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November 26, 2008

More Conservative Sour Grapes: Obama not "Natural Born American"

In one more pathetic attempt to derail the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency, two individuals, in separate cases, are asking the Supreme Court of the United States to declare Obama ineligible for the Presidency because he is not...

Obama: The "Vision" IS MY Job

Deflecting criticism of his appointing so many ex-Clinton staffers to his new administration, Barack Obama nails it with the most logical, confidence inducing reply he can: "That's my job," Obama said, adding that it "is to provide a vision where...

Obama in Pictures

Another awesome photo gallery with images from the Obama campaign. Check out The Next President of the United States...

November 24, 2008

Boss Hogg, where art thou?

This past summer, ABC's Jake Tapper reported that Republican strategist Karl Rove levied this slight at Barack Obama: "Even if you never met him, you know this guy," Rove reportedly said "He's the guy at the country club with the...

Thank You, Sarah Palin

Um... New Commercial Thanks Sarah Palin Courtesy of the Our Country Deserves Better PAC. I really can't tell if this is a joke or not....

November 23, 2008

Palin Gives Interview as Turkeys get Slaughtered in Background

Sarah Palin, back home in Alaska, gave an interview to a local news team at a turkey farm where Palin had formally given a pardon to a lucky turkey, sparing the turkey a trip to somebody's Thanksgiving dinner table. The...

Who Is In Charge?

What is a complete mystery is where President Bush has been during the biggest economic crisis in decades? What may trump that, for the moment, is why he is down in Peru at an economic conference. What kind of information...

November 22, 2008

Republican Senator Hopes for Best under Obama Administration

According to a Reuters report yesterday, Mitch McConnell, a popular Republican Senator from Kentucky, said that President-Elect Barack Obama is "off to a good start." McConnell then added that many Republicans, "are kind of relieved by the departure of an...

November 21, 2008

Obama and the Market

ThinkProgress today mocked Karl Rove's recent claims that the stock market is tanking due to Obama's delay in naming his economic team. Though some economic analysts believe it would be helpful for Obama to name his econ team, it is...

Richardson as Commerce Sec.

MSNBC reports: Also expected Monday -- an announcement that former U.N. Ambassador and Energy Secretary in the Clinton administration, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, will be Commerce Secretary. Now this is interesting. Obama needs to hustle on his economic team...

Hillary Accepts

Reuters, quoting the New York Times, reports that Hillary Clinton has accepted Barack Obama's offer of Secretary of State. A formal announcement is to come after the thanksgiving break. "She's ready," one of the sources told the newspaper, which said...

Gergen: Who's Skippering the Ship?

Quote of the day: "Somebody has to speak up soon," said CNN senior political analyst David Gergen, explaining that he understands why Americans are growing anxious and yearning for direction and leadership. "I think ... sort of the bottom feels...

November 20, 2008

Bush Gets Cold Shoulder at G20 Meeting?

It isn't really clear from the video if President Bush is getting a group snub from the other G20 leaders as they met in Washington, DC this week, but they seem to look past him as he walks down the...

November 19, 2008

Eric Holder's Views

Team Obama is reportedly going to tap Eric Holder for Attorney General so this seems like a good time to look at his position on some of the more prssing matters of the day, especially how they contrast with the...

Daschle at HHS

The AP reports that Tom Daschle is to be named Secretary of Health and Human Services. The appointment has not been announced, but these officials said the job is Daschle's barring an unforeseen problem as Obama's team reviews the background...

Ted Stevens: Out

The AP is reporting that Republican senator Ted Stevens has lost his bid for re-election. Tuesday's tally of just over 24,000 absentee and other ballots gave Anchorage mayor Mark Begich 146,286, or 47.56 percent, to 143,912, or 46.76 percent, for...

November 18, 2008

Eric Holder as Attorney General

Newsweek is reporting that Obama is set to tap Eric Holder as his nominee for Attorney General. Holder, who served as deputy attorney general during the Clinton administration, still has to undergo a formal "vetting" review by the Obama transition...

Coffee First!

From Glorious Noise: We're as patriotic as the next guy. We put country first as much as possible, of course, but before we've had that first cup of java, we're really not much use to anybody, much less to the...

