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September 30, 2008

Marshall: McCain Has Everything to Lose

Though not one himself, Josh Marshall sums up the feelings of so many conservative Democrats and moderate Indies who used to support (or at least sympathize with) John McCain: My verdict may be a severe one but I think a...

September 29, 2008

Palin CBS Interview

In case you haven't seen it yet, here's the Palin interview fer ya. Yes, it's as bad as you've heard....

McCain's Split Personality

McCain today: "Now is not the time to fix the blame." McCain said. "It's time to fix the problem." McCain in a statement released less than two hours before: "Barack Obama failed to lead, phoned it in, attacked John McCain,...

McCain Counted Chickens From Broken Eggs

"What Senator McCain was able to do was to help bring all of the parties to the table, including the House Republicans, whose votes were needed to pass this," McCain senior Steve Schmidt said on Meet the Press yesterday. Oops....

GOP Scuttles Bailout Over Hurt Feelings

As a reader on Talking Points Memo called them, the "Crybaby Caucus" Republicans are now claiming that they pulled their support for the financial bailout plan because Nacny Pelosi was mean to them. Is that really how they want to...

September 28, 2008

Poll Sitting: Obama Surging

Latest nationals are in and Obama is pushing ahead: • Gallup: Obama 50%, McCain 42%, with a ±2% margin of error. Yesterday, Obama was up 49%-44%. • Rasmussen: Obama 50%, McCain 44%, with a ±2% margin of error, unchanged from...

September 27, 2008

Electoral Map Shifts

CNN has updated their electoral map, giving Obama a solid 240 electoral votes to John McCain's 200. Most telling is the shift in swing states, especially Michigan, which CNN now has in the blue corner. The breakdown: Solid Obama: 240...

Two Polls Give Obama Edge

Two quick polls from CNN and CBS show Obama with a significant lead over John McCain as it relates to wwhich candidate voters think won the debate. The CNN poll had Obama winning with 51% vs. McCain's 38%. More interestingly,...

McCain Backtracks on Bailout Negotiations

Further proving that his campaign suspension and call to postpone the debate was nothing more than a stunt, John McCain decided not to return to Washington D.C. to help negotiate an agreement on the financial bailout plan, despite promising to...

What Obama is Up Against

A freind of mine sent me this link. A supposed Hillary Clinton supporter explains why she can't vote for Barack Hussein Obama......

Voters Moved by Obama's Performance

A little scheduling mishap last night prevented the live blogging, but we'll be on for the October 2 VP debate. In the meantime, lots of commentary out there around last night's big show. We'll be gathering the best bits, starting...

September 26, 2008

Poll Sitting: Obama Retakes Lead

TPM has a breakdown of the four leading national polls, all of which show Obama back in the lead this week: • Gallup: Obama 48%, McCain 45%, with a ±2% margin of error. Yesterday, the candidates were tied 46%-46%. •...

Live Coverage of the Debate Here

Floow our live coverage of the debate through Twitter posts and live blogging, starting at 7:30....

September 24, 2008

Maybe Palin is the Real Reason McCain Wants to Delay Debate

According to a piece by Nico Pitney in today's Huffington Post (includes CNN video), not only is McCain threatening to pull a no-show at the first of three presidential debates scheduled for Friday, September 26 if no Wall Street bail-out...

McCain to Suspend Campaign

In what is either a puss out move to avoid debating Obama this Friday or a brilliant PR move to show how he really does put country first, John McCain has released the following statement: Tomorrow morning, I will suspend...

Freddie Mac to McCain Advisor: Baby I Got Your Money

The New York Times reported yesterday that McCain campaign manager Rick Davis' lobbying firm was still receiving payments of $15,000 a month from Freddie Mac, this despite McCain's claim that Davis hasn't done any work for the doomed financial giant...

Brown: McCain's Handling of Palin is Sexist

Tip from POLJUNK reader Dreamin' that we just had to bring to the front page: Campbell Brown lays into the McCain Campaign for seemingly sexist handling of Sarah Palin. Brown sees the McCain camp's iron curtain around their VP nomination...

September 23, 2008

Media Finally Gets Tough with Palin?

I am absolutely intrigued by the McCain campaign's insistence that Sarah Palin not face tough questions. I really have to wonder what they're afraid she'll say. How much confidence can they have in her ability if she can't face the...

September 19, 2008

Americans Prefer Obama

According to two new polls out this week, Americans like Barack Obama. It appears as though they prefer him over John McCain as a football watching buddy and also as a teacher to their children. Now, will they VOTE for...

Panic on the Streets of DC

I'll be the first to admit I know fuck-all about economic matters. I really can't follow the recent crisis beyond the fact that some folks got greedy and the regulations put in place the last time we had a big...

