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June 16, 2010

Bill O. Takes Palin to Task

Believe it or not, this is the toughest interview Sarah Palin has faced in I don't know how long. And it's on her home turf at Fox News with Bill O'Reilly. See if YOU can figure out what the hell...

June 14, 2010

Gather Your Armies! (To Fight... ummm... Something!)

There's a fight a-brewin' way down yonder in dixie. It appears that the Tea Party (a.k.a. Teabagger) candidate Rick Barber has forced a runoff election between himself and Republican "establishment" candidate Martha Roby in Alabama's 2nd District Republican primary, despite...

June 12, 2010

Introducing... "Anchor Babies"

I learned a new term today; "Anchor Babies." No, not children born on ships at anchor in harbors. Apparently, Anchor Babies is becoming the term of choice in Arizona, and perhaps a few other places, to describe children born in...

June 4, 2010

Seriously, What the Hell is Going on in Arizona?

I don't really have anything to add. As in, "There are no words..." From the Arizona Republic: A group of artists has been asked to lighten the faces of children depicted in a giant public mural at a Prescott school....

Quote of the Day: Steve Benen re: Macca vs. Bush

If you haven't heard, conservatives are mad at a Beatle again. Decades after John Lennon caused a stir over his quip that The Beatles were "bigger than Jesus," culture warriors are mad at a Fab again. This time though...
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