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Onion: Al Gore's Documentary Too Realistic

Critics Blast Al Gore's Documentary As 'Realistic'

NEW YORK - The Al Gore-produced global-warming documentary An Inconvenient Truth is being panned by critics nationwide who claim the 90-plus minute environmental film is "too disturbingly realistic and well-researched to enjoy." "I found it difficult to suspend my disbelief in man-made climate change for the first half-hour - and utterly impossible after that - which makes for a movie-going experience that's far more educational than it is enjoyable," said New York Post film critic Skip Hack. "Gore's film overwhelms viewers with staggering amounts of scientific information until nothing about global warming is left to the imagination, and that's just not good entertainment. Two stars." Some critics have called the film's claims that sea levels could rise 20 feet somewhat sensationalistic, although most agree that this is not enough to save the film from being unwatchably factual.

Ha. Have any of you seen this movie yet?



"Skip Hack"? I'd give the name three stars.

Global warming can't possibly be real; the Bible doesn't say anything about global warming!

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