lizza on his show. The three of them devoted a sizeable portion of the show to dissecting the relevance of Barack...
In a pretty lame attempt to paint Barack Obama as an exaggerator, the Clinton camp has circulated several talking point sheets trying to debunk his claim of being a law professor at the University of Chicago. Sen. Obama consistently and...
Bill Maher nails it: When Barack Obama didn't hear Reverend Wright say those awful things about America, he still should have rushed the stage, smite Reverend Wright with the cross, and left the church. If there's anything the right wing...
The Stone has an online gallery of their politically-themed covers from years past and present....
Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton created quite a stir recently when her campaign ran television advertisements suggesting that she, and not rival Barack Obama, was uniquely qualified to answer the White House's phone at 3:00 a.m., presumably in response to...
Gotta love YouTube mash-ups. If you're following the whole "Hillary in Tuzla" hub bub, this is for you. Hillary in Tuzla: The Movie...
Here's why it's important to have an independent Justice Department: White House: Computer hard drives tossed In an attempt to thwart a federal court's plan to recover "lost" emails, the White House disclosed that older workstations are routinely sent offsite...
MSNBC confirms a sad, sad milestone....
On Thursday, USA Today reported that the State Department has issued a warning to Americans who plan to attend the upcoming Olympic Games in Beijing. The State Department wants you to know that visitors to China might be under the...
Seven years after the GOP threw everything they could think of as an argument to tilt the contested Florida vote in Bush's favor, their nominee is getting a taste of that medicine. Two lawsuits filed this week challenge John McCain,...
Barack Obama directly addressed the role of race in his campaign, and in the country overall, in a highly anticipated speech yesterday. By now you've likely heard it or heard some reaction to it. Here's a round-up of what we've...
Obama's Speech on Race, Politics, and Religion This is the whole speech. Watch and then let's discuss. I'll have a round-up of what the pols say tomorrow....
The BBC reported on Monday that the German car manufacturer BMW will increase production at its Spartanburg, South Carolina factories. The move would create about 500 new jobs in America. The move is on the heels of an announcement by...
Hillary Clinton has been teasing audiences of late with the idea of a "Dream Ticket" featuring her in the lead position and Obama supporting her as a VP nominee. It's bullshit and Obama cuts to the quick: With all due...
We all know the commercial by now: "It's 3 a.m. and your children are safely asleep. Who do you want answering the phone?" Hillary Clinton's hardball ad implies that a sane person would want someone with experience and personal relationships...
Tom Daschle, telling it like it is on Meet the Press: I know what a good First Lady she was, but it would be hard for me to draw some degree of connection between being a First Lady and having...
The Associated Press reported that Iowa Republican Congressman Steve King, citing Barack Obama's heritage, his commitment to pull troops out of Iraq and, of course, his middle name (Hussein) as reasons why Islamic radicals would "dance in the streets" if...
Samantha Power, an unpaid foreign policy adviser and Harvard professor, resigned from Barack Obama's campaign today, a week after an off-the-record remark got her in hot water. Power was quoted in a Scotish newspaper saying, "She is a monster, too...
Hollow victories indeed. Sure, Hillary Clinton won the Ohio, Texas, and Rhode Island primaries, but according to the Obama camp, she only received a net gain of four delegates out of more than 370 available from those states. Their math...
Living in Chicago, I probably see a disproportionate number of parents (who, truth be told, skew older) who have an annoying habit of letting their children run roughshod over every situation they encounter. These hapless parents, disheveled and distracted, call...
The psychology of addiction is fascinating and perplexing. Why are people driven to engage in activities that are ultimately harmful to their health and devastating to their families? Nobody really knows, but this Democratic primary season is providing more...
President Busha dn Vice President Cheney might want to think twice before visiitng the Vermont towns of Brattleboro or nearby Marlboro. Voters in both towns voted to indict both men for what they say are "violations against the constitution" and...