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April 26, 2010

NSA Jim Jones and the Joke Heard 'Round the World

This is the joke that has people up in arms? Really? Reallly...this is the offensive joke? Wow....

April 22, 2010

Update: Chickens for Checkups

In case you missed it, the latest suggestion for an alternative to Obamacare, or, perhaps, any kind of care at all, was put forth by Nevada Republican Senate hopeful Sue Lowden. She suggested that people revert to the time-honored barter...

Sullivan: How Much Change Do You Expect?

We're an impatient nation. We want what we want when we want it. When someone promises us something we not only expect delivery, we expect immediate delivery and immediate, positive results. It's often childish and unrealistic, but it is...

April 21, 2010

With Candidates Like These...

For worse or for worse, there are currently only two viable national political parties in the United States. One has tried to build a big enough tent to be attractive to Americans of every stripe, with the inevitable result that,...

April 19, 2010

With friends like these...Perry on George W. Bush

Somebody from the Bush camp should put a cork in Rick Perry's mouth. The current Texas Governor (and rumored GOP presidential contender) tries to go to bat for his pal and Gubernatorial soul brother George W. Bush and instead asks...

April 17, 2010

Every State in the Union is Drinkin' the Tea!

My tax bill this year was noticeably lower than it was last year or the year before. So, tax returns having been due last week and all, I figure I'll celebrate by sharing this video from people who apparently hold...

April 12, 2010

Tina Fey Returns in the Sarah Palin Network

Tina Fey hosted Saturday Night Live this weekend and reprised her role as the half-term Governor in The Sarah Palin Network. Set yer TiVos, and such....

April 5, 2010

Sullivan: Stop Being Babies

Andrew Sullivan cuts to the quick regarding deficit peacocks and the reality of our voting populace at the end of this video piece. The real reason the GOP rails against social programs is because once enacted, people like them. What...
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