Senators Consider Two Members for the Chopping Block

The Senate is always described as a "chummy" place, a haven for those most adept at inside baseball. That's sometimes a good thing, like when you need to set aside political differences to implement important policy; and sometimes it's a...

November 17, 2008

Sullivan: Keep Her Close

Andrew Sullivan responds to the outpouring of criticism, from the left and the right, to the reports that Hillary Clinton is being considered for Secretary of State. Many see the potential appointment as a caving to Hillary's base in an...

Piling On Ted Stevens

Will Senate Republicans follow through with an expulsion vote on Ted Stevens this week or will they simply let him whimper away as the recount looks less and less likely to deliver Stevens a victory? Should he lose the official...

Ike Was Right

Defense News reports: The uniformed services are trying to lock in the next administration by creating a political cost for holding the line on defense spending. Conservative groups are hoping to ramp up defense spending as a tool to limit...

November 15, 2008

Obama's Video Message to America

Obama brings the fireside chat into the 21st Century: In the message, Obama urges Congress to "pass at least a down-payment on a rescue plan that will create jobs, relieve the squeeze on families, and help get the economy growing...

November 14, 2008

Sullivan: The GOP's Shrinking Tent

One of Andrew Sullivan's readers sums up the Republicans' Moderate Problem: I can't tell whether the lack of serious attention given to the continued hysteria about our President-Elect still emerging from various corners of the Right is a good thing...

Obama Splits Nebraska Vote

President-elect barack Obama has split Nebraska's electoral votes, the first time the state has ever split it's vote, according to the AP. Obama now has 365 electoral votes to McCain's 162....

McCain Team Launches Palin12 Gear

Want more proof of the GOP's plan for Sarah Palin post-2008? The McCain-Palin website is featuring Palin12 items for sale with the tagline, "Conservatism Lives." The 12 is a refernce to 2012, the year of the next US Presidential...

Reid Blasts Taxpayer-Funded AIG Bonuses

Not that it should come as that much of a surprise given what corporate America has established as routine behavior in the 21st century, but Harry Reid has struck out a planned bonuses to AIG executives and management in the...

Obama's Team of Rivals

Yesterday everyone was abuzz at the news of Hillary Clinton's "secret" meeting with Barack Obama yesterday and the possibility that he'll offer her the Secretary of State chair in his new cabinet. Today everyone's yammering about a scheduled meeting with...

November 13, 2008

Dick Cheney's Legacy – A Plum Job?

The 2008 Plum Book has been published. The Plum Book is the listing of all of the positions that an incoming U.S. President may fill by appointment. It's a sort of wish-list for people with connections to the President-Elect. In...

Stevens: Baby Just a Little More Time!

Speaking of Ted Stevens...looks like the old boy is furiously trying to convince his Republican colleagues not to boot him. Politico reports that Stevens has been calling his homies and all but begging for "another chance," the idea being that...

Schumer: Minnesota is NOT Florida

For most of America, this rock and roll election year ended on November 4 with Democrats picking up seats in both houses of congress...oh yeah, and Barack Obama winning the Big House. But Democratic New York Senator Chuck Schumer is...

Fox's Shep Smith Calls Bullshit

I am not sure what show this is or who is that bozo on the left blathering on about "the liberal mainstream media" but Shephard Smith of Fox News calls bullshit on him and shuts him up right quick. Interesting...

November 12, 2008

Sullivan: Why Palin Matters

Andrew Sullivan on why he won't "drop it already" on his Palin coverage: Let's be real in a way the national media seems incapable of: this person should never have been placed on a national ticket in a mature democracy....

November 11, 2008

Every Picture Tells a Story

Image is everything in politics. John F. Kennedy proved that in his 1960 presidential debate against Richard Nixon. To those watching it on TV, versus those who listened on the radio, Kennedy was the clear winner. And why? Because...

November 10, 2008

Human Life is Literally Worth Less Under Bush/Republican Rule

The Republican assault on science isn't relegated to the push to preach fairy tales about the Earth being a mere 6,000 years old or about Adam and Eve sharing their world with dinosaurs. (You think I'm joking?) As ridiculous as...

Palin: More of the Same

Quote of the day: "I think the Republican ticket represented too much of the status quo, too much of what had gone on in these last eight years, that Americans were kind of shaking their heads like going, wait a...

