We're doing a two-fer today because this ad is just hilarious. Bill Brady is battling it out with Pat Quinn for the Governor's seat in Illinois. If you haven't been paying attention, running as a Dem for the Governor of...
Sharron Angle has already taken some heat for ads depicting nefarious looking brown men sneaking along what is presumably a border fence. Seems like she's decided she can take the heat though because her new ad is even more brazen....
Democrat Jack Conway takes a page from ultimate GOP dirty trickster Lee Atwater to slam Rand Paul on cultural issues. In an almost comically over-the-top ad out this week, Conway dings Paul on the latter's decidedly Libertarian views on religion...
It is not uncommon to hear modern conservatives call for the elimination of the federal Department of Education. They view it as something between a waste of taxpayer money and in infringement upon states and/or local populations who they feel...
The video speaks for itself. Joe Manchin Campaign Ad - Endorsed by the NRA...
The other day, I quipped that the Republicans were running an Axis of Insanity for Congress this year. What I didn't know is that in addition to the likes of Christine O'Donnel, Joe Miller, and Sharron Angle, the Republicans are...
From Christine "I am not a witch" O'Donnel in Delaware to Joe "The Minimum Wage is Unconstitutional" Miller in Alaska via Sharon (oh, hell, just pick one of these gems) Angle in Nevada, one can pretty much draw an axis...
I can't begin to describe how awesome it is to see an ad start with the words, "I am not a witch." Have we forgotten the lessons of LBJ's Pig Fucker Strategy?...
There's a reason why citizens pool their tax dollars to collectively support certain essential services. It is because some things are inherently costly and not prone to short-term profits, but are still necessary to support a safe and stable community...
I got to talking with a co-worker the other day and our discussion turned toward politics and the ever-rightward drift of the Republican Party. We both noted that the Republican Party in its current state is virtually unrecognizable compared to...