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May 31, 2009

Un-Ringing the Sotomayor Bell

Headline on Yahoo News this evening: GOP senators tone down racially charged criticism of Sotomayor That the AP is even reporting on the racial overtones of the GOP's criticisms and attacks means the story is THEM, not HER. #GOPfail...

May 30, 2009

Economic Analysis: Sell-By

As the daily newspaper collapses under the lightness of its advertising load, there is one type of advertiser that has become conspicuous by its presence: The full-page advertiser that offers to buy your bangles, bobbles and beads—assuming that they're gold...

May 29, 2009

Young Conservatives Rap

Andy Samberg better watch his back, yo. Via Talking Points Memo...

May 27, 2009

El Rushbo: Republicans are a Repressed Minority

(via Media Matters) Rush Limpaugh derides the Republican Party because he thinks that they just humbly accept their imagined second-class status and he compares them to black people who were forced to ride in the backs of buses. He declares...

The Brilliance of Obama's SCOTUS Pick

Some people are baffled by President Obama's pick of Judge Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court of the United States. She doesn't have a record to judge! She's not the liberal counter balance to Roberts and Alito! She's...well, we just...

May 21, 2009

Obama V. Cheney: Give this one to the Golden Boy

I love today's Obama/Cheney head-to-head on torture for a variety of reasons, but mostly for these two: As a patriot I love that we actually have these kinds of public, open debates about matters that speak to the very...

May 20, 2009

Jesse Ventura Takes Sean Hannity to School

While nothing particularly newsworthy (this is FOX News, after all...) was divulged in this exchange between former Minnesota Governor and professional wrestler Jesse Ventura and FOX New's Sean Hannity, it was fun to watch Hannity get his ass handed to...

May 16, 2009

Texas's Perry Talks Secession. Again.

Texas's Republican Governor Rick Perry has repeatedly raised the idea of Texas seceding from the United States because, apparently, he and his Texas Republican brethren don't like it when Washington, D.C. tells them what to do. (No word, of course,...

May 15, 2009


The Republicans have created a new ad attacking President Obama for his spending practices. They attack the stimulus bill and the recent infamous and expensive (over $300,000!) debacle that was the photo shoot of one of the presidential 747's (I...

May 13, 2009

Obama Mimics Bush on Detainee Abuse Photos

It's always disappointing to see someone you like do something you don't like. As much as I like President Obama, I voted for him knowing full well that he would occasionally disappoint. CNN reported today that Obama requested that government...

May 11, 2009

Obama Yucks It Up

Obama gets in a couple of pretty good bits at the White House Correspondents' Association dinner: "I believe my next hundred days will be so successful that I will be able to complete them in 72 days," he said to...

May 6, 2009

Somalia - New Republican Vacation Land?

With a wave of desire to secede from the United States sweeping through the ranks of the Republican Party, perhaps it is time for them to heed the time-honored maxim, "America, love it or leave it." But, if they left,...

May 5, 2009

The Republican Clown Corps

I have a friend who tells this hilarious story of when he was a kid a mentally challenged neighbor asked him if he'd like to join his Clown Corps. At 12 all my friend could imagine was the ridicule...
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