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June 30, 2008

Romney as Veep?

This is either a weather balloon or a decoy: Romney Tops McCain's VP List Regardless of what McCain says, you aboslutely pick a running mate based on what he can bring to the campaign. No sense focusing on how he...

June 26, 2008

Yoo On Burying People Alive: No Comment

David Addington and John Yoo are testifying before the House Judiciary Committee and Chairman John Conyers (D-MI) asked Yoo whether the president could bury a detainee alive. Now, you would think that in these United States you could get a...

June 25, 2008

Law and Order

Chris Dodd gets to the heart of the matter on this whole FISA nonsense and immunity for telecoms. "Either the companies and the President acted outside of the rule of law, or they followed it," he said. "Either the underlying...

June 21, 2008

Sealing the Deal

The Obama campaign's new logo, which bears a striking resemblance to the Seal of the President of the United States, has raised the ire of many people on the right. CNN.com ran this piece describing the new logo on Friday,...

June 16, 2008

McCain Pushes Offshore Drilling

It's been said that a candidate steers hard left or right (depending on their political affiliation) in the primaries to woo the base of his party and then quickly tacks back to the center in the general election. Well, somebody...

Part of Route 20 Renamed for Russert

Longtime readers of POLJUNK might remember a curmudgeon named Mike who used to write for this site. Well, he and I had a heated argument once over Tim Russert. Mike was convinced that Russert was soft on conservatives and disproportionally...

June 13, 2008

McCain on Supremes' Habeas Corpus Decision

I hate to think this, but John McCain may be losing his mind. How else am I to take this: SEN. JOHN MCCAIN: I think maybe legislation working with the Congress, which would define more narrowly the habeas corpus rights...

And I Thought They Were Just Going to Try to Assasinate Him...

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a fair amount of white supremacists are actually hoping for an Obama presidency. Why? Because they believe that he would be so horrible a president that it would teach Americans a lesson...

June 6, 2008

Alone in the Kingdom of Fear

Nestled in the heart of the speech in which he claimed the Democratic nomination, Barack Obama made a promise to the American people that laid out the tone and tenor of his campaign against John McCain: It is a debate...

June 5, 2008

Fish in a Barrel

I hate to think that our race for the Presidency boils down to style and perceived personality. Heaven knows the "have a beer with" test has doomed us to 8 years of George W. Bush, but a politician's ability to...

Tom DeLay Seeing RED

In what must be one of the most pathetic smear attempts in years, some right wingers are actually trying to paint Barack Obama as—get this—a Marxist. On right-winger Mike Gallagher's radio show today, former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX)...

June 4, 2008

Are You Ready for November?

These folks are... One hundred percent awesome....

Introducing: The Hewitt Award

Andrew Sullivan has a growing list of awards he likes to give out. There's the Malkin Award, the Yglesias Award, and now...The Hewitt Award. As Sullivan describes it, "The Hewitt Award, named after the absurd partisan fanatic, Hugh Hewitt, is...

June 3, 2008

Better Late Than Never

Obama Nets Over A Dozen Super-Delegates So Far Today • Former President Jimmy Carter, who had dropped hints for quite a while that he was for Obama, and officially confirmed the news with the Associated Press. • South Carolina Congressman...

Obama Wins

Mega busy right now but this is too important not to post: AP tally: Obama clinches Democratic nomination WASHINGTON - Barack Obama effectively clinched the Democratic presidential nomination Tuesday after a grueling marathon, based on an Associated Press tally of...
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