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March 30, 2009

Andrew Breitbart's War Against Comments

Andrew Breitbart made his name as an "editor" for the Drudge Report, arguably one of the most influential and widely read blogs out there. It's penchant for overblown headlines and rumor mongering is part of what makes it so fun...

March 27, 2009

Guns or Butter

We've all heard the conservative revisionism of the Great Depression's cause and ultimate cure. Contrary to historical fact and data, the popular talking point is that the New Deal actually extended the depression, while the data shows that it was...

March 26, 2009

Obama the Great

If you're watching the news theses days you're probably sick of at least two things: the octuplets mom saga and the debate around deficit spending. The former is annoying and basically nobody's business but hers and her family's. The latter...

March 24, 2009

Taibbi Talks Turkey

I am not that bright. I have strong opinions and some people like the way I put them in writing, but I am not burning up the joint with my scary understanding of complex matters, especially those concerned with...

Rush Limpaugh: Barack Obama = Robert Mugabe

(via MediaMatters.org) Rush Limpaugh, de-facto leader of the remains of the Republican Party, tried to kill two birds with one stone on Tuesday by conveniently "confusing" President Barack Obama with Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe while peddling the tired Right-wing fantasy that...

March 23, 2009

Bad Paintings of Obama

Barack Obama's campaign inspired millions. Shepard Fairey's iconic rendering of Obama seems to have also moved other would-be artists to take brush in hand. Check out this gallery of...um...art. Bad Paintings of Barack Obama. My favorite: Maybe we wish now...

Change You Can Believe In...Or Not

I have friends who simply don't see that much "change" coming from the Obama administration. They point to the President's recent decisions regarding Afghanistan or those relating to transparency in government as just "more of the same." While I'm...

March 22, 2009


Perhaps this was inevitable, but you can sleep easier tonight knowing that America's 44th President has been enshrined in the form of a limited-edition Chia-Pet. In fact, the manufacturer is offering two ChiObamas - Determined Obama and Happy Obama. Freedom...

March 20, 2009

Mind Like a Steele Trap

This is what I'm talking about: I just received a fundrasing email from Michael Steele's RNC with the following unedited message: So our tax dollars are going to pay AIG executives millions in bonuses! Just another day of good news...

Special Olympian to President: Bring it on!

The President marred an otherwise pretty interesting appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno when he fumbled an attempt at self-deprecating humor by comparing his miserable bowling skills to being on par with what you'd find in the Special...

March 18, 2009

Where Does the Buck Start?

There's no question the Democrats, and the Obama administration in particular, fumbled this whole AIG bonus deal. The President has acknowledged as much. But they didn't screw up in the way Republicans today say they did. If anything Obama messed...

March 17, 2009

Too Crazy for Words: Bill O'Reilly's Sex Talk

This is just too crazy to fully explain with text. The Village Voice's Alan Scherstuhl edited the "sexiest" parts of Bill O'Reilly's awful novels and posted the best bits online. You simply have to hear this. "Off With Those Pants":...

March 12, 2009

Making the Case for Rush

Ramesh Ponnuru tries valiantly to make the case in an op-ed "Why Rush Limbaugh is Good for the Republicans" and basically comes to the conclusion that it's better to feed the monster than to destroy it. (Emphasis added--ed.) Talk radio...

March 11, 2009

Bristol Palin and Fiance Break Up

That's right, fellas. She's single....

The Limbaugh Strategy Seems to be Working

Want to know why Democrats picked a fight with Rush Limbaugh? Just look at the polling: A new Democratic poll suggests that conservative talk radio show host Rush Limbaugh is an anchor around the ankles of the national Republican Party,...

Dems Roll Out Earmark Reform

Earmarks, as a practice, are not evil. They allow members of congress to direct federal funds to where they think those funds can have the best outcome. On its face, that's what they SHOULD be doing. But that's not how...

March 10, 2009

Stocks Surge, Drudge Ignores

Somehow I knew this would not be a headline on the Drudge Report today: Stocks shoot higher on Citigroup profit news For those who are not daily Drudge readers, he's had a habit of late of running headlines of plunging...

Crybaby Cramer

Jim Cramer is awfully sensitive, and get a load of Joe Scarborough criticizing the Daily Show. Jon Stewart is maybe the last "comedian" on TV you want to pick a fight with right now. Jim Cramer Responds to Jon Stewart...

March 9, 2009

GOP: Our Earmarks Aren't Pork

Republicans Lindsey Graham, Jon Kyl, and David Vitter have a message to their colleagues considering the $410 billion omnibus spending bill: your earmarks are "bloat" while ours are "priorities." Each has come out against the spending bill, attacking it in...

Photos: Bowling at the White House

Bowling at the White House - a set on Flickr Cool!...

GOP: We're Outta Ideas But Yours Suck

Politics is a messaging game. It's all about communicating your ideas to the people and then promoting your successes so they keep you in office. What to do then if you are flat out of ideas and largely out of...

March 4, 2009

Watching Steele Vanish

It's become a bit of an online parlor game to predict when RNC chairman Michael Steele will step down to "pursue other interests" or "spend time with family" or "return to the private sector" or whatever excuse he'll give for...

A Party of Three or Four

Brilliant analysis, as usual, on the Limbaugh dust-up from FiveThirtyEight. Money quotes: Don't kid yourself. While L'Affaire Limbaugh is incredibly entertaining political theater – among others, it dominated Matthews, Cooper, Olbermann, Maddow and Jon Stewart last night – the tactic...

March 3, 2009

Filibuster: For It Before Being Against It Before Being For It

Let's remember this if and when Republicans decide to filibuster President Obama's judicial picks (emphasis added--ed.): Focusing on President Clinton's judicial nominations in 1999, I described what has been the Senate's historical standard for judicial nominations: "Let's make our case...

March 2, 2009

White House Takes It to Limbaugh

More of my current obsession...The White House takes the right tack on this whole GOP-Limbaugh dustup, which is to keep it in the news. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs is now calling Rush Limbaugh out by name from the...

Rushing to Obscurity

I am quite frankly amazed and obviously fascinated by the current state of the GOP and conservatism in America. It was just a matter of months ago that Democrats took a decisive win in the White House and increased majorities...
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