By the looks of today's news, Hillary Clinton's claim of a turning tide in the Democratic primary could be true. Poll: Hillary Gaining Ground in NC Poll: Hillary Holds Onto Indiana Lead AP Poll: Clinton leads McCain, doing better than...
His claim that the September 11 attacks mean "America's chickens are coming home to roost"? Wright defended it: "Jesus said, 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' You cannot do terrorism on other people and expect...
Andrew Sullivan (my favorite conservative next to my dad) puts some perspective on this whole thing: I've been struck by how calm Obama seems in the face of all this Clinton drama. It helps to recall that he never expected...
A friend of mine just posited this analogy for Barack's situation in that he's leading in states won, pledged delegates, and popular vote, but on the defensive right now: He's a boxer who's leading on points but has one nasty...
With the Pennsylvania primary all wrapped up and a win for Clinton in the bag, there are countless analysts and talkingheads dissecting how she did it (she led by 25 pts at one time, so this wasn't an upset) and...
Saying he just wants to get people thinking, Jonesville, S.C. pastor Roger Byrd put a new message on the outdoor sign at his church. It reads: "Obama, Osama, hmm, are they brothers?" Byrd says the message wasn't meant to by...
A round-up of the latest polls as we head into the Pennsylvania primary: Rasmussen: Clinton 49 Obama 44 Strategic Vision: Clinton 48 Obama 41 PPP: Obama 49 Clinton 46 ARG: Clinton 52 Obama 41 With spreads anywhere from 3 to...
A poster on the bulletin boards at GLONO asks the readers if Clinton should drop out if she loses the Pennsylvania primary. We added a poll. Wigh in with your vote....
With all of the hullabaloo around Obama's ties to the Rev. Wright you'd think that the candidates running for president would be a bit sensitive to comments from religious leaders insensitive. Imagine for a moment Obama seeking and then...
CNN reported today that John McCain's campaign issued a fundraising email to its supporters that says that Hamas supports Barack Obama's presidency. Per the CNN piece: "Barack Obama's foreign policy plans have even won him praise from Hamas leaders," writes...
Folks are making a lot of hay about the quality of questions posed during this week's Democratic debate in Pennsylvania. The fact that 45+ minutes passed before the first policy question was asked has a lot of people wondering if...
You wanted Obama to get tough? You got it, buddy. "I will tell you it does not get more fun than these debates. They are inspiring debates. I think last night we set a new record because it took us...
Mitt Romney appears to be a souless political machine. He has no known heartbeat and is rumored to be powered by lima beans alone. But he has some funny writers. At Wednesday night's Radio and Television Correspondents Dinner in Washington,...
Rep. Geoff Davis (R-KY) on Obama: "I'm going to tell you something: That boy's finger does not need to be on the button. He could not make a decision in that simulation that related to a nuclear threat to this...
The fact that we're even having a debate on the use of torture in this country is not only embarrassing to me as an American, it puts the lives and well being of American soldiers in danger. If we—the greatest...
On Monday, CNN reported that Hillary Clinton will stop including in her campaign speeches a wrenching story of an uninsured pregnant woman who lost her baby due to a lack of proper health care. The story was of a pregnant...
McCain: Iraq no longer abyss of defeat (AP) Dare to dream, Senator......
If you follow Democratic national politics then you know that Mark Penn is one hated MOFO. The Chief Strategist for the Clinton campaign has a special talent for raising the dander of his opponents (and even supporters on occasion) that...
As the recent automotive sales results show, things aren't going particularly well for the Detroit Three, and even Toyota's sales headed south in March. Part of the problem—a big part—is predicated on the increasing prices at the pump which, of...
Making a run for GLONO's annual Upright Standing Man of the Year award is Keith Olbermann, who has launched a "nightly...indefinite" battle against Wal-Mart in an effort to raise awareness of the fact that the mega-billion dollar company sued a...