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August 29, 2008

McCain's Dangerous Novelty Act

Let's assume it was the idea of his handlers. John McCain's vice presidential "selection," Sarah Palin. Be disturbed, be very disturbed. These are people playing at the highest levels. And if this self-professed "hockey mom" is what they think is...

A Beautiful Thing

All Photos from Reuters: MORE...

August 28, 2008

Biden's Speech

People still nervous that Barack's campaign isn't being tough enough on McCain or that the Biden pick was less than inspiring should watch his speech from last night. On the campaign trail, the VP nominee's job is to bolster any...

August 26, 2008

Pouting PUMAs

So there are people who voted for Hillary. Supported Hillary. Are committed to Hillary. And now they're pissed off at Obama. He won. She didn't. But they feel she's been dissed. Slighted. Not given her due. So now some of...

August 25, 2008

Swift Boat THIS!

In an immediate response to an ad being funded by the old Swift Boat gang that links Obama to 60's ex-Weatherman Bill Ayers, Obama hits back hard and fast. "With all our problems, why is John McCain talking about the...

August 22, 2008

Obama Ad: Country Club Economics

POW! Obama drops a bomb of an ad on McCain's ass this week capitalizing on the Arizona senator's confusion over the number of homes he owns. Money shot: "Maybe McCain thinks this economy is working...for folks like him. But how...

August 20, 2008

McCain Thinking of Reinstating the Draft?

I tuned into Keith Olbermann tonight and I learned that a woman at a John McCain tonwhall meeting today in Las Cruces, New Mexico, expressed her dismay at how veterans, especially wounded ones, are virtually forgotten by the government and...

Toby Keith Backs Obama

From the "huh...who knew?" files: Country singer Toby Keith backs Barack Obama and says he's a Democrat to boot. While promoting his new movie "Beer for My Horses," Keith seemed to throw his support to the Senator from Illinois. "So...

August 19, 2008

Obama: Nobody Can Question My Patriotism

Fresh from vacation and ready to rumble, Barack Obama takes on McCain's slimey accusation that the Democratic nominee would rather "lose a war than lose an election": Let me be clear: I will let no one question my love of...

August 16, 2008

Blame the Messenger

If you haven't heard by now, Jerome Corsi, the same individual who gave us "Unfit for Command," in 2004, a fact-light book designed to derail John Kerry's bid for the Presidency, has a new book out called, "The Obama Nation;...

August 13, 2008

Olbermann: Biden for VP

Keith Olbermann, employing some informed guessing and quick math, has narrowed down the Obama VP pick to Joe Biden. As a big fan of Smokin' Joe I'll be watching this closely. The dude has major foreign policy bona fides and...

Presidential Requirements: Experience for Thee, but not for Me

"John McCain, Internet Dunce," boldly proclaimed the headline of a piece by Amanda Terkel at Salon.com on Wednesday. Terkel's article examines McCain's befuddlement with the newfangled Internet. She offers up some glistening jewels of McCain's net-ignorance, such as this quote...

New Obama Ad: Boom!

If you've been as worried as I've been that Obama is going too soft on McCain, and letting him get away with far too much baloney, your fears might be alleviated by the tone of his latest ad: Ad: "Book"...

MCCain: Lobbyist in Chief

Josh Marshall comments on a Washington Post article detailing the ties McCain's chief strategist has to the Georgian government. Yes, his foreign policy advisor is paid by a foreign country. Conflict of interest? Not to "Maverick" John McCain. Money quote:...

Obama VP Watch: Warner Out

As we near the date of the Democratic convention, speculation is getting furious over who Obama will pick as his running mate. It looks like one early favorite is out: ThinkProgess reports that Mark Warner is slotted already to speak...

August 12, 2008

No Prosecution for Persecution

About a year or so ago, there was quite a stir in Washington, DC when it became apparent that Bush Administration political appointees within the Department of Justice (DOJ) illegally discriminated against job applicants based on their political affiliations. Monica...

Obama Going Mobile

Want to know why Barack Obama is kicking ass on new media outreach and fundraising? Becuase he (or at least his advisors) understand the changing ways people receive and digest information these days. From his blog to his Facebook profile...

McCain Collecting from "Broken" Social Security System

McCain's been making a lot of hot air of late about the "disgrace" that is the Social Security system in America. That workers today pay the benefits of retirees seems to strike him as patently unfair and unacceptable. nevermind the...

August 8, 2008

Edwards Admits Affair

I guess we can officially count John Edwards out of the running for VP. Edwards admits to affair, denies fathering child Having an affair is one thing. Having an affair while you're running for President is another. Having an affair...

August 6, 2008

An Anti-American Carol?

Director David Zucker is currently directing a new film called "An American Carol" that is sure to pack a lot of the zany punch that some of his earlier works are famous for. Zucker's earlier works include classic comedies such...

Paris Hilton Responds to McCain Ad

Video: Paris Hilton Responds to McCain Ad from Paris Hilton, Chris Henchy, and Adam "Ghost Panther" McKay See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die...

August 4, 2008

Remember October 2001: Anthrax attacks tied to Iraq

Man, I had totally forgotten about the timing of the Anthrax attacks, and how they were explicitly linked to Iraq... But this article in Salon by Glenn Greewald about Bruce Ivins' suicide is shocking. Vital unresolved anthrax questions and ABC...

Blonde Joke

Apparently Britney Spears is a registered Republican and Paris Hilton's parents have donated the maximum allowable to the McCain campaign. Seems like the people making the McCain ads really know how to take care of their constituency. The Obama people...
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