Cross-post with Glorious Noise: Matt Taibbi is named Upright Standing Man of the Year. This is our annual award to just plain good guys. Taibbi has been a Godsend to me. I read his latest book on my cross-country drive...
Newsweek put four design firms to the ultimate test: Rebrand the GOP. Of course, rebranding requires a lot more than a logo redesign, and iPhone app, and some good copy, but the results aren't bad. But what's that they say...
John Bolton has a one-track mind: Bomb Iran. The guy can link anything to the need to bomb Iran and bomb the shit out them. Yesterday on Hannity & Colmes Bolton claimed that the current crisis in Gaza was just...
Talking Points Memo has a list of some more prominent Republicans lining up to defend Chip Saltsman, the former Tennessee GOP chairman and candidate for RNC chair who sent out a CD to committee members that includes a parody song...
Reuters, by way of People magazine, is reporting that Bristol Palin has given birth to a boy in Anchorage, Alaska. The 7 lb 4 oz (3.3 kilogram) baby was born on Sunday in Palmer, Alaska, and is named Tripp Easton...
The Hill reported on Friday that a candidate for the Republican National Committee chairmanship, Chip Saltsman, sent a Christmas greeting to committee members that included a CD by the Rush Limbaugh Show's Paul Shanklin. Among the song titles on the...
(Huh?) Christian conservative televangelist Pat Robertson told CNN's Suzanne Malveaux, "I am remarkably pleased with Obama. I had grave misgivings about him. But so help me, he's come in forcefully, intelligently. He's picked a middle of the road cabinet. And...
Think Progress (TP) reported today that Right-wing talk radio personalities are preparing to attack President Obama at every opportunity. Bloated drug addict Rush Limbaugh is already promoting the laughable theory that the current economic crisis is the work of the...
My favorite ringer for Marilyn Manson, Ann Coulter, writing at, has bestowed the site's "prestigious" Conservative of the Year award on none other than Governor Sarah Palin. What qualified Palin for such an honor? According to Coulter, Palin's conservative...
Obama has some refreshing ideas regarding the role of science in 21st Century America. It sound like he's ready to put the intellectual morass of the Bush years behind us. (H/T Daily Kos) Quoth Obama: "It is time, once again,...
CNN and almost every other news outlet today reported that Sherry Johnston, mother of Levi Johnston of Bristol Palin baby-daddy fame, was arrested on drug charges by the Alaska State Police. To be precise, CNN reported that Ms. Johnston was,...
Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich addressing reporters today (emphasis added): "I will fight, I will fight, I will fight until I take my last breath. I have done nothing wrong," Blagojevich said in a brief news conference in Chicago. "I am...
President-elect Barack Obama ruffled feathers within the gay/lesbian community and within the larger Left community when he announced that Reverend Rick Warren would deliver the invocation at Obama's swearing-in ceremony. "Your invitation to Reverend Rick Warren to deliver the invocation...
A Pew survey released this week shows President Bush with the lowest positive rating of any outgoing president. According to the poll, "just 11% said Bush will be remembered as an outstanding or above average president." Ouch. Adding insult to...
Quote of the day: Well, I have obviously made a decision to make sure the economy doesn't collapse. I've abandoned free market principles to save the free market system. I think when people review what's taken place in the last...
In the "Endorsements You Don't Really Want" file, we have two this week. First, President Bush endorses Jeb Bush for the US Senate saying his little brother would be "an awesome senator" to replace the retiring Mel Martinez in Florida....
I have a pet theory that at least part of the reason why Senate Republicans thwarted a deal, supported by Democrats and President Bush, that would have provided a $15 billion loan to General Motors and Chrysler is because, as...
(Via Think Progress) It looks like I'm not the only one who noticed that the Republican Party is on its way to becoming a party of and for rural (southern) white people. Former Secretary of State General Colin Powell voiced...
A fascinating, if overly hard boiled, story about the guy behind the buy behind Barack Obama. Illinois state Sen. James DeLeo has long-standing ties to Rahm Emanuel and Chicago Tribune reporter John Kass is asking questions that are sure to...
John Kass addresses Blago's sanity for the Chicago Tribune: Again, is Blago some blithering maniac ready for a padded cell? Of course not. But one thing is clear: The pundits who make such diagnoses have never talked to a Chicago...
God, I love court room sketches......
I enjoy dropping the F bomb as much as anybody, so I'm not really casting stones. But I think the predominance of profanity in the criminal complaint (PDF) is pretty fucking hilarious. I found 18 examples of the F word....
Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was arrested this morning in Chicago for attempting to sell the Senate seat recently vacated by Barack Obama. Blogojevich is apparently heard on tape discussing how valuable the appointment is and that "you don't just give...
Kathleen Parker writes a piece for the National Review called Them Oogedy-Boogedy Blues, and claims that "it isn't so much God causing the GOP problems; it's his fan club." As long as the religious right is seen as controlling the...
In what's been called George W. Bush's first exit interview, the outgoing President continues a lie that he first unveiled several months after launching the Iraq War, justifying the invasion by claiming that Saddam Hussein didn't let the U.N. inspectors...
Many would argue that the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency marked a milestone in America's race relations. For some, it might not be the milestone that you think. For the likes of white supremacist David Duke, Obama's election...
The Los Angeles Times has reported that the Bush Administration seeks to implement a "right of conscience" rule that would allow healthcare professionals to refuse to perform any procedures that they find morally objectionable. Think of it as a conscientious...
Love her or hate her, it looks like Hillary Clinton will be Secretary of State in the Obama Administration. Hillary isn't one of my favorite political figures and her campaign for the Democratic Presidential nomination at times bordered on the...
In an interview with Newsmax, Jeb Bush pretty much recommends treason: Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush tells Newsmax that the GOP must broaden its appeal to avoid becoming "the old white-guy party," and recommends that Republicans create a "shadow government"...