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September 29, 2009

Generals: Time to zip it up, Dick

Retired Brig. Gen. James Cullen, a former chief judge of the Army's Court of Criminal Appeals: It's up to all of us to say these arguments advanced by Cheney and his acolytes are nonsense and that really what they're doing...

Al Franken + Fourth Amendment vs. Patriot Act

This is awesome. The Washington Independent » Al Franken Reads the 4th Amendment to Justice Department Official: Franken, who opened by acknowledging that unlike most of his colleagues in the Senate, he's not a lawyer, but according to his research...

September 28, 2009


Nobody can say he's inconsistent. Barack Obama's amazingly consistent smile from Eric Spiegelman on Vimeo. Via Andrew Sullivan...

Facebook headcase asks: Should Obama be killed?

Right now, there's apparently a poll floating around Facebook that asks "Should Obama be killed?" Potential responses include Yes, Maybe, No, and my favorite, "If he cuts my healthcare." I can only imagine the high quality American citizen who posted...

September 26, 2009

Feds cracking down on wealthy tax evaders

The feel good story of the week: In August, UBS AG agreed to disclose the names of 4,450 American holders of secret accounts at the bank, ending a related lawsuit that has begun to show cracks in Switzerland's prized banking...

September 24, 2009

Hitler Hates Rumors

Hitler finds out about the Glenn Beck 1990 Rumors Via the Glenn Beck 1990 Project...

Who Invited Elvis?

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Russian President Dmitriy Medvedev, President Obama, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, Qaddafi and Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos on the last working day of the G8 Summit in L'Aquila,...

John Batchelor Gives Rahm an F

I am confused by a recent post by John Batchelor on The Daily Beast. Batchelor derides White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel for describing the President's very vocal detractors as descendants of Father Coughlin, John Birch Society members, and...

September 23, 2009

One More Reason to Hate Aerosmith

"I had a great meeting with Joe Perry and his wife Billie - and will never forget their support during the campaign! " Via TwitPic...

Will Farrell: Who Is Standing Up For the Real Health Care Victims?

In case you don't have a Facebook account, here's the video everyone's sharing. Protect Insurance Companies PSA from Will Ferrell...

Lonely Voices Lost in the Woods: Conservative in America

We wouldn't normally re-post something verbatim from another site but I simply have to share this sane, reasonable conservative argument posted on Andrew Sullivan's blog: "We are not moving from pure capitalism to pure socialism, we are moving from an...

September 22, 2009

Top Dem Money Man Indicted

Politics and money are both dirty business and when you look to high finance and high office, it gets mighty messy mighty quick. Enter: Hassan Nemazee, one of the biggest Democratic fundraisers in modern times. You may not know his...

September 21, 2009

Glenn Beck Happy There's no President McCain

From the Even a Stopped Clock is Right Twice a Day files... Glenn Beck and I actually agree on something! Apparently, we both feel that a President McCain would have been worse for America than either a (second) President Clinton...

September 20, 2009

Got Some Pimples? No Insurance for You!

THIS is why we need healthcare reform (among other things...): According to an article by David S. Hilzenrath in yesterday's Washington Post, health insurance companies have sought to deny coverage to people for a host of reasons. Health insurers have...

September 18, 2009

Thank God for Glenn Beck!

That, and other sentiments were on proud display at last Saturday's teabagger protest in Washington, DC. Watch as 1.7 million (???) of the modern conservative movement's most fervent explain what, exactly, it is that they are so upset about. (Or,...

September 8, 2009

Obama Channeling Ali?

One of Andrew Sullivan's readers ponders an interesting point I've been struggling with: There's another point that ought to be made about this craziness. There have always been a lot of people with crazy political opinions in our country. It's...

September 6, 2009

Al Franken Holds Court

In a horrific display of civility in the healthcare debate, Senatorial newbie Al Franken holds court with some constituents (including an obvious tea-bagger). The clip is a bit long, but hey, it's like a big issue or something... (via Wonkette)...

September 4, 2009

Personal Responsibility is SO Socialist

President Obama is planning to address America's schoolchildren next week in a speech that will stress the importance of setting educational goals and assuming personal responsibility for taking steps to achieve those goals. That sounds fairly inoccuous to me, but...

September 3, 2009

Autotune the News #8 - Dragons, Geese and Michael Vick

Oh HELL yes: Auto-Tune the News #8: dragons. geese. Michael Vick. (ft. T-Pain)...

September 1, 2009

Using SEO For Fun and Political Smears

The birther movement confounds me. Not that there are people out there dopey enough to believe and support the idea that the President of the United States is a foreign born agent who has usurped the Constitution and duped...
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