September 18, 2008

Another McCain Sympathizer Turns

Joining WAPO's Richard Cohen this week, Elizabeth Drew, author of a sympathetic book on the Senator, Citizen McCain, explains where and how John McCain lost her support. When Bush, issued a "signing statement" in 2006 on McCain's hard-fought legislation placing...

Trouble With Spain

Can we please get off of the idea that John McCain is some wizard of foreign policy? I mean, he gets the sunnis and shia confused half the time, wanted to immediately add Georgia to NATO despite the fact that...

September 17, 2008

Dems should Cry FOUL!

A reader at Talking Points Memo has some advice for team Obama and how they should be talking about the current economic crisis: One metaphor the Democrats don't use, that I think of over and over when I hear Obama...

Palin and Polling

Exclusive to POLJUNK, political cartoons from GLONO bulletin board member, Russ. See more...

Father Knows Best

If anyone thinks John McCain actually picked Sarah Palin because he thinks she's capable and ready to step in as President should he be unable to serve, just take a look at how he's "handling" her. For weeks now she's...

September 16, 2008

RFK Jr. Calls Out Palin on Pegler Quote

"Fascist writer Westbrook Pegler, an avowed racist who Sarah Palin approvingly quoted in her acceptance speech for the moral superiority of small town values, expressed his fervent hope about my father, Robert F. Kennedy, as he contemplated his own run...

Richard Cohen: McCain is a Liar

Ouch! WAPO's Richard Cohen socks it to McCain. As a former fan he seems to take personally the recent turn toward the ugly from the McCain campaign: I am one of the journalists accused over the years of being in...

Sullivan: Palin Basically Kills McCain

Today's quote: "My own view is that Palin has all but killed the McCain candidacy. And her real advantage was novelty. Once people realize she has no record of even interest in foreign policy and is a serial liar, her...

Fiorina clarifies: 'I don't think John McCain could run a major corporation

Oh man, can someone please give this woman a shovel? So, not only is Palin not qualified but John McCain isn't either? So, we can trust them to oversee the world's largest economy and military but they couldn't possibly handle...

McCain Spokesman: He Invented the Blackberry

In trying to explain exactly what John McCain has done as chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, campaign spokesman Douglas Holtz-Eakin went for the gold and made a claim that brought a blush to Al Gore's cheeks: "He did this,"...

Fiorina: Palin is not qualified to run a major business

What's good for HP is good for America, unless it's Sarah Palin... The Huffington Post reports that former Hewlett Packard CEO, and current McCain mouthpiece, Carly Fiorina said that Sarah palin is NOT experienced enough to run a major business...

McCain Backtracks on Economic Fundamentals

John McCain has taken a lot of heat this week for saying the fundamentals of the economy are strong, which is eerily similar to what Herbert Hoover said on the eve of the Great Depression. So today he's trying to...

McCain: The Man from Nope

Get posters and t-shirts here....

Charlie Rangel May Lose Chairmanship

Like everyone else, we've been so obsessed with Sarah Palin that this slipped by. Rep. Charlie Rangel met Monday evening with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic leaders to stave off demands that he step down as chairman of...

September 15, 2008

Palin Will Not Cooperate with Investigation

Reversing her position (AKA: flip flopping) that she'd cooperate with the investigation into her alleged abuse of power by pressuring officials to fire a state trooper who'd been married to her sister, Sarah Palin announced that she would now actually...

Sullivan: Palin's Odd Lies

Andrew Sullivan has a running list of the lies from McCain-Palin and they'd be hilarious if not so scary...and effective: The Odd Lies Of Sarah Palin I: Firing Monegan The Odd Lies Of Sarah Palin II: The Bridge To Nowhere...

Don't Forget the Debates!

With all the attention paid to lipstick, pigs, and lies, it's easy to forget that the issues will actually be discussed at some point. Here's this season's debate schedule from the Commission on Presidential Debates: First presidential debate: Friday, September...

Knives Out

The sharp attacks against McCain-Palin continue with Barack Obama today mocking his rival's assertion today--a day when the Dow dropped 300 points in early trading and TWO financial giants announce major troubles--that the "foundations of the economy are strong." Obama's...

SNL: Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton Address the Nation

Video: Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton, September 13, 2008 Who doesn't love Tina Fey? I swear that's why Palin is as popular as she is: she reminds everybody as Tina Fey. But with guns....

Obama: Release the Hounds!

After more than a week of Palin pandemonium, the Obama campaign is ready to strike back, and strike back hard with a series of attacks on John McCain and the Alaska governor's apparent flip-flops, lies, and general dirty tricks. Part...

September 11, 2008

This is All For Today

September 10, 2008

McCain Singled Out Wasilla as Pork Heavy

McCain and Sarah Palin have been touring the country with their "maverick" message, the centerpiece of which is their shared battle against "wasteful Washington spending," otherwise known as pork barrel spending. But it seems Johna and Sarah haven't always been...

