In case you missed it, Fox News clown Glenn Beck held a rally in Washington DC on Saturday. Apparently, the purpose of the rally was to Restore Honor to an America that Beck believes has lost its way. Most estimates...
Allen West, Tea Party candidate for a Florida House seat, on the freedom of religion enshrined in our Constitution (and that most un-American bumper-sticker that says "COEXIST" using various symbols of various religions): Via Think Progress: Apparently, we must defend...
Not only are America's poor people poor by choice, but they're filthy, too! And Carl Paladino, a Republican hopeful vying for New York's governorship, thinks he has just the answer. According to a recent Associated Press article, Paladino said, "Instead...
So, I'm waking up slowly on a Saturday, sipping coffee and noodling around on the Tubes of the Internets. TV is on, tuned to ESPN. The top of the hour rolls by and ESPN begins coverage of a NASCAR race...
This guy clearly has a bright future at Fox News. It's hard to prove that Media Matters is funded by George Soros when it isn't. Step 1) "Ambush" the subject and ask a question that has no basis in reality....
So, what happens when the Republican Party becomes too bat-shit insane for... Republicans? Representative Bob Inglis (R-SC) recently found out after losing his primary battle to a Tea Party-backed candidate; apparently they throw you out of office for not being...
Caribou Barbie (a.k.a. Sarah Palin) has taken issue with the Obama Administration's position that the tax cuts for America's wealthiest citizens enacted during George W. Bush's Residency should be allowed to expire. She seems to think that there is a...