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SNL: Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton Address the Nation

Video: Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton, September 13, 2008

Who doesn't love Tina Fey? I swear that's why Palin is as popular as she is: she reminds everybody as Tina Fey. But with guns.



"I swear that's why Palin is as popular as she is: she reminds everybody as Tina Fey. But with guns."

Why are people so turned on by Palin's love of hunting? A history of hurting animals is not a good sign. And what kind of person signs off on a budget that bills rape victims to collect forensic evidence? I see a lot of "cluster b" personality traits in Palin. Not the kind of person you want in the White House (remember how that turned out the last time). She gives me chills.

Dreamin', you sound like a Canadian. American love guns. And scary women.

I don't think Jake meant hunting. Jake's much hipper than that, and uses the lingo that "the kids" use. I consulted on online source to translate, and when he mentioned Palin's "guns"...

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