I Feel Better Already

Democrats have been freaking out about the kind of week Obama's had since the Republican convention and Sarah Palin swept the media's attention. Obama has a message for us. Via Pundit Kitchen...

Palin Watch: 27 and Counting

Politicians on the campaign trail say the same thing over and over again. They have to. I mean, who could write a new speech for every stop in a two light town from here to Tucson? So, it's not that...

September 9, 2008

McCain Ad: Education

We knew it was going to get ugly this fall and here's an indication of just how ugly it's going to be. In a new ad hammering Obama on his support for a bill related to sex education, John McCain...

What Would YOU Ask Sarah Palin?

Republican VP pick Sarah Palin will FINALLY face questions from the media this Thursday by way of a televised interview with ABC's Charlie Gibson. The Politico has gathered a bunch of questions from a variety of pols, pundits, academics, lobbyists,...

Bush's Shell Game

The news this morning that President Bush was going to announce troop reductions in Iraq seemed might have undermined a key strength of Obama's campaign by effectively removing the Iraq war as a point of contention for voters. The October...

September 8, 2008

Obama Ad: They're Liars

It seems the Obama campaign has heard the wails of nervous Democrats everywhere and decided to waylay McCain-Palin with the toughest ad yet. Obama Ad: No Mavericks It's a good measure to help rally the base and start to settle...

AP Busts McCain, Palin on Pork Criticisms

The AP busts the McCain - Palin campaign for calling out Barack Obama on pork barrel spending despite the fact that Sarah palin FAR outpaces him on a per capita basis in Alaska: "John McCain and Sarah Palin criticized Democrat...

Norm Coleman: The Running Man

Now THIS is a hard hitting ad. And well done to boot! Norm Coleman: Running Man...

Palin and the Bridge to Nowhere

Sarah Palin and John McCain love to cite her supposed opposition to "the bridge to nowhere" as proof that she's a maverick ready to cut wasteful Washington spending, but the truth is she campaigned on her SUPPORT of that funding...

September 7, 2008

Sarah Palin's Executive Experience "Not Rocket Science"

While Republican Vice Presidential hopeful Sarah Palin might have sequestered herself from the press, that hasn't stopped the press from investigating Palin's history. The Seattle Times has a great investigative piece on her tenure as the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska...

September 5, 2008

McCain / Palin Campaign to the Media: Drop Dead

Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin and the McCain campaign, apparently incensed that the media has focused on Mrs. Palin and her background as they try to figure out just who the hell this person is who just might become...

Republican Double Standards

Video: Jon Stewart Via Salon....

And I Thought Preggo was a Spaghetti Sauce

The National Enquirer (I know, I know) was apparently the agent that drove Alaska Governor and Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin to release the news that her 17-year-old daughter Bristol was pregnant. Once the Enquirer had the scoop, they...

Fineman on Community Organizer Snipes

Newsweek's Howard Fineman has some tasty words on the Republican's mockery of community organizing as service to countyr: "Most of those people don't know what communtiy organizing is and if they do they certainly don't value it." TPM Talks to...

September 4, 2008

Protesters Charged with "Acts of Terrorism"

Anyone still wondering whether the USA Patriot Act, or the arguments used to implement it, might be misused or expanded beyond it's "original intent" need look no further than Minneapolis. Eight protesters at the RNC were charged with conspiracy to...

Noonan, Murphy Deride Palin Pick

You've read about it, but here it is: Mike Murphy and Peggy Noonan dogging the Palin pick as "narrative bullshit" and basically a campaign killer for McCain. Now, I don't know about that; Palin has done wonders to rally Christian...

Thoughts on the Republican National Convention, Day 3

As I watched the RNC Day 3 festivities, I couldn't help but notice that very few people whose last names weren't Palin appeared to be around 45 or 50 at the youngest. Lots seemed to be wearing cowboy hats. I...

Palin Fires the Base

Catching a late re-run of the Palin speech since I was traveling today and I have to say it is MUCH more sarcastic and mean-spirited than I anticipated. As I noted in an earlier post, two of the main functions...

Rudy Goes Below the Belt

I gotta wonder what Rudy is up to. I mean, his speech at the Republican convention was rife with weird shout-outs to Sarah Palin that were meant to paint Barack Obama as a neophyte diva who can't be trusted with...

September 1, 2008

More Thoughts on Hockey Mom Sarah Palin

Although I haven't yet come across definitive proof in the form of a birth certificate it appears that the Republican Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin is in fact the mother of infant Trig, born in April of this year. At least...

Sarah Palin: Who's Your Baby Mommy?

There's a piece up on DailyKos making the case that Alaska Governor and now presumptive Republican nominee for Vice President of the United States Sarah Palin's youngest child – the one that was supposedly diagnosed during pregnancy as possibly having...
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