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Letterman Gives it to McCain

A few weeks ago John McCain bailed on a David Letterman appearance to "get back to Washington" and broker a deal for the recent economic bailout. Lettermen got wise to the thing and sure enough ran a live feed of McCain being made up for an appearance on the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric and has been bashing the GOP candidate ever since.

Well, last night, McCain showed up to take his punishment and punishment is what he got. You have to love Letterman, who clearly couldn't give a shit about what his network bosses want and isn't in any way concerned about his place at this stage of his career. He put into three short segments what a lot of Americans have been asking of the media for two years and got McCain with some very pointed questions. Watch the senator squirm when Dave asks him about the capability of his running mate, the tone of his campaign, and McCain's own odd relationships.

McCain on Letterman

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