Andrew Sullivan is having a field day with the various fact checking issues in Sarah Palin's book. My recent favorite is this gem found by the Huffington Post: Perhaps the most embarrassing gaffe so far is her mis-attributed quote to...
In case you missed it, here's a clip of a bunch of teabaggers at a townhall meeting here in Illinois the other day. They stopped screaming, "USA, USA, USA," long enough to allow a woman to begin to tell a...
I can't help but quote him these days because he's the only sane person on the Conservative side I can find. Andrew Sullivan takes on the RNC's dopey Ten Commandments for being a Reagan Republican...or whatever. He takes on each...
"It's hard to be more conservative than I am on issues -- though there are different ways stylistically to communicate that -- I'm pro-life, I'm pro-gun, I'm pro-family, and I''m anti tax." ... "I don't know what else you're supposed...
Nate Silver nails it: To channel my Inner Krugman: it's a political imperative for the Democrats of the highest order to get some sort of jobs bill to Obama's desk -- the sooner and the bigger the better. Suppose...
Two things of particular interest in this interactive presidential approval tracker: 1) The two Bush's have eerily similar approval trends that both peak at tragic times (in the days following the launch of Desert Storm for 41 and the days...
My fears that she's an actual political threat allayed (for now), I can watch the Sarah Palin Show for pure entertainment value. This week, Sarah gets booed and heckled by a crowd who waited in line to have their copies...
I think it's obvious that I am not a conservative, but I do certainly value a reasoned and rational conservative argument if for no other reason than to keep challenging my own thought process. I also absolutely believe in...
In an update to a previous story, the owner of has won a lawsuit filed by Beck in--get this--international court. The site's owner, Isaac Eiland-Hall, a 34-year-old computer-science student in Panama City, Florida, was surprised that he was being...
For decades, since Richard Nixon declared war on reporters, we've been hearing from the right that liberal bias in the media was not only a dishonest ruse pulled over on the American public but an irresponsible dereliction of duty. "How...
The tone of national politics of late has even me a bit weary and looking for breaks, but I am antsy to get a hold of Obama campaign manager David Plouffe's new book, The Audacity to Win. The strategizing and...
From the "sometimes somebody else expresses my sentiments better than I can" files, the always interesting Paul Krugman, writing in Monday's New York Times, took a look at the role of Right-wing paranoia in today's Republican Party. Krugman noted that...
Well, duh! More to the point, an article posted at Cato-at-Liberty informs us that, "Cato Adjunct Scholar Aaron Yelowitz concludes that the cost of President Obama's health care plan would fall inordinately upon younger Americans, meaning they are in essence...
This about sums it up, doesn't it?...
As I write this, it looks like the Republicans stand to pick up a couple of governorships and a few congressional seats in the wake of elections held in some corners of America. CNN has a nice breakdown of the...