The Union Forever

Unions in America have had a tough couple of decades. Declining membership, restrictions on their organizing activities, financial woes, and in-fighting that has led to more fragmentation has meant a lot of bad PR. But politicians who are ready to...

November 9, 2008

And So it Begins – The Right Already Blames Obama for America's Downfall

James Rainey, writing for the Los Angeles Times, apparently took a few minutes to listen to CONservative talk radio darling Rush Limbaugh so the rest of us don't have to. "The Obama recession is in full swing, ladies and gentlemen,"...

November 7, 2008

Just for Fun, What is the Right Saying Now?

On Election Day, before the first results came in, I took a look around the tubes of the Internets to see what some voices on the Right were saying. At the time, Right-wingers voiced everything from paranoia to optimistic exuberance...

An Open Letter to Crybaby Lefties (Re: Rahm Emanuel)

So lefties are bitching and moaning about Barack Obama's choice of Rahm Emanuel as his Chief Of Staff, suggesting that he's screwing his base, and that it's "not a good sign for progressives." Rahm Emanuel gets shit done, period. He...

November 6, 2008

Republican Party Becoming a Regional Party?

The New York Times has a great interactive analysis here describing the shifts in Republican / Democratic preferences by county nationwide. The analysis includes demographic data. Image added--ed. The map indicates which counties trended more Republican or more Democratic in...

Alaska's Odd Election Results

Alaskan political observers at Mudflats noted some odd returns from Tuesday's election. Specifically, most polls had shown Barack Obama roughly three percent behind John McCain in Alaska in the days leading up to the election, but throughout election night, the...

What the World Was Waiting For

See them all here....

The View from Over Here

George is a good friend from college who has lived in several different South American and European countries the last several years. Raised in Ohio, George watched from afar the election the whole world was waiting for and battled European...

A Note to One of our Advertisers: Fuck Off

You may have noticed ads to the right from an outfit called "Sodahead" that posit questions for your feedback. Today asks if we're ready to "kiss our paychecks goodbye" now that Barack Obama has been elected President of the united...

Lieberman's Fate in Reid's hands

A statement from Senate majority leader Harry Reid's office: Today Senator Lieberman and I had the first of what I expect to be several conversations. No decisions have been made. While I understand that Senator Lieberman has voted with Democrats...

By the Numbers

Electoral-vote.com has interesting analysis of the exit polls (emphasis added): The NY Times has the exit poll data. Obama barely won among men (49% to 48%), but strongly among women (56% to 43%), overwhelmingly among blacks (95% to 5%), and...

Palin Reponds

Sarah palin is responding to the flood of funny and soemtimes disturbing reports from Mccain staffers on her knowledge and ability as thier VP pick. She specifically dismissed reports that she didn't know Africa was a continent. PALIN: That's kind...

Robert Gibbs as Press Secretary?

Politico's Mike Allen is reporting that Obama campaign Communications Director Robert Gibbs is in place to take over as White House Press Secretary in the new administration. This is the guy who dismantled Sean hannity on live TV when the...

November 5, 2008

Palin Thrown Under the Bus

Just one day later and McCain staffers are lining up to pin the blame of their loss squarely on Sarah Palin's expensively dressed chest. Two reports today hint at the torrent of criticism to come. First, that Palin was instructed...

Obama Picks Rahm Emanuel as Chief of Staff

Obama is moving quickly to put his administration together and has given the Chief of Staff role to Rahm Emanuel, Democratic Representative from Illinois. According to the AP, "Several Democrats confirmed that Emanuel had been offered the job. While it...

The Onion Nails It...Twice

The Onion: Black Man Given Nation's Worst Job: [...] As part of his duties, the black man will have to spend four to eight years cleaning up the messes other people left behind. The job comes with such intense scrutiny...


Called, originally uploaded by gloriousnoise....


photo.jpg, originally uploaded by gloriousnoise....

November 4, 2008


IMG00315.jpg, originally uploaded by gloriousnoise. image/jpeg...


photo.jpg, originally uploaded by gloriousnoise....

Via hologram

Via hologram, originally uploaded by gloriousnoise....

McCain Concedes

It's done. John McCain has conceded and Barack Obama will be the next President of the United States....

God Bless America

Barack Obama is President of the United States. Regardless of you politics, you can be proud of your country....

