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March 25, 2010

A Message from the President of the United States

Wow, it's a wild time in American politics. What with health care reform on the brink of disaster only to be saved at the last minute by some negotiations and cajoling (this is when having "Chicago machine pols" in the...

March 22, 2010

Shame on the Democrats Who Voted Against Healthcare Reform

FINAL VOTE RESULTS FOR ROLL CALL 165 Remember these names come primary season, and vote them out: • John Adler (NJ) • Jason Altmire (PA) • Michael Arcuri (NY) • John Barrow (GA) • Marion Berry (AR) • Dan Boren...

March 20, 2010

Oh, Boy, Those Teabaggers are Really Really Angry!

It looks like this weekend will be one of monumental historical importance, whether sweeping changes to American healthcare are signed into law or not. If not, then this weekend will be a major victory for those who think nothing is...

March 12, 2010

Fanning the Flames: Is Extremist Politics Destroying America?

ReasonTV recently interviewed John Avlon who is promoting his new book entitled, "Wingnuts, How The Lunatic Fringe is Hijacking America." In the interview, Avlon does a nice job of identifying an underlying problem in modern American politics by pointing out...

March 10, 2010

The Campaigner

Let's face it, it's been a tough year or so for the President. He came in riding a wave of popularity and super majorities in both houses of Congress. On paper, he should have been unstoppable. But that's not how...
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