Live Blogging: Early Returns

CNN calls Virginia Senate for Warner (D). Indiana is 49-50, McCain with less than 1% reporting. This will be the one to watch in the midwest. Correction: 2% in and McCain leads in Virginia 55%-44% 6:25pm CST Indiana: 12% in:...

Conservative Concern (Or Not...): What Some on the Right are Saying Today

Conservative Arizona activist Paul "I have never been wrong about an election call even when I was called crazy." Marston is predicting a McCain landslide (McCain – 310 / Obama - 228). Ross Douthat, writing at The Atlantic, lamented, "...as...

One Voice Can Change the World

Obama tells a story about the early days of the campaign and how one voice fired him, and a room of supporters, up. Obama: Fired Up and Ready to Go Are you fired up? Are you ready to go????...


Voting, originally uploaded by gloriousnoise. Wouldn't they make a great looking First Couple? Via Chicagoist....

Sullivan: The Ground Game

We posted some reports last week about the amount of coordination and professionalism the Obama campaign is bringing to this election as it relates to the ground game. Andrew Sullivan has more. From New Hampshire: This morning I awoke to...

Dean: Arizona is Within Reach

Pointing to John McCain's home state as justification for the expensive, and sometimes derided 50-state strategy he implemented four years ago, DNC Chairman Howard Dean says Arizona is within reach. "The polls showed us down two here in Arizona. That's...

MSNBC's Live Results Widget

Posting a nifty widget here that will track results live throughout the night. We'll also have commentary all night long....

Roves Predicts a Landslide...for Obama

Karl Rove has already called the election and predicts a landslide for Obama: Karl Rove, the man widely credited with engineering President Bush's two successful White House bids, is predicting the Illinois senator will take the White House in an...

Coverage Tonight

We'll be live blogging from POLJUNK HQ tonight and we have men on the ground at the Obama rally in Grant Park. Check in throughout the day for real-time reporting on tonight's historical event! Don't forget to follow us on...

Woo Woo for Obama

Ronnie "Woo Woo" Wickers is tired of losing. The unofficial mascot of our Chicago Cubs is feeling like a winner today. Here he is in front of Obama HQ on Michigan Avenue in Chicago. POLJUNK asked him how he felt....

November 3, 2008

First Results In

Dixville Notch, a village in New Hampshire's northeast corner, is the first in the country to vote. Every year since 1960, the tiny town has been casting their votes at midnight on election day and reports the results as soon...

Not Just Another Pretty face

Josh Marshall sees holes in the idea that post-election will be Sarah Palin's time to shine. A lot of people are floating the idea that she will be the new face of the Republican party, which I can only hope...

Obama's Grandmother Dies

Just one day before her grandson might be elected the President of the United States, Barack Obama's grandmother has died of cancer. "She was the cornerstone of our family, and a woman of extraordinary accomplishment, strength, and humility," said a...

Hour-by-hour guide to election night

Nate Silver, the guy who runs my favorite poll aggregator/electoral projector, Five Thirty Eight, has written an hour-by-hour guide to election night for Newsweek. 6 PM EST. Polls close in portions of Indiana and Kentucky: If for some reason [Indiana]...


Tomorrow is America's day of reckoning. After eight long years of Bush failures and congressional GOP assistance, now is the time to make a correction and to make a statement. What will you tell your grandkids you did this year?...


That's as in "What Would William F. Buckley Do"? The God(father) of the modern conservative movement may have crossed over this past year, but in some ways he is still vital. A critic of the Bush Iraq policy, he still...

November 1, 2008

Caribou Barbie 2012! (?)

It looks as if Caribou Barbie's candidacy for the Republican nomination in 2012 is more than mere conjecture. As CNN recently reported, Caribou Barbie has already begun to openly talk about a 2012 presidential run. CNN reported that when ABC's...

Fear and Loathing in Central Pennsylvania

Salon.com offered up this Postcard From Pennsylvania today. McCain/Caribou Barbie supporters tell us how they really feel bout Barack Obama. Watch it:...

Handy Map of Poll Closing Times

Swing State Project: Poll Closing Times & Key Races. Keep this handy on election night, so you don't get drunk too early......

All Politics is Local

I live two blocks from the Governor of Illinois, Rod Blogojevich, and he was out doing what politicians do: glad handing and holding babies. Here's my wife, my boy, and me with Blogo....
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